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Everything posted by scubiedoobie

  1. It happens to me too. I thought it was an intended effect. SOMEBODY FIX IT!
  2. I'll be honest I get really frustrated at "newbies" or players who are generally inexperienced. The bulk of these players either don't speak English (which I can't blame them for I guess, it's not in their capacity to understand what I'm saying if they don't even speak the language) or refuse to follow instructions or verbal commands, and can't use commands. But you're right though, we, and including myself, should not be as prone to anger all the time at these players. In the end, it's our own pride and arrogance and our refusal to lose that stops us from seeing the big picture, which is that we're all here to enjoy one game. I'm prone to getting frustrated quickly and am guilty, and so when I read this thread I was kind of ashamed at myself. It's up to all of us. edit: something important that I want to point out is instead of offering people no chance to explain themselves or give them the benefit of the doubt like we should be doing, instead of banning or kicking people instantly, we need to use more compassionate ways of reaching out to players who are found disabusing the rules. Instead of their behavior, we should also be judging them by their intentions. Was it an accident? Did he/she do it on purpose, or is it just because me and a whole bunch of other people see it that way? as an admin I can only imagine how hard it must be balancing everybody's views and opinions, and then enforcing your own opinion and not giving in at the end of the day. But sometimes I see a person or two being kicked, banned or unnecessarily punished without letting them explain what they were doing. Often times we assume somebody is guilty and the matter is done with. I check the ban list and the source logs and I see dozens, maybe hundreds of people being banned in a single week. Of these bans, I'm sure some are either regretting their actions and wish to repent, or were even innocent and were never found guilty to begin with. Of the hundreds, maybe thousands or so players we've permanently banned, how many do we know weren't just an innocent and loyal player who potentially would have been able to contribute so much more, but were instead found in the wrong place at the wrong time? We need to start being more empathetic and thinking from both perspectives. Enforcing right and wrong is not black-and-white, there's shades of grey we must consider. Just my two cents.
  3. Often times we see people typing out !up, !buy, !points, !teams, etc. You get the message. My suggestion is, maybe we should make those client-sided so that only the person typing them sees? Because what's the point of making it public? I've found from playing many games that often times these are the most typed messages in the public chat, but they add no value and take up space. Would it be possible to hide the !commands so that only the person typing them sees them? What do you guys think?
  4. Sometimes when I buy a witch she appears all the way back in the map, instead of forward, so she's useless. Or sometimes, she just spawns on top of a huge building and there's no point. Is this intentional or is it a glitch? Because it sucks wasting 20 points every now and then ;/ So far the only remedy to this I know of is to either buy up manual witches (which are expensive!) or just spawn the witch way ahead of time. Sometimes when the survivors are too close to the saferoom, the witch is spawned farther back. I'm OK with this since I know if we were able to spawn witches right when they got to the saferoom it might be a little imbalanced, but what about during other points of the game?
  5. Pretty cool. Evens it up and standardizes games to an actual 10v10, not 4v4.
  6. I've always tried avoiding buying certain snipers like you mentioned, namely the AWP and the Scouting Rifle, simply because a laser sight does not appear with it. However, the accuracy may still be increased, but I just feel too paranoid so I stick with guns where I can see the laser sight. Always thought this was a glitch, huh.
  7. I think in the end the consensus from this thread is that while the administrator in-game holds the most power, and ultimately the decision rests with him/her, helping them reach that decision is equally as important. If both teams are extremely vocal and insistent about having manual swaps or a randomized scramble (which might not work as well as manual swapping as other people in this thread have listed), then it should be done. If, however, only a few people or a certain amount of people are asking for it, and not a full majority, then it should wait. At least that's what I'm getting. Or just make sure you don't have Deadlock on your team. Easy win guaranteed.
  8. What's Jackie-pathing? I keep hearing it. Aren't both servers custom pathed?
  9. It's a complicated issue. I don't think scramble is entirely defunct, because it has its uses. If nothing else, it's better than the status quo when a team is clearly stacked. Even a randomised scramble like we have is better than nothing.
  10. I wouldn't mind having one, although the effectiveness is doubtful, it would still help nonetheless in case the few stragglers do manage to read it.
  11. Word of caution: disabling Multicore rendering might be more detrimental than it is advantageous, specifically for those who have computers advanced enough to use all their cores (any computer made after 2005 really). I made up the year obviously, but if you know your computer has multi-cores, it's best to keep this feature enabled.
  12. For me personally, sending points while I'm in the middle of a fight isn't terribly difficult, but then again I do believe I have above-average reaction and typing speeds, so that helps me greatly. In the end, practice and you won't really need a bind for it, since it really is just an exclamation mark and several taps of the keyboard. That's what it comes down to, at least. Binding strategic items in the midst of a tank or firefight is an entirely different story, however.
  13. bind "x" "sm_buy; menuselect 4; menuselect 7; menuselect 1"
  14. Purchased a membership but when putting in the SteamID I put it in with the 0, instead of a 1. Like this STEAM_0:0:80120391 I put that in instead of STEAM_1:0:80120391 And I've seen people have problems not getting their membership through correctly. Is this still an issue? edit: nvm it updated my Forum status automatically LOL
  15. I'm not sure if this is true for all servers, but some competitive server configs have this, like ProMod or confogl I believe. It's really helpful. Again, it's not like we should try to imitate those servers, but since they're so successful it would make sense to borrow that.
  16. When my binded fireworks comes out, I still see the Are you sure you want to buy Yes/No messages is there anything I can add to my bind command in the console to get rid of this? OR do I have to just deal with it? Also, will suicided boomers still bile?
  17. While I do think this would encourage variety and more creative class combos, in the end it's up to the individual (and their team) to decide how they want to play, and I don't think limiting this option would be good in the long-term.
  18. Context: I was on the server yesterday, it was a full game and everyone was pretty excited to start. But apparently, the servers were lagging because two people (player A and player had high pings each, so Maestro (the admin at the time) decides to restart the server. All is well, and the server is restarted. This is when I type in the chat "let's roll n***as" and I receive a permanent ban. Why do I feel like my punishment is severe, and unfairly deserved? Because it was a word spoken in the moment, and I believe it was taken out of context. I don't believe anybody in the room was even offended or cared, but I know that's not reason enough. Where I live, California, the word "n***a" is used as colloquialisms in our culture, but I can see how it would offend somebody. For that, I do apologize and will be considerate toward other players the next time I play. But back to the point. I believe since this was my first ever offense, a permanent ban is a bit...too much? I was not warned (and I know it may not be policy to warn, but still) before receiving a permanent ban, nor given an ability to explain myself. It was only until I logged in this morning that I discovered what had happened. If anyone would like to discuss this further, please do so. I'm happy and willing to comply, but it is only the duration of my ban which I am contesting and arguing for. If it were a one-day ban, I could understand. But I feel that my action was taken out of context, exaggerated, and thus would like to reduce the severity. Here is the ban list log: http://gamrs.co/sourcebans/index.php?p=banlist&advSearch=teabagger&advType=name My previous usernames are IHAVENOCLUEWHATIMDOING. Here is my steam ID: # 6010 8 "donut" STEAM_1:0:80120391 00:49 189 0 active 30000 EDIT: oh yeah, server was the L4D2, Versus 10v10
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