Player Ashy Larry <STEAM_1:1:35783911>
so we were playing cold stream finale, Ashy Larry tried to stack by switching on the team I was on, I tell him not to stack
than he was kinda cursing me out on chat
10 minute after that 3 people from Ashy Larry`s team left, it was 10v7 so I volunteer myself and move to the other team.
After joining Ashy Larry`s team we were on one of the first waterfall drop, rest of the team dropped and I was about to drop aswell right than Ashy Larry decided to heal me (I had 95hp I told him to stop via mic chat) stopped mid way of healing and started to heal again than stopped again he did that for about good 10 times than I got smoked and he jump of the waterfall. I died few second later one of the teammate who watched it happen ligs Kongurin asked ashy why did he do that no response were given to him. there were guts, greenheart lvl3.0 some other who can tell that ashy was griefing and wanted to get revenge for calling him out on stacking.