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Everything posted by MurderinClony

  1. I don't think Jerky is of American origin? If so, his "English typing" might not be good if he is stressed out?
  2. is that even possible? I wouldn't doubt it can be possible but it would involve spawning the same zombie over and over since the only fireproof zombies are those hazmat zombies, which instead of just using the console command z_spawn mob, would probably have to do something else
  3. I like Jackie's Idea. Limit the fireworks to maybe 4 or 5, and then the survivors can buy 2 extra firework crates say for 10 extra points up to 3 or 4 increases, maybe a max of 10-12 fireworks per round? Kinda like the infected max limits
  4. I outta slug you for that ludicrous comment about the hunter. =D
  5. Is that what you really think Jerky? Or are you being a bit facetious?
  6. The amount of points you get per pounce is PounceDamage/2. So if you get a 25 damage pounce, you get 12.5 buy points and then whatever extra points you can scoop up from dealing actual damage to the survivors. But recently, things have been altered as Static said and now you can only get a max of 6.2 buy points on a downed survivor, that is (PounceDamage/2)/2. Standing survivors still yield a 12.5 gain. Not only this but when I say 25 Damage Pounce, I mean that as soon as the hunter touches the survivor, and begins his attack, 25 points of damage is done to the survivor, instantly. That's a lot of damage considering the survivors only have 100 health each, and they lose 1/4th of it on contact, let alone any more damage they sustain from his normal attack. To get a 25 point pounce, like my video shows you have to be rather far from the survivors, and this is the max you get, any distance over a minimum 25 will still give only 25 damage. And you can get a low of 1 damage pounce, if you are point blank to the survivor and jump them. The further the distance the more damage, up to 25, and points, up to 12.5, that you can get.
  7. Here swat, I think this covers the basics no?
  8. Sometimes, there are points in a map where there are several people who have tanks and tanks begin to get backed up into queue. I sometimes myself, being in the queue, more often than naught, feel like I could have contributed better to the team than to have bought a tank and wait for the queue. Although tanks are indeed a game changer, I was wondering if you have placed a tank into the queue that you could get your 50 points back and drop out of the queue, kind of like selling your tank before actually using it, or maybe where the buy tank option is, change to something like "De-queue Tank (refund 50 points)." Not sure if it would be possible to tell who has bought a tank and is in queue instead of someone who is actually a tank, although I won't doubt the power of coding because it can do some cool things. Just a suggestion, because sometimes I buy a tank, go into queue and other people are like, we need the tank limit increased. I'm like, dang I could have helped there instead of being the 2nd or 3rd tank in queue.
  9. Gary, you may have been playing 2+ years on the server but I always notice you seem to quit often before the finale, so is your argument even valid here? But the topic has been answered so my argument down here isn't valid either.
  10. Im sure you can check from GC stats, but how does that have relevance to this?
  11. THIS IS NOT ABOUT !VOTEKICK. DO NOT MAKE IT SO! ARGUE ELSEWHERE! This is about the votes that admins call near end of rounds and such. In particular this is about the "skip" vote that they can call. Some times when a game is winnable, even if the winning team makes it , but do not get the max points, leaving a chance for the infected to pull it back, many people want to skip. Now I know this may sound a bit odd but bare with me The survivors have a chance at losing yet someone on the other team throws up the idea of a skip and so the admin throws out the skip vote. The survivors have a chance at losing so I wouldn't doubt that a good majority of the survivors will vote yes to skip to avoid possibly losing. In worst case scenarios that is 10 out of 20 votes. That is but 1 measly vote from a majority. What if the whole infected team wanted to actually play and have a chance at winning, but one infected did not want to try for some various reason like, too long a finale, or they don't like the finale, etc... That one infected hits yes and boom the vote is through with 90% of the infected team wanting to play it out. I honestly believe something like a skip ought to be a majority for both teams vote like the valve vote for sv_alltalk is. Anyone else think this might be good?
  12. I don't mind the idea of diminishing hunter points over a time period nor the idea of removing some points from pouncing a downed survivor. But I can tell you something about this right now: regardless of how "nerfed" the hunter gets in the game in amount of points wise, I will still play him, with 100% confidence.
  13. Not necessarily. Depending on the location and current situation, a charger can gain MORE than a hunter if he charges right. Also note, the charger requires a minimum amount of skills, only patience.
  14. Shall I tell you why? I think I will. The hunter requires little to no team coordination because they can be great starters of chaos. If a hunter flies in and hits a low survivor, regardless of it being a high damage pounce, he causes a stumble to all nearby survivors, allowing him to have a bit of time to damage and down that survivor. This is precisely what the other infected need, an opening. It allows the spitter to spit on and slow down the team even more than with just him being down. It allows the charger to run through and push them back even more than where the downed survivor is. It allows the smoker to pull backwards and separate the team even more. It allows the boomer to rush in and bring some common which is a bit more chaos. It allows the jockey to get in and bring a survivor to a certain spot, say a corner for some nice spit damage. It allows another hunter to pounce on a survivor that is picking up the down survivor and that resets the revive meter, or even hit the guy on the ground which still resets the meter. The hunter is a good tool for quick damage and possible slow downs. Take a look at some numbers for his damage: A hunter can deal up to 25 points of damage on impact. Along with this, the hunter simultaneously begins to attack his victim with 5 health per hit. Usually a hunter can get about 2 hits before he is pushed/killed. That is a 35 points of damage max on a survivor within just a few seconds, more than 1/3 of his health is gone. Now imagine if the survivor was slow, to be slow they have a maximum of 39 health which leaves a measly 3 hits after a 25 to down him. Usually a person who is slow will have less than this and the hunter can get the down with just 1 or 2 hits. And for a character getting up black and white, he only has 30 health, which leaves a measly 1 hit from the hunter to cause a kill IF you land a 25. My point is this: Someone has to start the chaos. The hunter is a perfect candidate for this. His direction of attack is surprising, his initial damage is punishing, and his after effects can cause a lot of commotion if used correctly. Someone HAS to go in first to start the chaos, and he can dish out a big amount of chaos in a few moments. But just as soon as hes in, hes out and dead. But the effects left behind are perfect for team attacks.
