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Ewwww Flu - (plus Duke is a real man)


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Ella, Kid 1, age 5

Mya, Kid 2, age 2

Elena, Kid 3, age 7 mo.


Thursday night (Friday early morning) Kid 1 starts yackin.


Friday morning, about to leave with Kid 2 and 3, Kid 3 yacks.


Leave with Kid 2, Mom stays home with 1 and 3. Kid 1 misses first day of school (and consequently Christmas party). Secretary says there's a flu going around that doesn't involve a fever. Strange...


Morning through afternoon = yackity yack.


Plans to meet with Duke and visit a LAN center / possible FragFest sponsors late that night cancelled. I can't be carrying germs and having them land on Duke and have him take them back home.....no brainer. Cancelled plans.


Kid 1 has final exorcism 7 PM Friday night, but late enough that we cancel party on Saturday. She was a champ. Never once complained or whined. Funny how adults hug the ivory and a kid can yack, wipe their mouth, and go back to whatever.


All seems ok later that evening. However Kid 3 begins the "post sickness" explosive movements. The up and out of the back of the diaper kind. Ack. Probably 3 or 4.


Near midnight, same night, Kid 2 vomits while sleeping. This was NOT a fun thing to clean up. I mean, hope you never have to do this. I'd rather field dress a deer with a punctured stomach. Wife bathes, I get the laundry. Pillow thrown out, probably going to trash the mattress as well. Dew-bay (cause I've no clue how to spell that) is going to make it. No church tomorrow...we're gonna have to face these demons without leaving the house.


Several more chucks from Kid 2 (she's now on couch and surronded by towels, etc. Just too young to "get to the bucket."


6 AM this morning, me on couch across from Kid 2 on other couch, Kid 3 wakes up in crib, yet another evil explosion has woken her up. Bedding effected. My total sleep is about 2 hours because my wife's laptop made me stay up and play poker while I watched over Kid 2. I start making hot tea. Hoping mom will sleep in a long time, because I'm going to have to crash when she gets up.


Mom gets up, earlier than expected. I have things under control, feeding Kid 3 cereal who seems to be fine. She's going to run for coffee. Comes back in after 1 minute, staggers around, and lays down on the couch where she's sleeping still.


It's quiet, kids seem to all be through it. I expect Kid 2 to violate her pants several more times, and would be surprised if 3 was finished.


I'm on my 3rd large hot tea, playing poker on the wife's laptop upstairs, just performing damage control.


Then I think of Duke, his family, and Danielle who pukes because of her treatments for cancer....who probably has accepted all of the vomiting as part of life....and a tear comes to my eye because I'm thinking about how tired I am and "what a couple days" it has been...a couple days....


Praying for you and your family, Duke. You are a man's man....a great father and husband. I envy your strength and faith.


Dunno how long it's been since anyone has sent a hat to Danielle, but I have a feeling that she'd not reject another fun one from somewhere. Here, if you haven't yet, check this out: http://www.gamrs.co/htmlgc/dani.../danielle.shtml


Where's the page with the hats? Wasn't a month or two ago I forwarded those over....did we put pics up with those yet?


As Duke would say: Hug your kids!


Have a great day, guys, and wash yer hands!

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GC Founder

PS. As I closed above, I heard Kid 3 had woken up from her nap.


As I changed her, I chuckled as I kept singing...."Releasing the demons within..." I think it's by Godsmack. It's the themesong here though!


If you were to look on our back porch right now, you might think we left our groceries on the step with all the plastic bags that have been tossed out there. I wouldn't empty those bags into the fridge though!

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Well then...that sounds...uhhh...aren't your kids still under warranty? You should take them back to the manufacturer..."here, they leak...and this one, well, you don't want to know" :biglaugha: I'm just kidding...all of your kids are past their 90 day warranty, did you get power train? (can you tell I've been car shopping all weekend?)


But seriously, now you know what working at the hospital during mardi gras must be like!


I gotta get on with that hat for Danielle now that things are going in the right direction for me...and yes...duke is such a champ!

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Thanks for the praises but it's really about Danielle and Kel. Danielle makes you a better person and Kel keeps me strong. Without them I'm nothing.


Besides, I can handle one sick kid. 3 kids??? What line do you get in to give up? :D


Praying for you and your family. Lots of fluids...when you can hold them down.

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I seriously don't know how the heck I could ever be a parent. I can't take care of myself.

However, if I ever get the chance to be one, I know where I'm going for advice.



uh, by that I mean...you guys are good parents.


Edited by Playaa/Pselus
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I showed the wife this post. We're assuming all is good so we had a laugh re-reading Fat's initial post.


Are you really gonna throw out the mattress?? I mean, really, there's worse things that happen to mattresses.


Duke's rules of parenting:

1. The wife runs the roost. Whatever she suggests to you is not a suggestion.


2. Diapers- Don't go cheap on 'em. Is $2.00 worth the 2 hours of cleaning up a potential blowout? It's insurance, plain and simple.


3. Spicy food- only feed your child spicy food for the first time...the night before a trip to grandma & grandpa's.


4. Beds- plastic mattress covers... 'nuf said.


5. Stuffed animals- buy 2 more of the same one when the kid isn't looking. Again, insurance.


6. Door locks- Don't go cheap (notice the theme?). Get the kind where you press 2 buttons (180 degrees apart) to open the door. Great for keeping a kid in his room until 8:30.


7. DVDs & DVD players- Buy 'em and keep 'em everywhere.


8. Sleeping- Nothing wrong w/ giving Benadryl at a dose just below a toxic level. Good schtuff. Bad hangover effect, though.


9. Extreme vomiting- Work overtime till it's over...


10. Fever- In all seriousness, buy the Exergen temporal scanner. Quiet, quick and accurate. Exergen Thermometer


<PMs #4 to Fat>

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GC Founder

Yea, I know what you mean.....maybe if there was another day inbetween....but everyone else was still on the "recovery day" yesterday when I was down and out.


I lost 5 lbs though! :freak:


Spending the day washing everything in sight, scowering the place, recovering the mess that builds up when nobody is able / feels like cleaning.

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Yea, I know what you mean.....maybe if there was another day inbetween....but everyone else was still on the "recovery day" yesterday when I was down and out.


I lost 5 lbs though!  :freak:


Spending the day washing everything in sight, scowering the place, recovering the mess that builds up when nobody is able / feels like cleaning.



I know how that goes. Know that they have my thryiod levels normal I can get a lot more things done around here.

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