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A Fan's account of Doom3


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One of our writers, Tom Chick, tells of his account with a friend named Trevor, who waited for six hours before the midnight selling of Doom 3 at a local Best Buy. I found it to be a great reading, citing Tom's style and fluid pace making it an enjoyable multi-page read.


I could tell by the tone of his voice he'd lost some of his enthusiasm. It might have just been because he was stuck. But he was trying to buck up. He'd just spent sixty bucks, a few weeks of being really excited, and six hours of standing in line at Best Buy. It's only natural to try to deny that it might not have been worth it until you're absolutely sure. And if it wasn't worth it, better to put off that realization as long as possible. Sometimes you can fool yourself into having fun if you don't think too hard.


"Okay, maybe it's a good game. But just barely. I could think of ten other PC games this year that are way better than Doom 3. It's overlong, repetitive, derivative, uninspired. It's full of trucking monster closets, for Christ's sake. Monster closets! There's a monster just sitting in a closet that won't open until you walk past it. What's up with that?"

"Okay, this is more your jaded gamer crap. You didn't even like Far Cry."


"At least it's better than Doom 3."


"Far Cry is better than Doom 3?"


"Hell, I'd say Max Payne 2 is better than Doom 3. At least it's got some personality, some variety. It's got a spark of life that's completely missing in Doom 3."


He calls back in the morning, while I'm making coffee. "Hey, are you up? I left you a message. I have a question. How do you pronounce where you keep, like, weapons?"




"What do you call it, where you keep weapons?"


"An arsenal?"


"No, no, like a place you'd store them?"


"What, a gun cabinet?"


"No, no."


"Is this about a Doom 3? Do you mean those lockers?"


"Yeah, but there's a word I want to know how you pronounce. You corrected me once in front of all the guys at Shoot Club."


"I have no idea what you're talking about."


"Do you say 'cash' or 'cash-ay'?"


"Oh, you mean cache. It's pronounced 'cash'. Cachet is like reputation or credibility."


This was on firingsquad.com

**Warning** There are some bad words.

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Guest PDO
Guest PDO
Guest PDO
Glad I didn't buy it. :peace:



I felt like that after playing at a LAN for a while.. would've been a huge waste of money. Poor fanboys :(.

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Hmmm. Well, I bought this game today...Just wanted to test out my new computer with it. I didnt go into it with high expectations like most did, and I was pleasantly surprised. For about 20 minutes. All that darkness started to get on my nerves (I know, I know, its the point of the game). The whole, walk into a room with your flashlight out, get hit from somewhere you cant see, scan around with yer flashlight, get out yer gun and kill em thing started to get old. Even with the AMAZING graphics (although I wish bodies didn't disappear... you never get to see the enormous amount of work that went into the models!) it shows that in the end gameplay trumps all.

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