  15. Is that what we are calling it now? The "Clony Style?" xD
  16. Well Jerky I was in the middle of writing a rant but I will just go with what you said, seems to have worked a lot better than what I would have said. I am only human, and so are the other hunters, we can and will miss, we will not always land our pounces and if we miss, we have a hard time retreating because we are so loud and lets face it, the hunter has the 3rd least amount of health and there are 10 guns that can be blazing at him while he runs. Amen brother, you can say that again and I think I will I don't play the hunter specifically for points, and if you notice, I chose some of the hardest pounces to pull off. Joker said one time in game: "clony gets the best pounces" "but not always the most efficient ones" or something along that line. I enjoy playing as the hunter because of the level of difficulty it is to play him, especially the way I play with him. It is so satisfying when I land a pounce from a distance so high, that I can't even see the ground. I love trying to hit survivors. I love trying to calculate where they are going and slam on them while they are in motion, to me it is the most satisfying experience in this game. I am not out to just get straight up pounces and anyone who is on my team will notice that I go to excess sometimes to get my pounces when I could have easily stopped climbing 10 seconds ago. Edit: Lets face it. I am from L4D1 where there was only the boomer smoker and hunter, and the occasional tank. Out of the four, the hunter was the most fun to play as, and also the most fun to kill. And so I chose him, and in L4D2, I still choose him, because I am from L4D1 and that will never change which class I like the most.
  17. I see a dude holding a flower and walking. I also see an incomplete sentence which is imperfection?
  18. Not saying this is a bad idea, but this would have to apply to all classes not just one. If someone only plays charger and gets 5 "charged another survivor" he would get 1 for each, but if you use him again would it be .8 for "charged another survivor" next time? Then .6? Same with the boomer? Instead of 2 for each survivor, you get 1.5 for the second time you use? Then 1? It just seems a little too harsh. Some situations call for certain specials and if players are maxed on that certain special for that situation, you are possibly forced to play the class you just died as and earn less points. Edit: If the counter resets on Tank buy, then think about this. Sometimes, you can play a lot of infected more than once yet still not have a tank. Another point, would this be applied even if the infected didn't get any points in his life?
  19. Just like Peanut said, if you find someone breaking the rules substantially, take a screenshot of the event and post it here... _ | | | | | | \ / \ / \ / http://gamrs.co/forums/index.php?/topic/44032-ban-request/
  20. I know I really have no right posting here but I will give my two cents. I believe that the points are like they are now because pouncing a survivor for 25 is hard, at least a moving one. With the survivor hitbox not being on par, the hunter's hitbox not being on par, any lag that gets thrown into the mix and the also inability to know exactly where a survivor moves, it is pretty dang hard. I think that pouncing a survivor for 25 that is down ought to only get half the points, or even a quarter of the points. That is a stationary target and anyone who knows how to crouch and aim just a little bit can hit that stationary target. Pounce on a downed survivor for 25, you get +12 points you do near nothing to him because his team is right next to him saving him plus he has 330 health when down, or 300 either way, 25 will not do much on a downed survivor. Pounce a standing survivor and you almost always take 1/3 of his health with the initial and extra damage on contact. I have seen plenty of times where I work so hard to get my tank on moving survivors, only to have that work undercut because the next round people who know how to crouch and aim just a smidge can capitalize on a downed survivor. I think that hitting downed survivors with a 25 should earn significantly less points for the little amount of damage being done to them. Also on that note, having a tank means nothing. Nothing at all, unless the player can use it. A tank has 10 guns being fired on him, with 6000 health, four survivors can kill a tank with Tier 1 (pump shotguns and smgs) weapons in around 30 seconds. Tier 2, and I believe there is one Tier 3, (the awp being so overpowered) can completely annihilate a tank in a matter of moments with 4 survivors, LET ALONE 10. I have been killed with a tank that I worked hard to get in a matter of seconds before. So i know it is not hard to kill a tank with 10 survivors.
  21. Last night, I had a run in with the "brothers" of thenephali or at least that is who I believe to be his brothers. They deliberately stacked teams as soon as they joined. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=216450813 (Meshmore swaps, making teams 7v8 favor of infected) http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=216450807 (Velv swaps, making 7v9 favor of infected) Not only this but they both have had a history of using vulgar language in the server anytime they play, as well as some other things. Here are some examples across multiple games and multiple days: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=216450825 (Velv being vulgar, which was blocked by the server) http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=216451417 (Meshmore messing with the saferoom door, and as you can see, with spitter acid next to it) http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=216451427 (which leads to an incap seen here) http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/800x600q90/841/e450.jpg (Velv messing with the saferoom door as well) http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=216452753 (Velv cursing directly at me) If above doesn't work: http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/666831483133063901/8677BC84F03DF7DC9F2CCE97FA5E8104B986E122/ http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=216453032 (Meshmore being vulgar) If above doesn't work: http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/666831483133111143/0BE1A9ADFD5070279154ED23DAFED73EE2C57356/ Steam ID's: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=216450832 Can anything be done?
  22. All hail the magic conch!
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