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Everything posted by Zweih

  1. Zweih


    and the whole gurlies or whatever clan. ive never seen any of them though, i think you guys are making it up.
  2. the french government is also missing a marksman in north america.. did you hear about that? kinda spooky. also, ive heard theories where he is leaving his van somewhere, shooting, then just chillin for a few hours and comes back to get the van once the roads are cleared again. this is a really frightening situation and im glad for once that i live in Iowa.
  3. lol, PACE? what the hell.. we just have your good ol' AP Calculus/Spanish/Psychology and the various AP forms of history and government, which are actually quite tough. but hey, each state can do whatever they want with their gifted
  4. cause you got some tough players! its a compliment!
  5. lol, yea, the tests have been proven to be not reliable, online ones anyways, the actual IQ test IS valid however. edit- lol, i got a 198, proof of the faulty system. i wanna take a real IQ test someday though.
  6. lets see objective... and i cant use my clan? bummz0r 1. - MwR - they got their act together and they got some good players, well rounded. 2. - CsLs - they have some awesome players and are ferocious. 3. - DW - I cant count these guys out, they area a bunch of hardasses. i honestly think that we (Th3Fall3N) have a great shot at it this year. i am very pumped and cant wait to start the games.
  7. type status in the console, it will be prolly be a seven digit number in one of the columns next to your name. or sometimes when you connect it shows you your 'uniwue ID' thats the same thing.
  8. you need to see people as god sees them in order to understand the love that christians, myself, have for ALL people. i dont care what you have done, if you are still a human and still alive, i will love you. but, we are not capable of that kind of love, at least giving it. well, a few people like mother teresa maybe, but i know im not. personally, id say let those people rot in hell. but god wants them to come to him and be saved. he loves them like he loves you and me, and we will never understand until we ask him in heaven. thats the basis of christianity, is the undying love that god has for us, his creations.
  9. obviously he wouldnt want those people in his kingdom. he still loves them though. its a tough thing to understand. and in heaven, you dont live with eachother as we think of it. th efocus in heaven is god, not the people in it. anyway, he doesnt want those serial killers an whatnot in heaven, if however, they are sittin in their cell and realize, i was so wrong, and they burst into tears and are SINCERELY sorry for what they have done, and they plead to god to come into their hearts and let jesus rule what is left of their life.. THAT is the person god wants. the new person, not the one that committed those acts. its a tough thing to understand cause we dont think that way. but.. its god's way.
  10. i think a lot of people (at least people i know) do it just cause they arent supposed to. like all these goths and whatever they do, i dont really know, it seems like any authority there is they gotta challenge it. im not saying they are ALL pot smokers and whatnot, just the ones i know. some of them are the coolest people i know, others i would not miss if they got hit by a truck (terrible thing for a christian to think, i know) personally, i have never been drunk, and im proud of that. beer is the worst tasting thing there is. it is disgusting, it ruins your liver, and has no benefits whatsoever. a glass of wine a day is actually healthy for you. but getting drunk is not. damaging brain cells, looking stupid, acting stupid.. it IS stupid, IMO. i will probably never in my life get drunk if i can help it. i have smoked cigarettes before, also one of the nastiest things on earth. that stuff kills people! absolutely no benefits you couldnt get from a glass of water. water actually helps you to calm down somehow. ive tried pot, got high once, and i didnt like it. i didnt like how after it was over i couldnt remember much of what i did, it was all a blur. i dont like how i lost control of myself for a bit. its not worth it. its also expensive. i have friends who do it, and i think its dumb, but i dont mess with em. cause weed doest really have many bad long-lasting effects, but when i have friends that smoke cigs, i try to stop em, even though it is almost futile, cause that stuff kills.
  11. this is true. carbondating assumes that the max amount of C-14 (i think its C-14...) was present to begin with. there have been many experiments that hae shown it to be very innaccurate. the way i see it, god didnt make adam as a baby. he would have died. adam was most likely made a young adult. after all, a little child is not capable of naming all the creatures on the earth. so, if god can create a man to be older... than could he not make the earth/stars older as well? some stars may be older, some younger, same with planets. maybe trilobites never actually did live on earth, but were created in the soil as remains, same with dinosaurs. an 'older' planet, if you will. just an interesting thought.
  12. so from the sounds of it.. you got druggies, people who wish they were cartoon characters, small people (who are punching bags if im not mistaken) and people who put up stickers in their school..... i am SO glad i dont live there.
