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Status Updates posted by Flitterkill

  1. Web server obviously back - colo facility had a power prob.

  2. Web site a little slow at times - working on it...

  3. Webkit why? Fixed backgrounds non-functional? Is anything ever easy...

    1. stutters


      LESS is more.

    2. Flitterkill


      Come on... They could have just put in a conditional - if fixed background in the html header, then lock it down. Stupid tablets...

  4. Well that was a pain in the... VPS Node group/server went down. Our node did not want to play nice and come back up...

    1. MPG1770


      Thanks for your timely effort and hard work fixing it..... btw when you got a minute or 2 can you take a look at PM I sent you. thanks


    2. stutters


      That's what you get for cheaping out on the unmanaged server plan ;)

  5. Well that's a pain in the #$%$#... Pints delayed until next week. See thread for details. Otherwise store reopened within the hour for memberships.

  6. What the hell is "brief mild language"?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Flitterkill


      it was on the mysterious island trailer alongside the pg-13 tag. Do they say "heck"? Does that require a warning?

    3. Fatty


      it's probably hell or poop or damn

    4. Fatty


      stuff that you hear on the radio

  7. Who just sent in $75 and why? I mean, not complaining but...

  8. Who wants to buy me that swanky new Fallout 4 watch on presale in the Bethesda store?

    1. Flitterkill


      Cheers to San and Crasx for tossing me a Steam copy of Fallout 4! Unexpected and most welcome. Still want that watch though :)




    2. onyxdragoon


      Trade you board member status

  9. Whoever started to say SW - The Force Awakens should be up for a best picture nomination needs to lay off all of the drugs. Including any life saving ones.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. turnbullTeRRoR


      watched it. Not bad. Not Great either. The whole interaction between characters felt rushed and clunky esp the main twist @ the climitcal part... so small a backstory. Like if no movies existed before that the "shocker"......would have been so dull.

    3. turnbullTeRRoR


      and it only generated marginal feels even knowing the original 3 movies

    4. VivaLaBrandon


      Well it's Star Wars you can't expect much, I haven't seen it yet but when I do i just wanna see cool scenes, don't care about acting or anything like that.

  10. Why do people who list TV's on Craigslist seemingly knock off inches from thier actual screen size and why don't I verify the actual size before purchase?

    1. Biggs


      Yeah should pull up the product number somewhere else... especially if your space for the TV limits your purchase to some maximum dimension

    2. MPG1770


      Do yourself a favour - dump the TV - you find that your life becomes more creative without one

  11. Why yes, I'll take one of the new Microsoft Surfaces.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. walkingCat


      i bought 1 for my father, he is happy.

    3. Protomanx13


      Surface is nice but the price throws me off. I highly doubt you can do anything with an i7 on a tablet

    4. walkingCat


      ow silly me! i did't know there is a new large Surface... yeah. if they make it a little bit cheaper it can replace WACOM :)

  12. With so many servers now (8 actually) figured I'd kill the rotating server monitors and just stick them up full time. (The 8th is a legacy UT2K4 server which will probably become a UT4 alpha server)

  13. Wow. First forum spammer that's gotten through in a long while... Buh-bye.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Biggs


      Looks like my necromancer bot got banned pretty quick..

    3. Biggs


      PS never outsource.

    4. Lookback


      Can we let the ones for new renovations through, I would like to renovate my house...

  14. You fools with streams are adding them to our live stream pile up top right? Right? I mean, the arena menu choice might be useless but the live stream one ain't :)

    1. Architect


      Who you calling a fool???


    2. Biggs


      Didn't you see the smiley face at the end?! It means it was a joke... :)

  15. You should be able to use gamrs.co in place of gcftw.com in your links/redirects within 30 minutes or so. Domain transfers for gcftw and gamerscoalition.com to begin shortly.

    1. Flitterkill


      gcftw, gamerscoalition, fragfestohio all in progress - no idea when they'll hit in the transfer queue

    2. Biggs


      30 minutes? Good thing these status updates only show the day

    3. Flitterkill


      Don't make me hurt you...

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