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Tweaking on Counter-Strike

Guest Orbital

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Guest Orbital
Guest Orbital
Guest Orbital

Well, after much consideration and many questions from certain un-nameable people, I decided due to my lack of entertainment and lack of drive to do anything else, I have created this Tweaking Page, for all you wanna-be tweakers out there. These certain commands and mods, will improve your cs, for a price of course, but it will increase your gameplay, enjoyment , and decrease the times you say "Lagz0rz to the maxz0rz." So, here we go off into the world of Tweaking...




Rule #1)

These tweaks can be harmful or helpful, so please for god sakes, back up an existing files you are about to tweak, please, for everyone's computer is different and anything can happen. Please, back up anything you change.


Well, I don't know how to categorize this, so I'll just post whatever you must modify and what it'll do for you, what values you can put for each. Put , be forewarned, I WILL NOT BE HELD REPSONSIBLE FOR THE PROBLEMS THAT OCCUR ON YOUR SYSTEM, I do not know your system, and I do not want to be blamed, this is for YOUR benifit, so please, do not hate The Orb.


My Specs:

Pentium 4 1.8Ghz

512 Megs DDR Crucial RAM 2100

Geforce 2 Ti 64 Meg (tweaked to Hell and back)

120 Gig IBM harddisk

80 Gig IMB Hardisk (Slave)

Soundl!ve Blaster Mp3+

1.5 Megabit ADSL By Pacbell (I am 100 yards away from my server, so my computer has great ping, and great bandwitdh, but every connection is differnet)


Windows XP Professional Corporate Edition (Tweaked .. well more then anything you've ever seen)

Microsoft Optical Internet Explorer Mouse

Microsoft Natural keyboard Pro


These are my specs, this works on MY computer, so please, be forewarned once again.







I have all my skins changed, here are where I get them from. Choose which ones you enjoy, they are a change from the all to ordinary CS skins we have today.


To install:

*.mdl files go in your /Cstrike/Models Folder

*.spr files go in your /CStrike/SPrites Folder

*.wav files go in your /CStrike/Sounds/(Which ever sound you are opting, i.e. Weapons)

*.txt files go in your /CStrike/Gfx folder


First things first...

Before you go into advanced tweaking, choose from what's there in your counterstrike settings.


Most Values MUST be set in your config.cfg. First you must go to your config.cfg file (It is in your Sierra/Half-Life/Cstrike folder, open it up with Notepad) and enter the value with "" around the number value you put.



The MOST important VIDEO tweak, is to TURN off your vsync.

Vsync, is something that came along with video cards, to sync the refresh rate of your monitor, with the refresh rate of your video card. You must go to your Video Card developers site and learn how to turn off vsync, I only know how to on Geforce Cards. Here is how on ALl geforce Cards:

Right-click your desktop, go to Properties, go to Settings tab, click the Advanced Tab, go to the Geforce (What ever card you have) tab, go to Additional Properties, and put ALWAYS OFF for the Vsync Property in the OPENGL tab.

Open up Counterstrike,

Go to Configuration

Change your modes for video in Video Options/Modes

Change your hue/gamma/brightness in Video Options/Options

fps_max 0-? (This is how many FPS your client side program limits you to, I am at 100, if you have a good video card, set it to 100)

mp_decals 0-? (Default 256

cl_nopred "1" (These next 5, are client side mods that adjust what your computer handles, it's a lag compensation technique installed for HL when we used 56ks not DSL or broadband.)

ex_interp "0.05"

ex_extrapmax "1.2"

cl_nosmooth "1"

cl_smoothtime "0.1"

cl_vsmoothing "0.051"

(Install those on good faith, It would take WAY to much time to tell you every value)

Please, GO TO YOUR VIDEO Card Company's website and get the NEWEST Drivers, that is one of the most IMPORTANT things)



Go to Customization and Turn on Mouse Filter, Mouse Filter meshes two or more mouse movements into one, so you have a smooth mouse movement.

