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"At the 2007 Tokyo Game Show, three new installments in the series were revealed. Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, focusing on Roxas, will be released for the Nintendo DS, while Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, focusing on new characters, will be released on the PlayStation Portable. Another game, Kingdom Hearts coded, focusing on King Mickey, will be released to mobile phones."


Why . . . do I have to own . . . every piece of technological hardware . . . just to play the freakin games I want . . .? And if it's not bad enough, you think they could have the decency to not be a cash cow and keep SERIES on the same console. They did this with Final Fantasy Tactics, Final Fantasy 12 AND Final Fantasy 7! I'm just waiting for the long-awaited remake to be announced for something ridiculous, like the DS or Wii. [i mean this in the sense that the controls of DS and Wii don't make the best of RPGs, so better gfx and processing is favourable. (AKA. Don't flame me for this)]



Final Fantasy 12 - PS2

Final Fantasy 12 - Revenant Wings {DIRECT! Sequel} - DS


Final Fantasy Tactics - PS1

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance - GBA

Final Fantasy Tactics Remake - PSP

Final Fantasy Tactics A2 Fūketsu no Grimoire - DS


Final Fantasy 7 - PS1

Final Fantasy 7 - Before Crisis - Cell Phones

Final Fantasy 7 - Crisis Core - PSP

Final Fantasy 7 - Dirge of Cerberus - PS2

Final Fantasy 7 - Dirge of Cerberus - Lost Episode - Cell Phones


The list can go on, I assure you . . .

Edited by Saris
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Saris...all the new JRPGs are coming for the 360 that you're interested in...Blue Dragon* (which so far is so amazing), Last Remnant*, Eternal Sonata (also amazing), Far East of Eden Ziria, Infinite Undiscovery*, Lost Odyssey*


All the games with a * are either a Square Enix game or are being developed by x-FF developers


All these will be playable from my couch upon release (except Eternal Sonata, have my hands full with Blue Dragon and Halo3 comes out tonight so I'm waiting to pick it up) which currently has no reservations, book now!


But seriously, are you really all that crazy about FFX and FFXII? I enjoyed many aspects of FFX but in the end regret spending so much time on what I like to call FF:Boss Battles. FFXII is a great game, but I feel it's getting too far away from the classic style of FF games that got me addicted in the first place.

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The tone of my post sounds really harsh, but it's meant to be somewhat humourous too. The quote I got from wikipedia makes me laugh that three titles in the same series were simultaneously announced for three separate pieces of hardware.


In honesty, Final Fantasy barely makes it into my top 5 favourite series, but I still really enjoy the games, especially XII. I didn't like how it departed from the series staples either, but the story, to me, was the best one told so far. As much as FF7 was classic and amazing, playing it now, much of the dialogue is surprisingly cheesy, whereas FFXII was a fully developed and fleshed out world. Being my favourite FF story, I was appalled when they announced the sequel for a rival system, and on a handheld. It just seems really wrong to me, no matter what their reasons are. [And as stated above, I believe it's just because they're cash cows.]


As for the new RPGs coming out, those that aren't on PS3 as well [which I already have] didn't really amaze me much except for Infinite Undiscovery. And yeah, it definitely sucks I can't play Halo 3, but I'm sure it'll come to PC too. [besides, I already know the ending, which should tide me over. Wanna know how it ends? >:P]

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