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A note on Stacking...


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Hi. :wavey:


I just wanted to throw this out there, especially because of the thing that posts up saying that teams aren't always just stacked in number, help unstack.


I don't mind getting beat down from time to time...it makes you a better player, but other people leave when it happens. For that reason, I think we need to be more concious of skill stacking. The past few nights that I've played skill-stacking has been prevalent. I'm not going to name names or anything, but I think the people doing it probably didn't even realize it was being done.


I notice it a lot on maps like Italy and Aztec. See, the better people on the server tend to join the harder side and what ends up happening is the "hard" team owns the "easy" team completely. On Italy, for instance, the CT's won 10 - 2. The terrorists had about 2, maybe 3 good players and regulars, the CT's had 6 out of 9.


I'm not trying to whine or anything, but just hit auto when you join a server. If you end up on the easy side, and they completely anihilate the difficult side, switch teams. Admins can swap players, and even if you don't have admin powers, the server will auto-balance the numbers.


I just think we need to pay more attention to which side has the skill. I don't care how good the CT's are, if it's even remotely fair, they shouldn't win 10 - 2.


Also, if you're getting reamed...try to stick it out. We need to get Recrud's population back up! :-)


Just remember, it's part of the GC policy to keep the teams as even as possible. I forget it sometimes, and I know a lot of other people that do too. Keep it in mind though, because we can't have the help unstack messages pop up on the screen when we're not doing it ourselves.


Again, sorry if this sounds like whining, I just want to keep things competative and fun. Somebody's gotta lose, but no one likes to get relentlessly anihilated without backup.

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This is a real tough issue, and the conclusion I've come to is that the score in rounds won/lost may or may not give any indication of how good a game is (although it is the easiest and most obvious metric). Sometimes teams can be really even and one side just manages to win almost all the rounds; sometimes teams can be really bad but the down side manages to pull out 4 or 5 wins. Try to think about how each round played out, and remember that the score in rounds doesn't necessarily reflect what's going to happen, especially if a lot of players start changing teams. If one side wins 6 in a row, then a bunch of people move, and the down team ends up winning 10 of the next 12 that's basically just two uneven games on the same map. If the teams stay mostly the same then it's of course an epic comeback, which is great. :D

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nope M2, not what I was talking about....


Mookie, you're right, but the night in question that I'm talking about was horrible. I was on or near the top (I don't remember) and my score was negative at like 5 and 11 or some such badness. On an average round (That we lost) we killed 2 or 3 of the CT's whereas they killed all of us every round. That's not even remotely close.


When I said hit auto, I meant if you are in the server when a new map starts. Then worry 'bout evening the teams up after a round or 2. When I join in the middle of a game, I always check to see which side is more likely to need help and join that one. at least 90% of the time...the other 10%, I just hit auto.


I'm not saying everyone's doing a horrible job of noting when the teams are completely out of balance, I'm just saying that we need to do a better job. We're human, we screw up, but if we pay more attention to the problem (and we want to fix it) it is that much more likely that we will screw up less often.


Not to sound harsh, but team stacking DOES happen, and it happens more often than it should. I love the community and have a commitment to it, that I made very seriously, to try to make things just a little better. I try to keep that in mind every time I play! :D


Like I said though, I'm not naming names because everyone has failed to fix a stack one time or another. Some people are worse than others, but I sincerely don't think anyone stacks on purpose to get kills. I think the people here at .gc are better than that.


Keep up the fragging and the friendship! Just pay attention. :peace:

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IMO everyone should take a look at the teams before they choose. Once you know most of the regs it's easy to get a general sense of which team looks stronger, although it's never possible to predict who will work together and who will get picked off one-by-one until a couple of aces are left against 6 or 7 enemies. If you're having a good night, give yourself a challenge and join the team you think needs a star; if you're having a tough time, don't be afraid to join a team that might be able to support you better.

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sorry.. i know the team i'm on is typically considered 'stacked' :lol2::lol2:


kidding aside..


Team stacking, whether intentional or unintentional is going to happen. There are just going to be those maps where one team is unsuccessful due to the map and makeup of the players. There is no clear cut solution. All we can do (as mav is illustrating) is to be conscious about it, and make an effort to even things out..


I've always been impressed that our regulars and .gc members are quick to join a losing side, and as long as we continue to discuss it and keep it on the surface both in the forums and server.. our servers will stay full and competitive..

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