Go to your Control Panel/ Settings/Mouse and turn off your (In XP), first go to Pointer Options, and turn off your Enhance Pointer Precision and Show Location of pointer when I press CTRL. These are unneccsary things XP made for mouses, they only hurt in games.

Next, see in Half-Life, they instituted a acceleration for your mouse, basically making it so Half-Life helps you move your mouse, it really got on my nerves, and for most people to, I would get annoyed by it.

So, to change these annoyances, go to your Counter-Strike ICON, the one you play the game, and right-click it, go to properties, and in the "Target:" space, put this: "-noforcemparms -noforcemaccel" after the Half-Life logo, put it AFTER, and put a space before the "-."

This should fix your "accelerated" but annoying mouse.

zoom_sensitivity_ratio "0-?" 1.2 Default (This is REALLY IMPORTANT, this is the sensitivity you have when you are ZOOMED in with your awp or scout. I found it annoying how slow my mouse moved when I zoomed in with awp, so I put it 1.5 (The higher you go,the faster) and now I'm fine, it's all your own choice on how you like your mouse to move, fast or slow)


Okay, this is taking forever, so an easier thing for me to do is, copy and paste my config.cfg and Tell you EVERY command on it, so well, I won't have to waist my time categorizing everything.


Orbital's Config.cfg:


When it says blind "blah" , blah is the KEY you press to make this work.

If you want this config.cfg, copy and paste whatever you seem fit to YOUR config.cfg but not without backing up your original first, please. The "" after the "button" is what will happen.



bind "*" "buy; menuselect 1; menuselect 3; buy; menuselect 7" (Buys a Deagle on your * button"

bind "," "buyammo1"

bind "-" "net_graph 3" (Shows your connection at the current state in time"

bind "." "buyammo2"

bind "/" "+movedown"

bind "=" "net_graph 0"

bind "f" "slot2; slot1" (This is something everyone should have, everytime You press "f" your primary weapon will pop up, instead of reaching for the 1 or the 2, this works for me)

bind "k" "+voicerecord" (You press this button to activate the mic in CS)

bind "n" "nightvision" (Buy Nightvision googles? press N to turn them on)

bind "q" "slot10; slot3; impulse 101; zoom_sensitivity_ratio 1.5"

(Okay, this is tricky, since I binded all my weapons, the menu pops up after I press my weapon button, pressing "q" for me, takes away the menu, takes out my knife. Impulse 101, is a serverside Money helper, that gives you 16k when SV_CHEATS is ACTIVATED ON SERVER SIDE ONLY, this means, if the server has Impulse 101 on only, not every server has it on. For SURE mmmm doesn't have it on, it's a corney thing, but I like $$$.)

bind "F3" "name [RUN]*Orbital-[c0g]" (You can bind a button to change your name, I binded F3 to change my name back to Orbital, whenever I change my name. "

bind "F4" "say RUN server up!----T3,20 players| - [www.just-run.net]" (A dirty little promo, : ), for my loving clan and our awesome SERVER!)

bind "F5" "snapshot" (Take a screen shot of your CS!)

bind "F6" "cl_cmdrate 30; cl_updaterate 30; rate 9999" (I will explain this in the lag part of the forums)

bind "F7" "cl_cmdrate 99; cl_updaterate 99; rate 25000"

bind "F8" "cl_cmdrate 30; cl_updaterate 20; rate 9999"

bind "F9" "cl_cmdrate 60; cl_updaterate 40; rate 25000"

bind "F10" "cl_cmdrate 60; cl_cmdrate 60; rate 15000"

bind "DEL" "quit" (When I press DEL, my counterstrike closes, good for those moments when parents walk in :P )

bind "KP_UPARROW" "buy; menuselect 2; menuselect 1; buy; menuselect 6" ( I bind all my guns to one button, it's not cheap , but sometimes servers don't like it, so ask if they will let you use it or not, I do not use scripting programs, I make all my own binds, so please, do not get mad at me for this) (This button, kp_uparrow, or the 8 on the pad, buys my M3 shotgun + ammo)

