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Tomorrow at 12:45 in the afternoon, our daughter, Mya, will undergo surgery to have tubes put in her ears. While it's a common procedure, it's still surgery on a 1 year-old.



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GC Founder

Welp, what an emotional roller coaster of a morning....surgery has been postponed.


Amy takes Ella to caregiver, I get up about 1/2 hour later with Mya and make us breakfast.


You can't eat before being put down for surgery due to the risk of asphyxiation (you cough/vomit up a little food while out, you suffocate...i.e. Elvis, etc). :bang::bang: It seems like one of those things I should have known, so I'm beating myself up inside, and Amy grieved because she never actually told me to make sure she didn't eat. One of those things that just happen, although now Mya has to wait 3 weeks for her operation (we leave for vacation on Wednesday, and were ready to start cancelling, etc)


Two different doctors today (one that saw her this morning) assured us that she'll be fine for 3 weeks, and to go on with our plans.


Just a sucky morning....but things are better now. I'll ask you again, of course, for your prayers in 3 weeks!

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Eh, you're only human. Things happen. I didn't even know that and I'm pretty sure when I went to get my 2 wisdom teeth take out I ate breakfast. I'm glad you caught the problem and held the surgery. GL with it on the later date. <3 If I were you I wouldn't be bashing myself for what happened but what was prevented. Does that make sence? I'm just pulling random thoughts off the top of my head. :freak:

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How about prayer THROUGH the next 3 weeks. I believe in a God that heals so it is entirely possible that she won't even need the surgery but either way, I will continue to pray for her and you guys.

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GC Founder

Thanks....this is what I've asked the others. I appreciate you bringing this up on your own. Everyone, including the doctors, tell us to go and continue on with our vacation plans. Our family sees the value in Amy and I spending time with each other (kids aren't going). Our hearts, however, will be here with Mya.


What's trying is my faith....cause it involves my helpless little one.


Thank you, dweez, and all. I believe in a God that hears and is faithful.

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Hey Fatty,


Well, I'm sorry that you don't have the tubes behind you but as Dweezil so well put it, perhaps with prayer over the next few weeks, she might not need the tubes afer all.


Also, don't blame yourself cause it was an easy mistake - I'm just glad that you caught it before it turned into a more difficult situation.


As Nyx mentioned, we have been through the ringer with tubes and other multiple and very serious ear surgeries on Nyx - ever since he was an infant. I remember I found out what the Bible meant when it tells us to "pray without ceasing" when Nyx went through a 5 hour + surgery when he was only 10 years old! A very difficult and scary time for our family but I learned through it all that the best thing that you can do (and it's the right thing to do) is put it in the hands of God and ask His will to be done. Nyx has always been a real trooper with his ear surgeries - amazing really sometimes how brave he was and what a little kid he was going through that stuff. Tough times for parents so I can well relate to how you feel about this.


Who knows, it's quite possible that the Doctor was having a really bad day that morning - perhaps things wouldn't have gone well if she had gone through the surgery that morning. Perhaps, God, in His own providence had you mess up! ;) Sometimes God works in strange ways that surpass our own understanding but I have learned over the years that even when things go wrong sometimes, perhaps it was for the right reason!


You're in my prayers dude and your family and especially your little daughter. Have a great vacation and try not to worry. We'll be praying for ya!


Cranky 8)

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You are in our prayers here.


We had this done on our youngest. I was amazed at how quickly it is finished. We walked in and got registered and we went to pre-op. They said we had 10 minutes before they took her back for surgery and we had not eaten so I ran to BK next door for some sandwiches for the wife and I and when I came back 10 minutes later it was done. They had gotten her early and I think they had her for only 4-5 minutes and they were done. It was amazingly fast.


Then she cried for over an hour after waking up....


Good luck Fatty, we will be thinking of you and remember, the lack of ear infections and illness when done is amazing.

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  • 2 weeks later...
GC Founder

Ok. Friday is the day. Kiddo has been on some nasal spray for the adnoid issues. She's really doing well. Someone remind me not to give her a waffle on Friday morning.

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