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new map rotations


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new day:









new evening:
















i'm worried about chateau and port, but this is based on an old, proven recipe (this is when west's traffic was at an all time high). since customs aren't working in rotation, IT'S UP TO ADMINS TO BREAK OUT OF THE ROTATION TO KEEP IT FRESH. but please, ask the other .gc's in the server. *cough* panic *cough*

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Hey i run a tight map cycle and the only time people complain is when they just join and see the next map and not know what cbble will allways be the next map if your on a map that's out of the cycle. they join and then when i set next map they may not know that it was just played. ma_maphistory gives the last 20 maps but i'll try to do better. When I joined GC as a west admin the rules were the admin in the server the longest session was the admin unless he defered. A map vote will allways give you D2, Dust, Aztec, Office or italy. This is fine if this is all you would like to play. A good map cycle will keep quality players around for alot longer and the longer we keep them the mor likely they will realize that the atmospheer here is alot nicer and come back. With a good map cycle we don't have to set next map or change a map mid round to get more randoms to shoot at. Now to the real question...


Day looks like a winner.


Evenings has a few problems that i see, tell me what you think.


new evening:

de_cpl_mill - fine

de_aztec - fine

de_tides - fine

de_prodigy - you don't want this to folow tides tides may drop a 2-3 players but keep the rest but if they see that next map is prodigy more will leave. I'd put D2 between these two and move the winter D2 down some

de_winter_dust2_full - move down the cycle this is a great map it's D2 but most don't look for this map when picking a server so it's D2 without the croud bringing potential.

cs_office - nice

de_nuke - nice

de_train - nice

de_dust - people like it still

de_piranesi - nice

cs_italy - nice

de_chateau - nice

de_cbble - nice

de_port - nice


Also Deagle5 draws in a nice croud too. It's fast and a break from strategy.


so if i were to arange these maps it's be..


Pimpin Map Cycle:


















This cycle will draw a croud and keep it's attention. With the right cycle hours will pass before you know what happened.

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GC Alumni

panic's table-g pimpin map cycle in effect for night. and dude, i wasn't saying you pick bad maps, or doing a bad job, but it's always been a rule that you check with other gc on the server before doing a map change. to make it more confusing, you're right about the admin on the longest. asking is just teh polite thing to do. and table-g is polite.



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lol i know, we've had this argument a few times and it's not like try to keep them ou of the loop but when i start tweeking maps the server is usualy dead and i'm drinking. I satar changing maps and drinking more then next thing i know i'm wasted and we have a full server with a few gc's. I get in the grove so to speak and the rest fades in to playing, watching sprays, warning and baning etc it's like filtered vision it it's not wrong i don't even notice. i have a hearing filter too and that's why i'm divorced but hey that's another story.

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Contra would fit in fine between Prodigy and Aztec. Contra usualy maintains the same population. I like Inferno too but i think if we make the map cycle too bai we start to get in to other problems.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I seem to play at the same time every night and end up on the same maps. What does everyone think of this new evening map cycle? Here's my 2 cents.


PORT - Personally I hate Port, it ends up being who can make it to the ship the fastest and who does/doesn't have awps. Some people don't agree with my hatred of the map (which is understandable), but you can't deny that people end up doing what I stated.


TIDES - About half the people on Tides liked it, the other half hated it. I don't mind it personally even though I don't find it incredibly fun. The people that said it would empty the server didn't leave and it didn't do what they stated it would do. I could go without this map but if everyone likes it, that's fine.


DUST - I don't love to play dust but it's refreshing in the sense that we didn't play it a lot on West. Other than that it can be a VERY frustrating map when people aren't doing what they are supposed to be doing. I don't know about this one. Can't deny it draws people into the server.


Lastly, I used to dislike Contra because it was an ugly looking map. Then I realized it's really balanced and fun to play. Did it do bad in rotation? I'd like to see it added again if other people want it back.

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GC Alumni

as an administrator, feel free to play whatever map you want. the cycle's are here ONLY for when there's not an admin on.


- be sure to ask other .gc if they mind playing "x" next

--> ma_chat mind if we play contra next?


- type ma_maplist to see maps available, type ma_maphistory to see maps recently played


none the less, new evening rotation:
















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People don't like new maps cause they don't want to learn something new. But at the same time they have some great maps like tides and port that have some great game play. How many times did you get shot up in long hall in Italy before you decided not to even go there with out an AWP and a quick triger finger? Tides is a great map you just need to olearn the clash points and learn rush advantages and where to flash/smoke. Learn where the AWP's hang and how to counter them? (grab an AWP and switch teams and see what he can ssee from that position) Tides is a great map cause it's all close quarters turns and doorways and 3-4 diffrent ways to get into every room. Lots of camp spots for people to ambush from but once oyou learn these you have the advantage with a little prefire just to be safe.


Port is a battle of the snipers. It's a map that makes you play the game like real life. My sniper is trying to kill your sniper while i try to rush and kill your rushers while avoiding your sniper. This is a long map and you need to double scope alot but when your double scoped you are a sitting duck to the guy flanking you with a knife cause your seeing 50' + and nothing less. But yes good snipers are going to trimm the fat off the rushers. This map is D-Day and if it's not your lucky day or your sniper backup is not fast enough then your riding the bench.


Dust is unbalanced with more than a 5v5 game. but it will fill a server in 2 mins. i hate this map.


Contra's not pretty but it has a great structure for play.

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I like all maps except for italy, aztec, dust. I think there over played and unbalanced. I prefer port, tides, compound, customs etc. for the reason there not played as much and I think there is a lot more to learn on those maps as far as strategy and shooting positions. I think the regular maps ppl basically camp in the same places for the most part which makes it feel like you have done this too many times with the same result. Some of the less played maps and customs just have a more refreshing feel to cs and I dont get bored as quickly. There are a few times when more of the good ppl stack on the harder side on the map that can make it more fun at times for the maps like dust, aztec, and italy but those are few and far between.


Theres my 2 cents


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