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Need prayer pretty badly.

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One of my many faults in life is that I am afraid. Pretty much afraid of everything that is unknown. I LOATHE change and I get insanely stressed out when anything to do with change enters my life.

Well, right now it looks like the company I've worked at for the past 3 years is going under...like, within the next few weeks (from what I hear).

The last time I tried to find a different job, I basically failed on all accounts. I'm a computer programmer who quite literally fails during interviews. My skills are pretty generally good, I can do anything you throw at me given enough time, but I wouldn't call myself an expert in anything.

The last interview I went on, I quite literally, forgot some of the most simple programming concepts due to a combination of nervousness and the fact that working at a small company that doesn't do innovative things causes you to get sloppy and also the fact that I am the worst person in the world when it comes to remembering technical terms.


So...I need prayer to help get over this debilitating nervousness that plagues me (it's so bad that I will actually shut down mentally) and I also probably need to find a new position, which is incredibly hard in itself because I cannot interview to save my life.

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I'm not a prayer guy, but I hope things work out for you!


Also, it's not a bad idea to bring along a portfolio of work you've done over the last 3 years or so. That way, you could SHOW instead of TELL them what you've done, and you could use that as a cheat sheet for yourself. Just put little notes in the printouts for stuff you want to show them (is this a multi-tiered app? Are there web-enabled parts? Did this help save your company some cash? etc) Also, did you go to training? Bring some certificates. What about awards? You get the idea.


Good luck!

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I'm sure telling you to try and relax is something you haven't heard a million times heh :). Every interview I've ever been on has netted me a job. The secret is to list all of your technical qualifications and skills on your resume or as an addendum to the resume. That way, when you go to the interview you bring two copies at least, preferably five in case you have multiple interviewers. That way you will have a copy in front of you as well, and can refer to the information when asked. Now, to be fair, I'm not in a technical field, I'm a simple numbers guy. This uses the idexing capabilities of the brain by providing the header info (main skill or program) so that you can narrow the search down for a specific term or skill for your brain. I don't know if that would help, just an idea. Anyway, I'm rooting for you. Good luck.






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We have 3 programmers (myself included) here.

1 got called into the owners office before lunch, he's still at his desk.

The 2nd just got out of the office, he's packing his desk up.


I am so nervous I can't think...I literally just spent the last 5 minutes alt+tabbing between windows, doing nothing in either one.

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Will do, right now. You'll be ok. When you look back on this in 100 years, you wont even remember it! :) My pastor's sermon this sunday was about God giving us all we need to handle our resolutions (partly based on Philippians 3) but I'd say it definitely applies here too. You're not alone!

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The owner is gone for the day, probably only wanted to do 1 firing a day.


I just asked the other programmer who he DIDN'T fire if he would mind telling me what was told to him in his meeting with the owner and his exact response was "I can't say."...which means I'm probably gone tomorrow.

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The owner is gone for the day, probably only wanted to do 1 firing a day.


I just asked the other programmer who he DIDN'T fire if he would mind telling me what was told to him in his meeting with the owner and his exact response was "I can't say."...which means I'm probably gone tomorrow.



Well, I don't think you can say that. Simply because the owner told him not to talk about what was discused does not mean your on the chopping block. Anyway, sending you good thoughts. I'm also sending my wife naughty thoughts... so I hope the lines don't get crossed.... heh :P







Edited by shaftiel
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  • 2 weeks later...


sorry bout the bad news. I hope things turn out for you as well. The portfolio idea is great. Even if you have to do some work at home just for the portfolio to show off your skills. I always use music and arts as a way of communicating that which I fail at and it usually works out pretty good.



Try to keep in mind that they are people just like you and I (when interviewing) and they have NOTHING on you nor should you be INTIMIDATED by them. You have God with you and that is all any of us need.


God bless bro,



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  • 3 weeks later...

well I did end up getting a position at the last possible minute before

my money ran out but so far it's not quite what I'm looking for and I'm feeling pretty depressed right now. Haven't felt this down and out since my dad died so I still could use some prayer.

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