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Map change rule (?)

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What are we debating? I'm not in a debate.


If I said I don't want you around, would you seriously just turn around and walk away? While I appreciate the ego trip, it's not necessary, nor desired. If this were a debate, it wouldn't be proper to play the sorrow card like that. Your personality says you're not one to cower, so I won't allow you to play both cards at once. I would hope you've already found that there's something worth sticking around for, even if I didn't like you (which is not the case by any means).


I appreciate your apology for the misread.


/end seriousness


I was arguing with another pubber


Hey, you called yourself a pubber! :boing:


Ok, now...you do have to understand one thing though....member or non-member, you are still a pubber until you forsake all other servers besides ours. :) So, even if you don't decide to join, Stuttering John here has a free-tatoo (well it's more like a brand) for you. All you have to do is simply express that you don't pub anymore and that we're you're home.


Then, the band plays and SJ presses the hot iron that says GC R3gular on your backside and you're free from pubber status!

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OK fine. Debate (or whatever we call it - maybe discussion) is over. I believe we're just going around here.


On the funny side I did not realize what makes the difference between pubber and regular :D It's good to know.


Half serious: you know I'm not sure I want to become a regular, mostly because GC clearly has different management values than myself, therefore I don't think I can call it >home<. The funny thing is that I might want to be a paying member simply to make sure if I wanna play on GC I have a reserved spot. Even with the different mindset (I mean different from mine how a server should be managed) most of the time it is very enjoyable for me to play on the GC servers. Maybe you would call it schizophrenia but this is the way I feel. I'm a complicated person I know :D



If I said I don't want you around, would you seriously just turn around and walk away?

I think I would have walked away, yes. Why? Because you're the boss here. And I would never debate that. Plus you know: just by asking it seriously would have given an indication that this is not a type of place I ever want to be. :D


After all this I just wanna say: "let it be peace" :luxhello:

Edited by it3llig3nc3
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