  13. wow, this is a great discussion. i wish to add a bit in for orby's sake. from our viewpoint, unless you have asked jesus to come into your heart, and be the lord of your life, you are going to hell. if you are really good, it doesnt matter. likewise, if a christian is really bad, he will still go to heaven, but will have a lower ranking (bad term, but i cant think of better one) our good deeds simply store treasure in heaven. i dont know exactly what that means.. but being nice to our fellow man is like being nice to jesus, and he is disguised in every human. the common mis-conception i hear alot is that you must beleive in jesus to be saved. well.. the devil sure beleives in jesus, yet he is in hell. to beleive is one thing, but to live for is another. thats where the true relationship with god comes from. also, angels are many things. messangers, and protectors mainly. they are like the army is to civilians. i am a firm beleiver in guardian angels. one interesting fact is that all angels are male. so they do appear to have a gender, but no means of reproduction, which makes me think they are eternal too. interesting huh. i have a great book, ill get the title of it, it deals with spiritual warfare, angels fighting demons. its very interesting, a good read even if you arent a christian. orbital, its awesome to see someone who is so curious as you. a lot of people would just ignore it or bash it righ off. im proud of ya.
  14. now, im not one of those people who will say 'respect EVERYTING blah blah' cause i certainly dont respect cetain people with certain beleifs, but ive got to address this. you dont agree with my bible, fine. but dont tell me how wrong it is unless you can give me undisputable proof of its wrongness. i also read that someone said the bible was written 500 years after jesus' death.. this is very untrue. the apostles mark, matthew, luke and john all wrote a book on their own and more (dont remember which, it IS 1 am) and they were alive when jesus was... i wanna say sometime around 50-80 AD was when they finished writing them and put them in the new testament. the old testament was writtin by many people, including moses, david, saul, and many others. it was a recorded history, but EVERY word of it was dictated by god. of course it may have changed a bit since we dont speak ancient hebrew, but 'thou shalt not kill' is the same in any language i would think. gods so good, so why is there hell. remember.. there IS a devil too. hell was created to cast the devil down into along with his fallen angels. in the old testament im not quite sure how people got to heaven, or if there was/is an alternative to heaven or hell. now though, the only way into heaven is through jesus. you say so what, he died on the cross, so did MANY other people. true, but jesus is the son of god, and there was one moment where ALL the sin of the world was placed on jesus, and god turned away from him. THAT is something NONE of us have ever experienced. total rejection from god, if only for a minute, os more than anyone could bare. especially if you are his son. that is why i give my life to jesus. he is the only way into the light, the kingdom of god. so yea.. thats what i got. mainly i was a little miffed by people calling the bible uncredible and disrespecting when they got nothing on it.
  15. <answers to questions moved to orbital's topic> ohhh boy.. testimony.. well heres my schpeel. tape, pay attention my friend i was born in glendale, CA, which is in the 'burbs of LA. not a bad neighberhood, but not the greatest. hey, it was LA. my parents were not christians, they both smoked, both worked, i was left in daycare, had no real good friends, no real connections, and no real clue. my parents loved me of course, and taught me things. i was a very smart child, learning cursive writing in kindegarten because i had gotten all my required learning for the year in by the first quarter. in that school each kid worked at their own pace, it was great. i started reading very early, age three or so, and i am a really good reader today. so my parents loved me, there was no doubt about that, but my life had no substance, even as a kid i knew that, i grew up with other kids with shady parents, shady motives, and i was only five! well, after my kindergarten year we moved to West Des Moines, Iowa. needless to say, it was a big change. snow scared me when i saw it, i instantly developed a hate for the cold, and there were no beaches. we soon moved to Des Moines proper, and then to Urbandale, a suburb of Des Moines, and then into another ouse in Urbandale about two years ago. ive been in the same school system since first grade and am a senior in the high school (which is about 100 yards from my house) i dont remember first through fifth grade, except for one kid who was really great to me. his name was aaron, kind of a tall, goofy kid. i got into a fight with a kid in first grade to get him off aaron's back, and we soon became friends. he helped me to adjust and he lived on my block, so wed walk to school together. he had a christian family but i didnt really know much then. in fourth grade a new kid came to school, and after another fight he and aaron and i became best of friends. his name is devin, and hes prolly had the biggist influence on my life than any other single person. anyway, after sixth grade i learned that my parents were christians now. and they had even managed to both stop smoking, which was amazing cause they had been tryin for years. i went to a small methodist