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Everything posted by Architect

  1. Notice everyone. No actual denial of kissing pbj.
  2. No no no yortz is the ex mrs peanut. That's why so much hate So, following that logic the Natural concussion to this is that Yortz kissed pbj?
  3. Recent topics don't seem so recent

  4. The way Yortz piles on him, you'd think they are married.
  5. 11pm and servers are empty.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DiXie


      They picked up again around midnight.

    3. Architect


      Trying to get to bed earlier. Mainly so I can wake up in the morning.

    4. DiXie


      Yeah, understood :)

  6. I have to side with Shep on this and will proceed to slap you at all possible opportunities.
  7. Still a grumpy old man, just rested up now.

  8. the what kind of feed back do you want Jackie? Sorry, but it is a nerf, you might not feel it is helpful, and it may still be more than what it used to be. I don't have a break down in a mathematical analysis to show how OP the one shot of a hunter is over relying on a potential over time points. what do you want me to say?
  9. Even if it does work as advertised, still a nerf.
  10. I saw this earlier this week.
  11. I like buying them when it is late in the game and only one or two health packs are out and being used. Then you can watch and target when the person gets "healed".
  12. In terms of OP, Jackie hasn't mucked with how much damage they do, only how many points are given. So when I speak of OP, I only am referring to how many points a class generates. You take a good charger/boomer/spitter and it still takes a while to build enough points for a tank. Take a good hunter and those points can build very quickly. So I am arguing that hunters generate too many points in comparison to the other classes available on the server.
  13. Maybe I am not good at them. Doesn't mean they are not over powered though. Too many games I have been on where ONE person who is good at pouncing gets a tank early and completely wipes up. No amount of scrambling or swapping will fix that, the advantage goes to the team with that one person. First the spitters get nerfed, now the boomers. What next, smokers? This will be a high pounce server if this keeps up.
  14. Well crap. Now the way I got to a tank will take even longer. I don't think the points assist will amount to a whole lot with the way people use fire works. But there you have it, OP hunters left untouched.
  15. Will have to look, it really is the kids though. Soccer and scouts in the fall. I know, full of excuses.
  16. And why did I pick who? Peanut looks like, hey press that button, I think it does something. Maestro looks like he is into the game and ignoring the other two people. Tainted is like, I can do this better, give me the controller.
  17. Why not ask why did I make Peanut and Tainted white? What is special about one person being black? Is white the default for everyone you don't know? My point is, it is a random picture I found on the internet. I wanted to put a name by each picture to poke fun at them. It never even occurred to me that Maestro was black, or at least I placed no special significance to it. I could photo-shop everyone to be white? But why not photo-shop them to be black, oriental, what ever.
  18. I wouldn't mind going. What is stopping me is that with my three kids, the summer is booked solid.
  19. How do you know he isn't black? Have you met him?
  20. The spray from last night
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