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Unreal Tournament hasnt changed

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I went out and bought the very first unreal tournament a long, long time ago. I have been playing UT2K4 now for a few days. Its the very same game!!


It's amazing how the levels even are the same. Of course there are new assault maps but a lot of the CTF and DM are maps with the same layout only better graphics. Plus the fact that the guns are exactly the same is weird. Surely they could add new guns.


Of course onslaught and bombing run are new. But onslaught is just an excersize in frustration for me. The only way to be effective is to be a vehicle fiend... I miss the pure shoot and kill of CS.


I remember confirming to myself that I didn't really care for 'shooters' in the mold of quake, doom, unreal, etc. after I played the original UT. It just didn't hold anything for me after feeling the real tension of using stealth in CS. The weaponry is just a venture in frustration... the 'powerful' ones have no range (RL is slow... only one that isnt slow is the chain gun and its erratic) and anything with a range is weak (thinking of alt fire on the link gun). Sniping is beyond my reflexes when movement is so dang fast.


Anyway, my observations sound negative but I was able to confirm AGAIN that I don't care for the 'shooters' :). Now I have to see if there are decent mods for it. The first game I ever really got into was the mod Inflitration for the original Unreal. Now THAT mod had some grenades! So hopefully something cool will come of that. Also the movement on the engine seems better than before so hopefully the mods will be the same way.

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I am also one of the original UT players, but never really got into it online because I lacked a cable connection and it was a bit shallow. But with games like Counterstike, which I used to play somewhat extensively, I found that the pace was way too slow and levels always resorted to some sort of camping after one or both teams lost most of their players...it became an exercise on who could "wait it out" the longest. Although UT2K4 isn't perfect by any means (I loathe the leviathan, and people love to "whore it up" with the goliath), I love the fast pace of the game, making camping not worth the effort. The emphasis is placed on movement rather than aim.


But I still miss the original UT sniper rifle...I remember popping off heads from across the map without zooming in...now that is satisfaction!


EDIT: Ok, maybe camping is a problem...there was someone camping with an AVRIL and spider mines at a node for the entire map in arcticstronghold...he wouldn't budge, forcing an overtime game twice.

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I'm with the rev on this one. But, not to fear, check out the Red Orchestra mod that is already released, or wait for some others to come out. www.planetunreal.com will take care of your all your mod-searching needs. I played UT'99, UT2k3 and UT2k4, and they're all pretty much the same. In fact, I think I liked the original the best out of all of them, save the amazing graphics in the newest game. I knew I wouldn't like UT2k4 when I bought it, but I bought it anyway, because Unreal has some always spawned great mods, due to it's awsome engine. So, hold onto the game and get into some mods. I'll join you once I get a new computer.

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I've heard arguments on both sides and my advice is this...play the games you love and leave the ones you don't, and leave the propaganda at the door...respectfully.


I've never played CS and I'm sure that if I played it I'd find things I like and things I don't.


I've played UT classic, UT2k3, UT2, UTXMP, and UT2k4...and again there are things I like and don't like, but for now its my current addiction.


Whichever game is your thang...live it up and have fun...mang.

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