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TK Punishments

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I was wondering if GC might consider another option to the tk punishments. I've played on other servers where if you're tk'd, you have the option of taking a portion of the other persons cash on hand. I don't personally like slaying or injuring the tk'er the next round. It ends up hurting your own team in the end. Now if I had the option of taking his cash, it would compensate me for the lost money in armor, weapons, nades, etc. I bought that round when I was tk'd. Also, it doesn't end up hurting your team in the end because the cash changing hands stays on your team.

Edited by simkiller
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If it's on purpose, slay and tell the admin.


If it's on accident, forgive.


Who needs more choices? Are you saying you want to take cash from a guy who accidentally TKs you?

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:= cold killer :=

i think he s trying 2 say if they tk on purpose u can take there money rather than hurt them but if they tk me on purpose ban them . but any1 else give them the option of taking money. on other servers it says !!dam pick pocketers!! when they take ur money so i would say anoughther option would be better and we should say the same thing.

:unsure: have a think about it :unsure:

Edited by chris
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No here is what I'm saying. There are 3 kinds of tks IMO.


1) Purpose/ The person should be banned/kicked.


2) Accidental/(Nade goes off in a crowd, or spaying and someone jumps in front of the spray) Person should be forgiven.


3) Accidental but avoidable/(I shoot at a teamate that comes around a corner and kill him. If I had been looking at my radar it would have been avoidable. Or any tk that there was absolutely no reason why he should have shot at you. It happens to me all the time. The person says, "I'm sorry.". I believe him! So I won't slay or slap, but still feel I need compensation for the lost cash for the weapon.

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3) Accidental but avoidable/(I shoot at a teamate that comes around a corner and kill him. If I had been looking at my radar it would have been avoidable. Or any tk that there was absolutely no reason why he should have shot at you. It happens to me all the time. The person says, "I'm sorry.". I believe him! So I won't slay or slap, but still feel I need compensation for the lost cash for the weapon.



I agree with this. There are times when I've been on both ends: the guy getting pwnt by someone who could've taken a breath before pressing his trigger, and also the moron who didn't take that breath :P


If I'm the former, I feel a bit p.o.ed, but certainly don't want to TK the poor guy. I think taking 30% cash (<--- not that much anyways) is sufficient, and like sim said, it makes up for my loss in items. If I'm the latter, I feel like a dolt and am perfectly fine with the poor guy I nailed taking some cash from me. It's easier than me offering him a weapon, as it saves valuable time at the beginning of the next round.

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If it was an accident but avoidable what you do is...


watch the person the round you were tk'd...

wait till next round for judgement...

if the person helps win the round then you forgive them...

if the person makes a good attempt at trying to win the round you forgive them...

if the person messes up again and doesn't help win the round or atleast try and help the team they go boom at beginning of next round (make sure you do this after they've bought guns so you can pickup their rifle).


Whamo, you've just gotten their cash through their assets!

Edited by Mk5
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i for one like the current options....so far as they don't get abused. some people are so rationale when tk'ed and pounce all over the slay. good ol' admining is a great thing, but this works as a great supplement.


and hey, at least we don't have the burn the tk'er option. it's funny the first time, but then just annoying.


and i know it's not related, but i'm not a huge fan of the timeleft/nextmap echoing to only one player.



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I agree, we need an option for taking a percentage of tk'er money. When I tk I feel the need to compensate and if the person I tk'ed is poor I don't care if they take some of my money.

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