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Loose Change


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Has anyone seen the documentary Loose Change? it's about 9/11 (obviously)




I saw it and it's very good. Dont pass judgement and think that it's another Michael Moore type of film. It's quite interesting and shocking what you learn. You can view it directly off the site, here's the link:



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  • 1 month later...

Yeah......that film is very scary considering that the inforamtion provided about the US proposing similiar tactics on it's own people during the Cuban Missle Crisis with JKF in office. Funny how after he denied the proposition from the Joint Chief of Staff at the time (and fired him shortly later) JFK came up dead. George Bush Jr. is an absolute moron and this whole "war on terror" seems like little GW trying to impress his even less successful dad (not being able to get Saddam the first time). Keep in mind that GW Sr. ran the CIA and these guys can pretty much do anything they want and get away with. I find it hard to believe the CIA cant find Osama (An old man with a liver disease that requires dialysis, must be pretty convenant to find a hospital in the middle of nowhere), GW probably called him and said "Im gonna kill about 3000 Americans and blame it on you so i can go to war like my daddy did, but dont worry we'll make sure your never found and get to live the life".


Dont get me wrong Im all for going to war for the right reason, but not for a dumb, uneducated, coke head of a president to fulfill his father's dream.


I could go on for hours but Im sure I already offended plenty of patroits that are so blinded by patroitism that they cant think for themselves anymore and wait to think whatever GW tells them.



Edited by Frog
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that isnt patriotism, that is blind ignorance and conditioning


Check this out.... Run DMC JAM MASTA' JAY!!!


--->> www.ignoranceisntbliss.com

--->> www.loosechange911.com

--->> Search "Terror Storm" on Google.com WATCH IT!!!! lol

--->> Search/Download/Rent??? "Why We Fight"


Michael Moore serves a purpose just remember he leaves out a HELL OF A LOT OF INFORMATION. He never asks the Hard questions either. It seems like it but he really doesnt. I would still recommend people to watch docs in this order.


Bowling for Columbine

Ferrenheit 9/11

Why We Fight

Terror Storm

Loose Change

Ignorance Isn't Bliss


Trust me, this order will make you understand what is going on. Watching Ignorance first or Terror is kind of a shock to most people. You have to build a base for the information.


Can't send a grade 5 to Senior Calculus, gotta teach him some arithmatic first.

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shazz, there's a bunch of stuff missing that loose change had but also has some stuff loose change didn't. things they don't mention are the lightposts and the damage to them. also, the planes mentioned in the "no fly zone" that are on video in loose change. that's the big one that makes me think.


either way that's still very interesting reading. anything explaining the explosions from the twin towers that were said to be planted explosives in that video?


also, glad to see after he concludes he links to an alternate view point. i was just about to condemn him for not looking at both sides. though in reality i think someone should look at the evidence for and against and leave the readers to come to their own conclusions.


personally, i like the idea that it was all planned by the us government. at least it means that less ppl probably died. though who knows what kinds of tests might be being run currently on all those ppl who walked across the tarmak and into that hanger and disappeared.


frog, it's good to see an american that thinks like the majority of canadians.


the world needs less stupid ppl and more ppl willing to get along for the greater good. it's fine to be a patriot and a proud resident of your country but always keep an open mind and look at things from the most unbiased perspective possible.


one last thing guys, CANADA RULES! :P


ps. i hate the fact we're helping you guys out over in the middle east. ff is good in gc servers but please turn it off over there. :D

Edited by Cujo
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  • 4 weeks later...

Loose Change is just some publicity stunt set by a couple college students. If 9/11 was an "inside job", wouldn't the US Government do a little more to make sure their little secret didn't get out?


Since Dylan's arguing that the government has no problem killing 3,000 innocent people, this raises the question: if his documentary is true, and we've established that the government has no ethical qualms about killing thousands of its own people, then why wouldn't the government kill Avery and his friends as well? What's a few more lives to them to ensure the success of this conspiracy?


Whatever reason it may be that the government supposedly orchestrated this conspiracy, it must have been worth it to them to cause so much suffering and loss of life. So if there's any truth to this, then you can bet your butt that the government wouldn't let a couple of chumps with a couple of Macs and too much time on their hands jeopardise their entire operation by letting this stupid video float around on the Internet.


Now we're expected to believe that the same government that was able to commit the largest terrorist operation in history--with military precision no less--is suddenly too incompetent to sniff out and shut down a little website set up by some college losers within days, if not minutes of its creation? The US government has the capability to monitor every electronic communication made anywhere in the world, yet we're expected to believe that they wouldn't be able to nix this kid long before his video ever became popular?


