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Week #4


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I was out shopping yesterday and fell to the evil spell of IBC Root Beer and Cream Soda. I drank 5 last night alone and still have 3 six-packs left. Maybe extra running can work off the wonderful flavors they provide me with?

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ok wth peeps...


i feared the monday morning weigh in myself, but actually posted a nice 200.5 ......was surprised and motivated.


Tonight, kids got rice and chicken with broc.......i had a tiny bit of that and a big salmon fillet over angel hair....plus wine....


Tonight's workout was also plyometric.....I lifted my kids repeatedly in so many different ways...in order to get a weight session in without going downstairs......kids just think they're being airplaned around....so funny....military presses, bent rows, shrugs, bench, you name it...it's possible with 30, 40, and 50 lbs weights...and one thing.....the real weights don't motivate you by saying, "again! again! again!"


pm your team, and each other.....if you're having a real issue, pm me your cell phone and i'll call and leave you random fatisms...surely you'll be motivated...

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GC Founder

was down 2lbs as of this afternoon, which i was happy....I guess as I was being bad on food, the shoveling of the driveway 6 times this past weekend offset it....now in hospital with no steady supply of junk food, ut unlimited fruits, water and diet pop :-)

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I haven't had the opportunities to run this week that I'd hope. I'm fearing my weigh-in...althought my diet has been nearly flawless....still weighing myself too many times / week, so I see the fluctuation and kinda freak out (countered by good weigh-ins but don't know what to believe).


We'll see how it goes.

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Same here...I did get in three days of 2 mile runs but not to much beyond that. I have done well with my diet still which is great. I am eating Fish(mahi, cod, halibit, salmon)plus streamed veggie for dinner every night. I did make some sphagetti on Sunday but made it with wheat pasta so half good anyways.


I did get some new shoes to run in and did not realize how heavy my hiking shoes had been that I had been using...WOW


The diet change seems to be the biggest help to me...I am not hungry almost ever and when I am I think it is because my water intake is not high enough.


Doing Oatmeal every morning with a 300-400 lunch and maybe a snack now of 100 cals...dinner is about 500 w/ the glass of milk and I am done....soooo I am hitting my 1500-1800 intake make which should give me a lb a week with the running.


When I start P90 program next month it should increase to about 2 lbs a week...we will see.



Stick with it guys, even the small setback should not keep you from pushing forward.


In the words of the weight lose father..."JUST DO IT!!!"

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Doing pretty good this week. Didn't get my conventional exercise in over the last weekend, but I did get an hour of snow shoveling in Friday, about 2.5 total hours of shoveling in Saturday, and another hour in on Sunday as well as weekly basketball Sunday afternoon. Monday I decided I had plenty of time to redo the plumbing in the bathroom I'm remodeling and ended up finishing at about midnight so I didn't get any exercise in. Tuesday was on the elliptical for 15 minutes, followed by a set of pushups, situps, and leglifts, then 15 more minutes on the elliptical, then another set, then 15 more minutes. Last night I was on the bike for 30 minutes and did pyramids for the middle ten minutes lvl 5 as hard as I could for 1 minute, lvl 2 easy for 2 minutes, etc. I've never sweated so much on the bike than when I do those.


Eating wise I do great during the weeks, the weekends hurt. Although I try to give myself one day a week to eat whatever I want as long as its not over eating. Saturday night in the middle of the snow storm I took my wife to dinner. I was set to get a lean steak at Outback but once we got out pretty much every restaurant was closed. We ended up at a chinese buffet, not exactly lean steak, however I did manage to not over eat. We did indulge in some dessert and wine Saturday evening late as well. For some reason my wife feels the need to tempt me with food, its not enough that we have like 10 boxes of girl scount cookies but then she bakes a huge batch of home made chocolate chip cookies (I think Fatty paid her to). At least the girl scout cookies are in boxes and I can't smell them...sheesh, home made chocolate chip cookie smell wafting through the whole house is really hard to resist. I think I had about 8 of them over the course of three days so I consider that a win.


I'm trying to not to weigh myself as much as well. When I'm mid week and don't see much change it ends up creating anxiety (not to mention if it looks like I've gained one day). With the big loss last week I'm not expecting more than a pound this week, we'll see though. Last time Fatty and I had our little weight loss competition I hit a wall at like 215 and that's creeping up.....

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Doing pretty good this week. Didn't get my conventional exercise in over the last weekend, but I did get an hour of snow shoveling in Friday, about 2.5 total hours of shoveling in Saturday, and another hour in on Sunday as well as weekly basketball Sunday afternoon. Monday I decided I had plenty of time to redo the plumbing in the bathroom I'm remodeling and ended up finishing at about midnight so I didn't get any exercise in. Tuesday was on the elliptical for 15 minutes, followed by a set of pushups, situps, and leglifts, then 15 more minutes on the elliptical, then another set, then 15 more minutes. Last night I was on the bike for 30 minutes and did pyramids for the middle ten minutes lvl 5 as hard as I could for 1 minute, lvl 2 easy for 2 minutes, etc. I've never sweated so much on the bike than when I do those.


Eating wise I do great during the weeks, the weekends hurt. Although I try to give myself one day a week to eat whatever I want as long as its not over eating. Saturday night in the middle of the snow storm I took my wife to dinner. I was set to get a lean steak at Outback but once we got out pretty much every restaurant was closed. We ended up at a chinese buffet, not exactly lean steak, however I did manage to not over eat. We did indulge in some dessert and wine Saturday evening late as well. For some reason my wife feels the need to tempt me with food, its not enough that we have like 10 boxes of girl scount cookies but then she bakes a huge batch of home made chocolate chip cookies (I think Fatty paid her to). At least the girl scout cookies are in boxes and I can't smell them...sheesh, home made chocolate chip cookie smell wafting through the whole house is really hard to resist. I think I had about 8 of them over the course of three days so I consider that a win.


I'm trying to not to weigh myself as much as well. When I'm mid week and don't see much change it ends up creating anxiety (not to mention if it looks like I've gained one day). With the big loss last week I'm not expecting more than a pound this week, we'll see though. Last time Fatty and I had our little weight loss competition I hit a wall at like 215 and that's creeping up.....



I soooo know the chinese buffet way....those darn crab puffs will be the death of me but COME ON!!! THEY ARE INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!!


Good deal on the scale thing...stay away from that thing all week and only use it once a week. IT WILL HAPPEN....

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