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Everything posted by Flitterkill

  1. Real close so I put up the announcement. We're testing with a copy of the db now. When we are ready we'll close these forums for posting, copy the db again, ramp it up and then flip the DNS switch. We'll set up a redirect do people can get to us again. Hell of thing that outage too. Someone wrote a benign dns/router rule and captured a bug that crapped Juniper routers. One in a million that, but also, yeah, cdn.
  2. You shouldn't be yelling at anyone...
  3. Number of 3 foot tall and growing and flowering tomato plants before landscapers work: 5. Number after they leave: 1. :(

  4. Cough, player count, cough...
  5. I'd blame a memory chip if the servers were on different machines. Of course they aren't so...
  6. I'm not entirely sold on CloudFlare and other stuff. For the store we have to have ssl and there is some chop with CDN stuff and SSL (unless one pays for it and then there is the configuratering which I don't even know if IPB.Nexus can even handle right now) Let's leave it at maybe? Looking forward to just getting things working firstly.
  7. Someday soon, like real soon, we'll be moving this website to new digs. DONE! Please post any bugs/missings/upload fails/etc. in this thread. Thx. We've been with FutureHosting for a few years now but needs and times change and for what we need they no longer have anything that fits our budget (or at least we can get moar elsewhere) The newness is better of course. Dedicated cores vs shared cores. Same memory. More than double the HD space. Nginx, Zend Opcache, etc. We've upgraded the game servers, time to up our web game as well. That means at some vague unannounced time the web will be down, and then it will be back up. There *might* be some missing things here and there but nothing that can't be replaced. There also might be some of the usual chop as we figure out what to cache and what to use to cache it and all that jazz. SSL certs (blah) need redoing. Ton of junk. But M0M is on a staycation right now so the timing for all this couldn't be better.
  8. Actually, a little bird (M0M) just told me there were DAMAGES during FFO :0
  9. Player count would be nice to know.
  10. When we upgraded the firepower of our game servers JC upgraded Sourcemod from 1.5 to 2.0 or something something. That's *probably* the cause of the crashes lately. He's gonna try dropping one or both back down to 1.5 tonight. 1 is up now, 2 will be down all day.
  11. I suspect if there is a thing such as the automatic high-ping kick that *that* is turned off for Coalition Members. If this was an admin-initiated kick that's something different. What was your ping just out of curiosity, and yes we still need the admin to chime in.
  12. Not gonna lie. Late Sept, Early Oct. Might be some opportunities there.
  13. Just FYI, yes, we can/are doing this but take some time to plan this out. We've got our hands full bringing the CSGO side back up to speed after the server upgrades.
  14. And you won't! Right now the main pub is on a different ip *however* once San does another rebuild, those links above will be pointed back to the original IP. Check the Gametracker for the server. It''s live, with all the old stats, but just a bare CSGO server right now. Even claimed for GC.
  15. go1.gamrs.co:27015 go1.gcftw.com:27015 Both will redirect correctly to the primary GC CSGO pub server. Longer version if you need it: gccsgo1.game.nfoservers.com:27015 Other CSGO servers still being built up. Also, the Gametracker monitors are a bit wonky right now with some IP swaps. It'll get sorted soon enough.
  16. Upgrades on both VDS machines in progress. One should be done within the hour, the other might be a bit more. EDIT: L4D2 VDS is done. JC is gonna upgrade SourceMod or something but otherwise that one is ready to rock. EDIT DEUCE: Both VDS machines are good to go. I think the L4D2 servers may be offline unitl JC finishes what he finishes but otherwise everything should be up.
  17. UPDATE: 645PM EASTERN WE ARE REBUILDING CSGO SERVERS. GONNA BE A BIT LONGER FOR YOU GUYS. If your favorite server is offline for a bit this afternoon don't fret! You guys are so awesome we feel like we need to reciprocate. We've got two VDS game servers with NFO; one for the L4D2'rs, the other for CSGO folks. Both of them are dual core machines with dedicated memory and cpu and honestly we don't put either of them to their full use as is. But that's no reason not to DOUBLE OUR PLEASURE!!! Each machine is now has a dedicated (to us) Quad-Core, 4 gigs of RAM, 400 GIG of RAID-backed HD, and a ton of bandwidth! Gives us room for a TF2 server easily enough and space for more servers of whatever we desire (immagunnamakealegacyUT2K4ONSserveragain). Provisioning and movement take time. Hour or two. Servers offline during this period. Might not be perky when they come back online until admins poke things. That is all. -Fk
  18. It's automatic. You'll see you've got a forum title now and reserves patch in every 6 hours. I've hit the script now to reload reserves; that should do it.
  19. Legit. Ran recount. Dropped your total posts by 75.
  20. True to a point. Not sure if you've been following much but Turnbull turned that csgo server way around. 600 is still good but he had it better than 250 not too long ago. The nut is L4D2 players - who *way* outnumber our csgo players (I suspect in Coalition memberships as well) - gotta crack why we are getting almost zilch from that.
  21. FYI, the new version of these forum boards has drag and drop attachments for posts. I imagine gallery will be the same as well. Sorry about the caption formatting right now in the gallery, I'm working on it (should be bigger text and not centered)
  22. Pretty sure that's a hacked number on Fat's part. Never bothered to change it.
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