Another thing thats been bugging me for a while is when President Bush was told that a tower was stuck in an apparent terrorist attack, that he just sat there in the classroom with basically no expression on his face. WHAT ELSE COULD HE HAVE DONE?! Put on tights and a cape and fix the whole thing in a blink of an eye?! He was hundreds of miles away from New York, so what could he have possibily done to prevent any other attack? Everything was already being done to prevent any other aircraft from taking off and having ones airborne land at the nearest airport. I'm sick of people saying that he should have done something at the moment he was told, which brings me to ask everyone a question: If you were in his shoes at the moment you were told that a plane has crashed into one of the WTC buildings, what would you have done? Could you have prevented any other attacks? No. Could you have stopped anything else from happening? No. I don't think anyone could have done anything at that moment because there was basically nothing they could do. We're not Superman, we're humans.


//I'm not taking sides, I'm just saying that this movie is stupid and there is no conspiracy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Jackie...they simply can't take out Avary and his friend. If they did, that would just make them guilty. They're hiding behind freedom of speech. Avary and his friend can say all they want. The government doesn't have to confirm it, or deny it. So they dont have to worry about the producers, they're playing it off like another Michael Moore production.


What is interesting to me though is how they pointed out that several of the supposed "terrorists" are still alive in the world today hah. If the US government is so smart and precise, how could they mess up something as important as that?


What i do agree with is that Bush couldn't do anything. They were caught off guard (unless they knew about it and chose to do nothing). But lets give them the benefit of the doubt and say they had no clue what was going to happen that fateful day. What could anyone do? nothing...sit back and watch the horror.

Edited by Xterminator
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Jackie...they simply can't take out Avary and his friend. If they did, that would just make them guilty. They're hiding behind freedom of speech. Avary and his friend can say all they want. The government doesn't have to confirm it, or deny it. So they dont have to worry about the producers, they're playing it off like another Michael Moore production.

But they simply took out thousands of their own citizens? If they took out thousands of their own citizens, what do they got to lose by taking out a couple more college students? They are already guilty of killing the people on 9/11, so what do they have to lose by making sure the "conspiracy" stays secret? Lemme guess... because there is no conspiracy.

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Regardless if this whole conspiracy is true or not, it's not really far fetched for a government to kill its own ppl... even thousands. Especially if they believe that the ends justify the means. also, ppl get mocked if they believe this stuff. There is no reason for the government to kill them. If they did, it would just make them look guilty. I'm not saying that i believe this or anything.. i really havent looked into it enough. I'm just giving my thoughts, and I wouldnt be surprised at all if it turned out to be true.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Here's a documentary of the authors of Loose change vs Popular Mechanics


It's a 5 part show...all the files are linked on youtube.



The Loose change guys kinda hurt their case by constantly interrupting the other guys and resorting to name calling. But they did raise interesting points that the Popular Mechanics guys wouldn't respond to. Whenever there was a question that they didn't want to answer, they'd resort to saying that it was more conspiracy theory mambo jambo.

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  • 4 weeks later...

What if all of this happened. And it wasnt run by Bush. I have always felt the president is a pawn to a higher power. I dont sit and think its all nasty either could be to secure the American way of life at all costs. As long as I can lead the Life I and my familiy want to live. I will not ask questions. That is an answer to the video on my part.

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  • 1 month later...

Geez, if some of the stuff said in this thread was said around these boards a few years ago, you would be treated as if said it in public a few years ago..


First your stoned, then your called unpatriotic, then someone will hint that you support terrorism and then your almost banned.

It's funny how we are all just a big heard of sheep. A few of us strayed from the heard a few years ago and claimed we were patriotic by asking questions, wanting to know details..etc, etc.. But we were shunned away and kicked out of the heard. As more and more people were kicked out, eventually the main heard started to diminish and then the masses started jumping ship over to the new heard. Now its the norm to question the actions of our gov't.


Another thought just crossed my mind. It has been 6 years since 9/11. It seems like yesterday to most of us, but think about some of the 7-8th graders. They are now 21 year old college students speaking their mind. oh well... just a though.

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Another thought just crossed my mind. It has been 6 years since 9/11. It seems like yesterday to most of us, but think about some of the 7-8th graders. They are now 21 year old college students speaking their mind.


I suppose that high schoolers growing up and going to college is a scary thought...especially if these will be the people in Congress deciding what happens to my Social Security benefits when I'm retired.



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Another thought just crossed my mind. It has been 6 years since 9/11. It seems like yesterday to most of us, but think about some of the 7-8th graders. They are now 21 year old college students speaking their mind.


I suppose that high schoolers growing up and going to college is a scary thought...especially if these will be the people in Congress deciding what happens to my Social Security benefits when I'm retired.




hm.. I think its a good thing, considering the current demographic in charge is at retiring age and they want to get rid of SS... We're not all rich and maybe americans will vote someone into office who has had to walk a mile in some of our shoes...


seriously.. If you don't know what its like having to eat nothing but pancake mix for a summer because your a broke college student.. Then I don't think you have any room to talk about the lower-middle class and tell them what is good for them...


He knows what is good for the american people and the poor people. Thats why he doesn't lower student loan interest rates.. He is afraid we will all go in debt even more.. How thoughtful of him!! But yet, he lowers national interest rates to the lowest in history and claims homeownership is at an all time high!!! Did these people buy these houses with cash? What is this man's line of thinking?

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