church, and i hated it. later my friend devni took me to an evangelical church and it was very different. it was fun, the kids were really nice (i didnt have many friends) i learned of god, jesus, and a few of the basics. when i was twelve i remember my youth pastor saying, if you dont know if your going to heaven, you need to talk to god. tell him you want him to rule your life, let him take command. give yourself over to him. i realized i didnt know if i was going to heaven or hell. i prayed, and after that i felt something. it was the most profound sense of accomplishment, of.. just pure peace. a plane could have crashed next to me and i wouldnt care. it was so.. so perfect, so very different from the other things in my life. as i got older i got closer to god, then got further apart. i went through a horrible stage of depression when i was 14, 15, and 16. i didnt talk to anyone, didnt do much, my grades got real bad, i stopped caring about people. i didnt care who i hurt, who hurt me.. it didnt matter to me. i had a few girlfrieds.. got too serious too young and ruined love for awhile. last year i tried again ang i got dumped after three months.. and it was soo hard. i just tried to block out everything. i kept tellin myself that the feeling, the one in my stomach and my head, would go away. just dont care anymore, dont let it get to you, i told myself. i refused to love anyone, i let my friends down, didnt talk to my parents, i was even mean to my little sister (whom i love greatly). and i thought you know, it was me. i got back on track, and got dragged back into the church. i dont like church. i listened, made the motions, and to some extent i still am just making motions. but then i lay in bed, and i think with god. i talk to him, and i can feel responses.. i can feel it when he hates my sin, feel it when he forgives me... its so.. so powerful. it makes me cry. i dont cry. crying is weakness i always thoght. and i cant be weak. but i am weak, we all are sometimes. god has helped to carry me and i hope in the future he will continue too. tape is right, i dont beleive in love anymore. its.. not for me i think. god's love is so different, and so real. its hard to understand how i can reject one love and embrace another.. but i can. i dont even understand it. my struggles are mostly internal, i have to face my problems, stop putting them of.. but its so hard. and i need help i realize. god can help me, people cant. as nice as words and gestures are, they mean nothing in the long run. your either going o heaven to be with the lord jesus, or going to hell to burn forever in torment. so.. a look into the life of Zweih, Ryan i guess, now that you know who i am a little better.
  16. boy ham, i dont have the time to read everything you wrote and add my two cents (or ten cents) so i wont. maybe i am wrong on some points, maybe im right on some things, maybe you are too. but im goin to hafta pull out of this debate, i cant argue without proof of anything.. and there is no tangible proof that anyone can look at... its all a matter of faith and submission really. many people cant handle the fact taht a god may be over them. let me read these things and think out a response. ill post later. *sigh* oh ye of little faith. oh, and ham... never, EVER insult my bible. you dont base your life around a science textbook as i base mine off the text of GOD.
  17. evolution and creation are very different. keep in mind these are a christians views (mine) and i am also fascinated with science, i feel like i have some knowledge of both, so i have a mixed feeling. creationism... the theory that a higher being (GOD, or another deity) created the world from nothing. ill explain the christian view since its the one i will be arguing. God created the world, the stars, the heaven, etc. thus, the world DID appear from 'nothing' except for the will of GOD HIMself. this is beyond all humans, which is why science tries to explain it by suggesting that all matter in the universe was in a sphere in the very beginning. nevermind that the universe couldnt have possibly existed under these circumstances. an explosion, actually an implosion, rendered the sphere and threw the debris in all directions. stars and plannets formed (your guess is as good as mine) as did comets, meteors, asteroids, and other small bodies. our sun was one of those stars obviously, and the earth was in the exact place it needed to be to support life. the chances of that alone are rediculously low. our planet also had an atmosphere, water, and all the elements (oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, etc.) needed for life (that we know of) now im hearing that proteins can come together to form a single cell. okay, i beleive it, but where do these proteins come from? where do these acids that make the proteins come from? no one has an explanation, or theory, or answer, or reason. it is all a giant guess because scientists cannot beleive that we will never learn the answer. i am a science student i remind you, and i am not so arrogant as to beleive that humans can learn everything there is to know. okay, ive discussed the big bang theory, and we can see the holes it has. lets say, that by chance, our earth somehow came out of the chaos of the big bang. these proteins exist (somehow) and they are able to form cells in the water we so conviently have an overabundance of. they form into complex organisms. fantastic. they form beings with minds.. a complex central brain to drive and preform every function. the brain is