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@ work thread 11/11/06


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my day was worse, trust me.


network operations department for a wireless company, we are ripping an old vendor from the network, and replacing them, we are changing cell sites all over the city of cleveland (and suburbs). and people obviously have problems, particularly people bordering the line where we changed/havnt changed yet.


I spent the day calling people who submitted trouble tickets. Please realise our company demographic is "urban youth" who do not have the credit for the major carriers wireless plans. And since i grew up in the neighborhoods this is affecting, i know the area very well. I got cursed at and had to listen to peoples story about her friend said this, and her cousins couldnt call blah blah blah...


I dont normally talk to customers, thank god i got my years of retail under my belt, becouse otherwise i would have snapped at some. I worked for two weeks straight, got one friday (yesterday) off now have to work for two more weeks before i get a day off.


The pay here is nice, alot better than anywhere else I think i could work. And I love my normal daily job, I just hate customers. You pay 47$ a month to talk unlimited throghout the country, you never leave the coverage area becouse the buslines dont go beyond that. Yet one day you get dropped calls and think i personally care your changing companies? thats fine. I would have chosen to not hear you call me names I cant repeat on here though :(


The best perk of the job is I can force my callerid on my cell to be 13371337.... (would just be 1337, but there is a charecter limit on it)


/done ranting...

//for now.

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Well at least your name isn't on a formal complaint on its way to corporate. Like... mine... is...

how'd that happen?


Well a guy wanted to buy some individual monster energy drinks that were on sale. But all we had left was 6. So he wanted to get the same price for the packaged monster drinks. I told him that nobody can authorise that since target is a corporation. I got the manager on duty and he confirmed what I said. So the guy wanted to take the cans out of the package, I said no, because the UPC that is on the cans inside the package is different than the individual ones. And the UPC's in the package are not in the system.


So he insulted me and the manager and filed a complaint that we have to send to corporate. Since I was running on 4 hours of sleep I was about to throw away my job and throw one of the cans at his head. <_<

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