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Everything posted by THX1138

  1. that would be cool im hopin to get a good crowd. and there will be single girls over the age of 21 and under the age of 30
  2. Having Birthday party at my house in Cleveland on September 20th. 2 kegs and food. Community members welcome. 4501 Behrwald Ave. Cleveland,Ohio 44144. post here if you wanna come i need to get an idea of how much food i need. i will have a small Lan setup going too i think.
  3. unbindall bind "TAB" "+showscores" bind "ENTER" "+attack" bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect" bind "SPACE" "+jump" bind "'" "+moveup" bind "+" "sizeup" bind "," "buyammo1" bind "-" "sizedown" bind "." "buyammo2" bind "/" "+movedown" bind "0" "slot10" bind "1" "slot1" bind "2" "slot2" bind "3" "slot3" bind "4" "slot4" bind "5" "slot5" bind "6" "slot6" bind "7" "slot7" bind "8" "slot8" bind "9" "slot9" bind ";" "+mlook" bind "=" "sizeup" bind "[" "invprev" bind "]" "invnext" bind "`" "toggleconsole" bind "a" "+moveleft" bind "b" "buy" bind "c" "radio3" bind "d" "+moveright" bind "e" "+use" bind "f" "impulse 100" bind "g" "drop" bind "i" "rope_toggle" bind "l" "amx_fire_flamethrower" bind "m" "chooseteam" bind "n" "nightvision" bind "o" "buyequip" bind "q" "+voicerecord" bind "r" "+reload" bind "s" "+back" bind "t" "impulse 201" bind "u" "messagemode2" bind "v" "rope_toggle" bind "w" "+forward" bind "x" "radio2" bind "y" "messagemode" bind "z" "radio1" bind "~" "toggleconsole" bind "UPARROW" "+forward" bind "DOWNARROW" "+back" bind "LEFTARROW" "+left" bind "RIGHTARROW" "+right" bind "ALT" "+strafe" bind "CTRL" "+duck" bind "SHIFT" "+speed" bind "F5" "snapshot" bind "F6" "save quick" bind "F7" "load quick" bind "F10" "quit prompt" bind "INS" "+klook" bind "PGDN" "+lookdown" bind "PGUP" "+lookup" bind "END" "centerview" bind "MWHEELDOWN" "invnext" bind "MWHEELUP" "invprev" bind "MOUSE1" "+attack" bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2" bind "PAUSE" "pause" voice_scale "0.750000" voice_enable "1" voice_forcemicrecord "1.000000" console "1" fps_max "101" fps_modem "0" crosshair "1" gamma "3" brightness "1.000000" con_color "255 155 50" net_graph "3" net_scale "5" net_graphpos "2" sv_voiceenable "1" sv_aim "1.000000" hpk_maxsize "0" viewsize "120.000000" ati_subdiv "2" ati_npatch "1.0" r_bmodelhighfrac "5" mp_decals "300" gl_dither "1" gl_polyoffset "0.1" gl_overbright "0" gl_flipmatrix "0" gl_monolights "0" s_rolloff "1.0" s_doppler "0.0" s_distance "60" s_automin_distance "2" s_automax_distance "30" s_min_distance "5" s_max_distance "1000" s_leafnum "0" s_refgain "0.4" s_refdelay "4" s_polykeep "1000000000" s_polysize "10000000" s_numpolys "200" s_bloat "2.0" s_verbwet "0.25" s_a3d "0.000000" s_eax "0.000000" volume "0.800000" suitvolume "0.250000" hisound "1.000000" bgmvolume "1.000000" MP3Volume "0.800000" _snd_mixahead "0.1" name "[DLM]->THX1138" team "" model "" skin "" topcolor "0" bottomcolor "0" rate "25000.000000" cl_updaterate "40" cl_lw "1" cl_lc "1" cl_dlmax "128" cl_himodels "0.000000" cl_idealpitchscale "0.8" cl_timeout "35" cl_cmdbackup "2" cl_download_ingame "1" cl_allowdownload "1" cl_allowupload "1" cl_cmdrate "60" lookstrafe "0.000000" lookspring "0.000000" cl_forwardspeed "400" cl_backspeed "400" cl_vsmoothing "0.05" m_pitch "-0.022" m_yaw "0.022" m_forward "1" m_side "0.8" m_filter "0.000000" sensitivity "12.300000" joystick "0.000000" hud_takesshots "0" fastsprites "0" cl_corpsestay "600" _cl_autowepswitch "1" hud_capturemouse "1" hud_draw "1" cl_righthand "1" cl_minmodels "0" cl_dynamiccrosshair "1" hud_fastswitch "0" hud_centerid "1" voice_modenable "1" hud_classautokill "1" setinfo "vgui_menus" "0" setinfo "s" "67108863" setinfo "s2" "67108863" setinfo "s3" "67108863" +mlook +jlook
  4. 100%. Everyone cheats. oh wait nevermind i just suck.
  5. my other computer has the same vid card and i can get a steady 70 fps out of it. try turning off vsync.
  6. Bloom county (not around anymore) http://www.berkeleybreathed.com/favorite_strips.html Garfield Foxtrot http://www.berkeleybreathed.com/Images/fav...strip4_full.jpg http://www.berkeleybreathed.com/Images/fav...strip2_full.jpg http://www.berkeleybreathed.com/Images/fav...strip9_full.jpg http://www.berkeleybreathed.com/Images/out...utland_full.jpg if you like these theres more at the above website.
  7. THX1138

    Save $900?

    so we have to go to Kemps place on saturday afternoon? I play some of my best CS on saturday afernoons.
  8. THX1138


    isnt that like Squirt?
  9. THX1138

    Save $900?

    sounds great i still cant wait. its gonna be fun with all our computer guns.
  10. THX1138

    Save $900?

    I wont be golfing and I'll stay by the machines for you folks. It would be cool to have one or two more people to stick around too though.
  11. they are places where Bob_lee would have been waiting for us.
  12. Bob Villa got canned from This old house for blatant promotion of craftsman products during the show. The new guy, who has been around for like 5 years now is Steve Thomas. oh yeah dont forget Tommy Silva.
  13. Total Estimated Time:32 minutes Total Distance: 23.60 miles Thanx fatty thats awsome!
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