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what is the world coming to...


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Oh man...this will get me started...one of my biggest pet peeves are all these people who claim that a riot shield will ruin CS...well to all those people, I laugh at you! They are more or less the same people who can't stand custom maps because they don't know every nook and cranny and complain because its something they aren't used to. I don't want to point at anyone here but please...come on...the riot sheild would be a nice addition and could easily be programmed to either be allowed on a server or not. It's not going to ruin counter strike unless you let it. Just because it may have been lame back in the day has no relation on what it would be like now. I liked it way back when, it served its purpose well, but definitely needed tweaking. I get sick and tired of the notion that to be 1337 you have to boycott every little deviation from basic CS. People who will only play the standard maps and can't handle customs are...NOOBS! A good CS player should be able to jump into a map they've never seen and still play well! Welcome to something called realism! I just don't see the point in having a game with terrorists and counter-terrorists with the situations in CS where you play a map that you've played 1,000,000 times before. I just think that the reason so many people are against the riot shield is because they are afraid that their precious k:d ratio might suffer because they haven't had 10,000 hours of practice with it. LAME! I mean...why don't you people just play with bots if you can't handle a little change!



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I was around the day the shield was added to 1.6. Let me tell you that on that day, CS went from running around shooting at people, and became run through a door, stop and crouch staring at a bunch of shields and wait for someone to move.
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Yeah the shield sucked back in the day because everybody used that exploit or whatever where they didnt have to move their shield to fire weapon. I dont mind changes in CS(or I wouldnt have paid for source) but the shield was lame and I think it still would be.

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