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Everything posted by k-wix

  1. Im down - still here, that is I just havent heard much as far as actual matches and stuff goes.. It doesnt help that i dont have much time as it is.. >.<
  2. Kingdom of Paradise is an Amazing Action/RPG game thats oriental-themed. Lumines is the greatest puzzle game ever created. GTA:LCS is great if your a fan of the series. The new Wrestling game is also very very slick.. but with GTA its more of the same. Burnout Legends and Wipeout Fusion are both excellent Racing games. Hot Shots Golf on the PSP is simply great, and a must-have if your into the series. Street Fighter Alpha 3 Upper is up-and-coming if your into fighting games, it looks to be very good. Emulators only run on versions 1.5 and 2.0 If your PSP is over 2.0 Then your out of luck for a few months until its cracked (many coders are working on this, Fanjita is probably the most popular/well known) I know just about all there is to know about the PSP so feel free to ask.
  3. yea, i saved that one for last cause it was a favorite i got really lucky. I actually don't have after effects, this was *all* done and edited with Windows Movie Maker and the CS:S Demo playback features. All of the slowdown was done via demo playback, and the rest was WMM. I should probably check out after effects. I probably got carried away when i was watching the kills over and over with the slowdowns a bit, but the last shottie kill is great i think
  4. I started this project about a month ago, i wanted to see what i could do as far as movie-work goes and wanted to have some fun with taking live video of myself playing CS:S and theming it with music and things of that nature. So i present my first effort, Killshots Vol. 1 by k-wix. It basically me scoring some *very* impressive shots in CS:S and having them on film.. none of it was setup, it was all done ingame and everything is legit. I took the footage myself, and edited it all aswell. In total, I spent about 3 weeks to a month on it, working on and off.. this was my first major dealing with movie stuff, and i learned a lot.. very simple effects.. I decided to focus on my favorite weapons, they are the P90, Galil, Shotgun, and of course.. the FAMAS (<3) You can download the file here (there is a small one thats under 25 megs, and a big one thats over 120, that requires you to sign up with fileshack) The big one is really nice as far as quality go, the Film runs for almost 10 minutes. You can download both of them here. http://kwix.shackspace.com/killshots I'm not stopping here, if the response is positive, i'd like to do something even bigger, featuring off gamerscoalition members or perhaps a specific clan(s) (GoCI, Eh, ect ect) or perhaps even some of the main gc players. Yea, download and check it out and tell me what you think!!! all of the footage was taken on scopeless, you may see some of your own names getting owned by yours truely. Njoy.
  5. As some of the scopeless players know, I am sometimes a Ninja - and othertimes an E-Thug in training. Both ways equally dangerous.
  6. Happy New Year GC. <3
  7. Sirius is hot, but in this digital age of music, I find myself listening more and more to my MP3 Cd's then i do to radio of *any* form. Not to say radio is bad, but it is kinda random.. the cool thing about Satillite radio is there really are no commercials or any of that sorta junk - it's pure solid music, and the selection is top-of-the-line. If you listen to the radio a Lot (and by a lot, i mean daily/not just in the car) .. then i'd highly reccomend it.. but if you just listen to it once in awhile.. or want to put it on for a good mood, then it becomes very difficult to justify the cost.
  8. Very nice work - good portraits - they came out really well.
  9. Finished. Kinda simple - but i ended up liking it. red and blue (as per your request) are a rough choice because they clash so much.. but.. it works in my opinion.
  10. Sorry i didn't address this sooner. Let me be clear: I am not a modeller, i did not model that famas, its the *default* weapon that comes with Counter-Strike:Source. I simply took the existing skin, recolored it, added text, and retouched it to give it the dark navy blue look, and have my name on it. (awesome!) There are a lot of ways to do this, but basically the simplist way is to edit the .vtf file that contains the skin texture of the weapon. This involves a few steps, you must extract the skin texture from the VTF and edit it, then you must create a new VTF and place it in the appropriate directory so CS can use it (just like you would a normal weapon) The directory that the weapons are contained in is: Cstrike>Matrials>Models>Weapons>v_models There is a program i use called VTFEdit, that can be downloaded for free, that allows you to open and manipulate and extract images from VTF Files. It makes this not only feasible, but easy - go ahead and check it out. http://nemesis.thewavelength.net/index.php?c=149 There is also a tutorial on CS Banana i used when first learning all this, i found it helpful. http://www.fpsbanana.com/?section=viewitem.tuts.tuts.main.33
  11. Wow, this was difficult, it took me some time.. Heres the edit: Also, fatty if you want to make me a subforum go for it, im still working on the GC Spray, I can't come up with good source images though. - The 'R' letter was handcrafted by me, it was difficult to find something that matched up so i went with my own creation. - The image was slid over and a lot of the original stuff got overtaken, so i had to clean up with paintbrush/pen/spray work. - The background behind the new text was copied from the old text, then blurred and painted around to make it look like something new/realistic. The edges were the hardest parts to do.
  12. Yea, i've had the P90 one for awhile, it always reminds me of Duma more then myself one. They dont make good famas backgrounds because they can't comprehend the raw power of the gun, so i go with the 2nd-best. http://halflife2.filefront.com/screenshots/File/38936/1
  13. Some more rough designs i've worked up.. any of them can be polished/redone.. whatchya thing gc'ers. Built with simplicity and transparency in mind. The text on there now tends to stick out like a sore thumb.
  14. Very cool map Berge, in its current form that we played on the latest custom map night.. (last Sat?) There were a few critiques i prepped for you. 1: the map seems fairly small. It really actually isnt.. it just sorta seems very secluded, the action almost always goes down at the bomb sites and rushes seem to be the way to play the map (not to say another technique isn't feasible, but the small size of the map seems to encourage this) I'd love to see a slightly elongated version of the map. 2: The map also seems pretty simple. That really isnt a bad thing - i like simple.. theres only 3 ways to go and they tie in together rather nicely. the sniping nest for CT's in the middle is a nice touch. the jagged rocks we're all done pretty well and the boxes in both bomb sites worked out well. Good cover.
  15. k-wix

