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Prayer request for a hurt soul

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I have a friend. His name is Joe.


I used to play Magic (a card game) with him. He was a “problem child†type of guy. Always got in fights, always got bad grades and treated teachers horribly. Was loud and outspoken about his opinions and a lot of times just a mean person to people he didn’t like. I met him when he was 15. He already did drugs and drank all the time and had lost his virginity when he was 13. Grew up in an abusive home in a poor part of Pacific. He had a lot of problems but I always thought he had a good heart underneath and was just acting in the way he was raised to act.


I used to take him to Magic tournaments because I wanted him to have a good influence in his life. He even stayed overnight at my mom’s house a couple times in the guest bedroom because we had to leave for a tournament at 4am or something. I once took him to Chicago to go see a professional soccer match. We drove up that morning, watched the game and drove back that night. We spent over 8 hours in the car together just talking. The kid has tons of problems in his life. He isn’t the kind of person who can be open about his feelings though but he told me during that car ride that he really liked me and respected me as a person. Said that I was different than other people he hung out with.


I eventually “gave up†on him though because he just got worse in attitude and action. He got meaner and more angry. He was sent to Boys Town to try to “fix his attitude problemsâ€Â.


He just called me crying. He was a little hard to understand and seemed hysterical. He told me that he just told his mom he needs to go to rehab. He just got back from the hospital because his heart rate was through the roof. He was basically having a heart attack. They told him to watch his anger tonight or it could kill him. He told me that he was going to try to go to an AA meeting tonight and head to rehab tomorrow. He just wanted to talk to a “positive person†before he headed there. He wanted me to come over and hang out. Eventually he got off the phone saying “I can’t do this talking stuffâ€Â. He was crying the whole time.


The kid just turned 17 last week.


Pray for him please.

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I was just complaining that I hadn't eaten since 7 a.m. and I'm stopping all operations until I eat. I thought I'd read the forums while I ate.


Hunger seems trivial when you see someone truly suffering. I will pray for Joe.

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He actually sat in a chair in my house tonight in tears telling me that he probably needs religion in his life but that he doesn't believe in the Bible so he doesn't know how to go to church if he doesn't believe.


He also admits freely that he's an alcoholic at 17 and doesn't want to be that way his whole life.


I told him that he needs to not just change his habits, but he needs to change who he is and he agrees with me.


Definitely pray for the kid and pray for me that I say what needs to be said.

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If he feels he needs religion in his life, I believe that to be what I call 'the calling'. I think we can all relate to a moment in life where Christ is knocking and you feeling "something"; a thirst for peace, stability and understanding in your mind and in your life.


I'm curious as to his skepticism of the Bible. Gently press as to the reasons why. Once you get the reasons down on paper, don't push to explain the possible errors in his thought process, rather, let him know that the answers are in the Book. Let him find out for himself, but offer to help if he needs it.

I'm no counselor, but of the few I've asked, most are afraid of the stigma of being a Jesus freak. Others relate to bad experiences they had when they were younger and forced to go to church against their will. Still others don't like to have to "pay into the conspiracy". Regardless, the answers are there, he just needs to read.


Like Rev, Aug, Fat and others, I'd have him start with John and start reading. No church, no pressure. Just read it at his leisure. Offer to go out to a coffee bar or something and offer your ear to answer any questions. Continue to be available to spend time with him.

Offer to take him to your church when he's ready and maybe even help him find a church he likes by hitting a few other churches in the area. Show him that there different ways to worship, but the key is the personal relationship he has with Christ...not the church.


You are ministering to me and others Playaa. I'm happy you are taking someone less fortunate under your wing and rebuilding a broken man. Have him sign up in the forums and ask us his questions if he's up to it. I know everyone here would help support you and Joe.


Grace be with you guys.

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I find that 99.9999% of people who claim to believe the Bible is false have never read it at all or have had very limited exposure to it. I also know that Christianity is displayed much brighter by our hands than our mouths and you being there for him speaks volumes of good press about the Word.


I seriously would push you to give him a Bible that is New Living, Contemporary English or if all else fails the Message. Guessing at the typical person his age with those types of difficulties, he probably is not a scholar so understanding what he is reading would be a huge plus. If you do not have the cash for a Bible give me a PM and I'll mail one over to you or we could meet up for a burger since we're so close.

Edited by Preacher
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He just called me. He's going in to rehab today. It's going to take about 90 days. Hopefully he'll get help in there. I'm sure it will work much better for him since he's the one who wanted to go there.

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Keep praying for him. He's out of rehab because he "got sick of the little b**ches in there".


He did turn down an invite to a free kegger and spent the evening playing games instead. Not sure how long he can do that though as he's a very active person and gets bored easily.

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Both actually. The problem with finding other things for him to do is that he has no license or car (and there is no viable public transport system in the country where we live). His choices are basically to sit at home and play on the internet (something he doesn't like to do) or go walk around this little redneck town where the teenagers have nothing to do but drink.

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He should move. Hop on a greyhound and travel somewhere. Back pack across America, explore the world. Best time to do that is when you are young with no strings attached to you. He could travel to the eastern seaboard and do a couple of odd jobs for a week or two, buy a plane ticket to Europe and see the world. That should keep him busy.







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He should move. Hop on a greyhound and travel somewhere. Back pack across America, explore the world. Best time to do that is when you are young with no strings attached to you. He could travel to the eastern seaboard and do a couple of odd jobs for a week or two, buy a plane ticket to Europe and see the world. That should keep him busy.









except, maybe not a greyhound bus with that whole decapitation thing and all. how about an amtrak? or hobo it across on freight trains!

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17 guys. He's 17. Didn't graduate high school. Doesn't have a GED. Never had a job. Has negative amounts of money.


You want to send him money I'm sure he'd be appreciative. You want to set up a nationwide scavenger hunt and help him find places to stay that are cheap-as-free, you'd have a new best friend.

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Well, he ran away from home last night. I haven't heard from him at all.

Apparently he wouldn't get off the computer when his probation officer showed up for a meeting so his mom turned it off. He got tinkled off and left after taking some money and they haven't heard from him since. I have no way to contact him except through his mothers cell phone so I don't know where he is either.

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This situation is pretty familliar to me, he needs something like the Army to get him on track. The structure and discipline is the only thing that will help him make sense of the world around him. I prayed for his safety and that he'll find peace. God shaped hole and all that.

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Not being the religious type, I usually don't post in here but I just wanted to tell you Playaa...it's a great thing you have done by giving alot of yourself to try and help this guy, it takes alot of energy to do so. I hope you don't take any guilt unto yourself if he never comes around...some people you just cant help, no matter how hard you try...they need to find their own way I guess, sometimes the hard way. I just hope that it all works out for him eventually and you can rest knowing that you did all you could. The world could use more people like you.

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