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teamwork mod

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in cs 1.5, there used to be a mod where it enforced teamwork on teams; for example, if the CT's were able to manage to defuse the bomb or rescue all the hostages, all the remaining T's die; if the T's bomb exploded or the map timer runs out and the hostages are not rescued, all the remaining CT's die;


it was to force the team into completing the objectives and no straggler's or campers will result; does anybody ever remember playing this mod (it had some other stuff also) and is it available for CSS?

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I can see it now: "Why was i slayed?" I vote no to give it try, that's what admins are for. Sometimes you go to the wrong site, and can't make it other faster enough. Sometimes the smartest thing to do is save your gun. The list could go on.

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I can see it now: "Why was i slayed?" I vote no to give it try, that's what admins are for. Sometimes you go to the wrong site, and can't make it other faster enough. Sometimes the smartest thing to do is save your gun. The list could go on.




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It's been in Mani for quite a while. We try to promote teamplay, and sometimes the best play for your team is to keep your gun against impossible odds, or to try and freeze the Ts so they lose their guns to the bomb rather than actually try to defuse it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

another thing that this mod does that helps gameplay is team-balancing based on score of players so even if the teams are tied, there will never be the case were one team will be full of ppl who are 10-2 and the other team full of people that are 2-10; the skills are disperesed evenly


also, if there is an odd number of ppl, the last person always goes to the attacking team (CT on a hostage map, T on a bomb map)


and then another thing that this mod added was theme weapon system: pistols only for the first 10 min of hte round except for deagle; next 10 min was a random theme whether it be tmp/mac-10, or shotguns, or scouts, or deagles; after that 10 min, the entire array of guns is available for purchase

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