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Everything posted by VooDooPC

  1. Haha, i know exactly what you mean... Theres mine. Pull out your bullet proof sleeve boys!
  2. Type status in the console when your in the server. A topic about it. Might be more helpful.
  3. For the one in the market you need to have someone else boost you.
  4. I wouldn't leave myself 20 seconds to save the hostages and go back to get the other one...
  5. I remember, i THINK it was MOH. But they had a thing called "sharking", there was a bug with the ladders and you could appear half way through the ground to everyone and it made you a pain in the butt to kill.
  6. I remember when i was in elementry school. We had this guy come in who did things like this, ripping phone books in half ect. A great thing he would always do is have tons of candy. I'm not talking about little fun sized candy bars i am talking about full sized candy bars. He would say stuff like "If you don't do drugs your saving your life, so you can have LIFE SAVERS!" And i couldn't be more thrilled. Then again... i was in second grade and easily entertained. My favorite speaker to this date, i had in high school, that had the most influnce on my life had to have been David Toma.
  7. They need to get the money to fix the potholes some way!
  8. Then i give up. Have you tried reinstalling Steam?
  9. Give it some time. It should put itself back into order some time or another.
  10. I noticed it too. It goes back to the old lowered POV. I get it alot when i jump directly next to a wall or into another player.
  11. You guys need to stop getting regulars like this.
  12. VooDooPC


    I made an artists rendition of gameplay. Lets see if i can find it... Oh right, here it is: If you can't see whats going on. The CTs are trying to run to bomb site A and are getting mowed down.
  13. I got it the other day. I like RPGs, i like Super Heroes. But i don't like this game. It just can't keep me hooked for some reason. I can't play it for a max of an hour or so at a tmie.. And i think the main reason why is becuase of its cornyiness. All of the dialog drives me crazy. And i'm not too big of a fan of RPGs that make me control more than one person. I'm so used to gritty anti-hero super heroes i can't handle REAL super heroes i guess. I made my own custom hero, a fire breathing T-Rex. I spent hours trying to get enough character points(or what ever they call them) to import him into my campaign, just to find out he is so big that he fills the 1/4th the screen zoomed all the way out. BIG pain in the butt.
  14. I think the chick on the swing is Brook Burke.
  15. The only time i will give in an kill a TKer is if they are killing my teammates one by one. I don't mind if i die, but my teammates death. Thats just uncalled for!
  16. It think its the game not your computer becuase mine does the same.
  17. I woke up dismorning around 7:30 and saw that there were bots in Recrudescene and Mayhem. I thought they were removed.
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