absolutely astounding. it is so significant to all cognizant life yet we overlook it. you say an amoeba has instincts? it doesnt! it has no brain. it survives. or doesnt. so anyways, these organisms (with brains!) develop into trilobytes, then fish, and whatnot. now, one of these fish or other water creature stumbles upon land. amazing. naturally, it must adapt to survive on land. im interested in how it got back in the water. and even if it did, how are minutes of exposure going to make this thing need to evolve when it has no reason to? right now i better start explaining evolution. evolution is animals/humans/organisms basically, to develop new, better, and stronger methods of doing something. opposible thumbs, for example. girraffes neck, a monkey tail, all 'evolutions' from the multicellular organisms that started life. what people are doing is saying life was *poof* there, and say ah-ha! evolution! no, that is NOT evolution, that is something *poof* appearing. evolution is CHANGE OVER TIME. not something coming out of nothing. back to fish... this fish (or multiple) got on land, otherwise they had no need to evolve legs, limbs, or even the sense of hearing or seeing. so they need to evolve legs, and lungs, completely different organs that must work, in order to survive against one another now. oh, by the way, these cells that produced the animals (for lack of better term) also produced plants. COMPLETELY different in cell structure. but i digress. so they have legs, lungs, toes, blah blah, awesome. we have lizards, all cold-blooded, and most with either a single chamber, or double chambered heart. now come dinosaurs. wow. then comes.. a monkey? wait a minute, how does a lizard produce a monkey? in fact, how does ANY cold-blooded animal produce a warm-blooded one, when the genetics are IMPOSSIBLE. a dog+a dog=a dog. not a cat, a dog. for extra credit, what do two birds prduce? hint:not a turtle. it is preposterous (sp?) to think such a thing. ludacris. and then humans somehow appear. im not going into that, way too much effort to waste on a disproven theory. now, my version of how it happened. GOD created the world. if you have a bible or the torah, read the first book, genesis. it will describe it perfectly. HE created humans, right off the bat. how old was adam when he created him? he wasnt a cell... he was roughly 20, is what biblical historians think. at any rate, we know he was a grown man, it says it in there. but wait.. humans and dinosaurs didnt live at the same time! of course the didnt.. but... who says they were ever here at ALL? ah, bones, fossil records.. right right. but wait. GOD created the moon, stars earth and heavens. the sun was obviously not a newborn star, or else it would be too hot and the earth wouldnt be suitable for life. the moon wasnt new either, it has craters, mountains, more geological happenings than we know of. adam, the first human, was also not a new human, he was of age, an adult. why then, cant the earth be older than brand new when HE creates it? dinosaur bones in the ground, craters, canyons, oceans.. HE does have power absolute after all. so why not? just because we cannot fathom the idea doesnt make it wrong. thats my say on it for now.. please get in touch with me or pst here or something if you wanna know more of what i think or if you wanna discuss something in a suitable manner and also, i am well aware of oparin's theory. in my opinion it is wrong. it is jsut another variable to add to the equation that complicates it further.
  18. well jif.. man i dont know quite what to say. i am a christian myself, and would urge you down that path.have you ever read the bible/torah? if you have a bible in your house, i would urge you to read the gospel of matthew (New Testament, first book) or if you prefer, the gospel of mark (New Testament, second chapter). they are both sort of long, but they are the meatiest parts of the bible, both containing the life of jesus from different viewpoints. Mark would probably be preferabl, as he describes jesus as a man, how he lived and what he did. it is very interesting to just read, but when you think and ponder on this stuff, it is quite amazing. please catch me on AIM sometime to talk about this stuff, id be very interested in talkin with ya.
  19. LOL, TaPe is prolly talkin about me, if he considers me intellegent. i am a christian, and i tend to swear once i awhile. mainly just the d-word but i really have a pproblem when people go off just swearin when they cant present an arguement or express thamselves. usually i say it as what it is, an expletive for when somethin happens. its just like. AH!, or WOW, or GASP, its just a thing with me i guess. i also was not raised in a christian home, my parents became belivers when i was in kindergarten or so, and then i got taken to church first in elementary school (im a senior in HS right now) and id say ive been a christian since i was about 11-12. i was baptized a few ears back. dates arent important to me obviously, lol i know i have a problem with saying it, and i have controlled myself. i used to drop the f-bomb regularly, but i have stopped. only when im extremely/ angry, which happens once a year, do i use it. so anyways, thats my personal story. i thikn people who say nothing but cusswords are ignorant, and have no other way to express themselves. people who use them too much are driven by others and want to look 'cool' or whatever in front of others. TaPe is just better than all of us
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