    Got Cake

    Thanks guys... <3
  16. Relax, let me do you guys up a more ornate logo test with that, and tell me if it works, THEN ill get started on a much better logo for you I whipped that up in like seriously 2-4 minutes, give me an hour and ill have something much prettier, i just want to know if that size is alright, ect ect.
  17. Im aware of VTF and its undergoings, i can probably whip up a VMT spray with transparency, all it is is Alpha Channels - when i wanted to learn how to make a transparent spray i learned all about this. So yea - im pretty sure i can whip something up. Im only reall aware of VTF though, im not all that hip to VMT, if you guys had a link you could post , im sure i could learn and adapt. I dont have access to that forum link, fatty.. or atleast it tells me i can't go.. but i whipped something up that i *think* is transparent.. I didnt have time to test it - have to go to work here shortly. Heres a link: The text is really plain, as this is just sort've a test, i can do something more ornate when i know it works. The dimensions of the file are {128x512} the first # you posted. http://kwix.shackspace.com/gcLogo.vtf
  18. Sure, i can do transparent backgrounds, But 64 x1024 seems a bit odd as far as dimension goes.. what format would you like the picture in?
  19. Fixed. (If you still see the same image, just hold ctrl+click refresh on your browser)
  20. Okay guys, here we go. 3 done. You've been after me for a logo for a long time, so here it is. this was probably the most difficult to do because working with small pictures like the patch/m4 carbine is hard. still, did my best. Really like the manipulation and greyscale effect, i think it looks 'sharp' which is how i picture 'bbc' to be. sharp. Enjoy? And last but not least, the fat-man himself. i cut you out (and its a very good cut, if i do say so myself) and placed you in a much more winterized enviroment, then i added in flavor text and incorperated your 'HO!' text.
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