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Everything posted by VladPiranha

  1. Isn't his name alone reason for reprimand?
  2. I was expecting it to be on the patio/deck area back a bit. I've gotten thrown from that one.
  3. I used to have a hotkey bound for sending Maestro all of my points. Keeping him alive is a full time job. If I bound a similar key for Peanut, it would probably get worn out from overuse. Why must Peanut be so tasty? In all seriousness, though, it's not a bad idea to have keys to dump points into the admins. They're the most experienced with the buy system, so they can help you get your points where you need them in a really big firefight.
  4. As I understand it, Realtek audio drivers will also cause problems and there isn't much you can do about that. The best you can do is hope that they aren't the source of your crashes.
  5. Is anyone else sick of laser sights? They seem to break the very thing that balances out most of the guns. Many trade power for accuracy and the laser sights completely ruin that. Not only that, but it's one of the things that makes it harder for people who aren't used to the !buy system to keep up.
  6. Yeah, Passing hates bots. There's so little you can do about it too. Unless it's a micro-game (like 3 vs 3) or have teams of ten that consist largely of veterans, I almost never see a team make it all the way to the end. It's usually a big rush to get as far as you can before you're tanked to death and that usually happens right after that choke point.
  7. Occasionally (not too often) a bot goes down in a totally safe spot, like not near a choke or anything, and then people start freaking out because I go to pick it up. that's basically feeding 15+ free points to infected Remember, though. Their indifference is a violation of rule number one. Hell, I'm usually the least eager to leave bots behind even though Rochelle bots are practically playing for the infected.
  8. I live by two golden rules and encourage all other players to do the same. They tend to clear up any ethical dilemmas. 1. You need to make a reasonable effort to save bots. 2. You can't sacrifice the safety of human players for the sake of bots. Rule number one is priority until the saving the bots will be too dangerous. If saving the bots will get people killed, then rule number two comes into effect. One scenario that's a bit controversial is the stubborn hero running back to save the bots while ignoring his teammates' pleas to leave them for the team's sake. This is one of the very few instances of leaving teammates behind that most members condone. While protecting your teammates is a primary concern, if they're blatantly violating rule number two, they're a threat to the team and can be abandoned to their fate to prevent others from suffering.
  9. I can tell you that things can be far worse. My old clan decided last spring that they wanted to do a get-together somewhere in the summer, preferably July, but were having a hard time picking a place to do it. I stepped forward and said I could host something in my area if it would work for a venue and everyone said it would be a great idea, especially the person organizing the event. I ended up renting a place and made plans for transportation for everyone. After the information was posted and we were all well past the point of no return, everyone started making excuses to duck out. The person who was supposedly organizing matters and getting things together fell of the face of the earth. A year later, he still hasn't said a word to me even though I know he's active on Steam. In the end, one person showed up and was as disappointed as I was on a personal and financial level. We both lost hundreds for being the only people who really believed in the event and held to our promises. There's a reason I stopped wearing that tag last year. My old clan can bleed out in a ditch.
  10. I agree with Sky that too much can ruin things. Even though there is a different multiplayer dynamic to the server, the roles and gameplay are still quintessential Left 4 Dead 2. You revive teammates, hold off hordes, shoot special infected and so on. It's pretty straightforward, which gives new people unfamiliar with our !buy system and hotkeys a fighting chance at contributing with whatever skills they've picked up from other game modes. Now that Valve has completely dropped server support for the game, there's probably more need than ever to make it recognizable to the average player bouncing from custom server to custom server. As much as I'd love to see really crazy menu options, I try to remind myself that, while this would be hilarious fun for veterans, it would befuddle newcomers even moreso than our server does now. Steeper learning curves would only lead to further elitism. I sometimes wonder if we've gone too far as it is.
  11. We don't have slime, but we can still puke all over someone if they say "I don't know". Classic.
  12. VladPiranha


    I'm dropping by to verify. This guy was a pain in the butt. Definitely ban worthy.
  13. With cheap fire and bile, killing a tank is easy enough to begin with. We don't need to make it even worse for the infected.
  14. The random tank thing always made victory more of a game of chance. Victory was often a matter of which team got a tank that knew what the hell he was doing. Even the most airtight choke points can be utterly wasted by a new player. I for one hope to never see that again.
  15. I will never give up my boomers. NEVER! Why the boomer hasn't been given a spinoff game, I'll never know. I'd rather have him on my side than Rochelle.
  16. There needs to be a Wizard of Oz campaign for this game, now that you mention it.
  17. Let's not forget the instant classic "Stay off the roof".
  18. If this was an all-girl band, they could call themselves the Dangerous Witches.
  19. I've seen people doing this lately. If you jump off of the proper surface onto the lockers, you'll hang there a few inches off the ground as though death were imminent. There's a good chance that they were doing it just to glitch the game and be funny rather than to hurt fairness. The night someone showed me, that was the case, so don't penalize anyone for it without certainty that it was griefing.
  20. There needs to be a fourth guy in the background looking in every single building while this happens. Only then can it truly be accurate.
  21. If you show up early in the day (8AM central) we usually bot stomp until enough people show up. That's the best practice there is.
  22. The most important thing to do is simply learn as many of the best launching spots as possible. This only comes with time, so just be creative and observant and it'll come. Difficult places to spawn are, by nature, less used and therefore less obvious. If you can master really strange launches, it gives you an edge. As the others said, trajectory determines how easy you are to shoot down. Hurtling straight at the enemy like a cannonball will give you the greatest speed and surprise unprepared teams, but the flat trajectory makes it extemely easy for pros to shoot you down. Aiming at an oncoming target offers no challenges regarding lag. You fire at the target and things work themselves out. What I find helpful is launching in a crescent shaped trajectory, basically rocketing sideways and then curving yourself around to land on your enemies. It's much harder to hit out of the air since the curve is less obvious. Leading the target with a stream of automatic fire as lag compensation is much easier to do when it moves in a straight line, but doing so as the trajectory changes is more challenging.
  23. The plug-in we use to detect AFK players has gone a little nuts. A person lying dead will be warned about their lack of motion until they're kicked. Mouse movement doesn't seem to deter the kick. Typing in chat is about the only thing that thwarts this. I can't tell you how many people I've seen thrown out of games today.
  24. TALIBANI SHREK <STEAM_1:0:39873244> I've never bothered to go to the forums for a ban before. That should illustrate exactly what a godawful human being this guy is. In spite of requests to stop, he would voice spam, rush, and use foul langauge simply to anger other people; a griefer through and through.
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