bind "KP_PGUP" "buy; menuselect 5; menuselect 1; buy; menuselect 7" (My page up or my 9 button, buys me a para + ammo)

bind "KP_LEFTARROW" "buy; menuselect 8; menuselect 4" (My kp_leftarrow, or my 4, buys me a gernade)

bind "KP_5" "buy; menuselect 4; menuselect 6; buy; menuselect 6" (My 5 button, buys me an awp+ammo)

bind "KP_RIGHTARROW" "buy; menuselect 2; menuselect 2; buy; menuselect 6" (My 6, buys me an autoshotgun + ammo)

bind "KP_END" "buy; menuselect 1; menuselect 1; buy; menuselect 7" (1, gives me tmp or mac10, depending on which team I am on)

bind "KP_DOWNARROW" "buy; menuselect 3; menuselect 1; buy; menuselect 6" (2, buys me an mp5)

bind "KP_PGDN" "buy; menuselect 4; menuselect 3; buy; menuselect 4; menuselect 1; buy; menuselect 6" (3 buys me m4a1 or ak)

bind "KP_ENTER" "buy; menuselect 4; menuselect 2; buy; menuselect 4; menuselect 4; buy; menuselect 6" (enter buys me a Sg or an Aug)

bind "KP_INS" "buy; menuselect 8; menuselect 2; buy; menuselect 8; menuselect 1; buy; menuselect 8; menuselect 4; buy; menuselect 8; menuselect 3; buy; menuselect 8; menuselect 3; buy; menuselect 8; menuselect 6; buy; menuselect 7; buy; menuselect 6" (This is my crowning accomplimsents in BINDING, this buys me kevlar, primary and secondary ammo, defuseal kit, and gernades)

bind "KP_DEL" "buy; menuselect 1; menuselect 5; buy; menuselect 1; menuselect 6; buy; menuselect 7"(del buys me a 5-7 or elites)

bind "KP_SLASH" "buy; menuselect 4; menuselect 5; buy; menuselect 6" (/ buys me a scout)

bind "CAPSLOCK" "stopsound; stopsound; stopsound; stopsound; stopsound; stopsound" (Ever have annoying sounds in CS? Like th door getting stuck in office, or the elevator getting stuck in OIlrig? Press CAPSLOCk and it takes away thos eannoying sounds, especiall Dirk's annoying Italy music :P )

voice_scale "0.030000"

voice_enable "0" (1,0 to turn off the annoying voice chat thing in CS)

console "1" (Enable Console or not, sometimes helps so no one can mess with your system)

fps_max "100.0" (I already have said this before, limits your fps)

gamma "11.000000" (Gamma is how bright your CS is, mine is 11 so it's pretty bright, you can go from 0 - 11)

brightness "1.000000" (Same as gamma)

con_color "255 255 255" (This is something intresting I found out a WHILE back, you change the color of your text in cs! They colors are RED BLUE Green, for the corresponding numbers, Mine is set to WHITE, 255 255 255 is pure white, so the text is easirer on my eyes)

s_a3d "0.000000" (Same thing as EAX, but for a3d cars)

s_eax "1.000000" (Sets EAX support for LIVE! cards)

volume "0.350000" (Sets your volume)

name "[RUN]*Orbital-[c0g]" (The name you want)

rate "9999.000000" (I will explain this in LAG section)

cl_updaterate "20" ("")

cl_lw "1" ("")

cl_lc "1" ("")

cl_cmdbackup "2" ("")

cl_download_ingame "0"

cl_allowdownload "1"

cl_allowupload "0"

cl_cmdrate "30"

lookstrafe "0.000000"

lookspring "0.000000"

cl_forwardspeed "400" (How fast you move in Game, most servers leave it at 400, try it out and see, it's a funny settings, same as backspeed)

cl_backspeed "400"

sensitivity "10.000000" (Sensitivity, I like mine high, it all depends on yours)

cl_righthand "1" (Lord, I don't know why people like left handed models, I like em right)

hud_fastswitch "1" (This makes so you don't have to click twice to select a weapon, a VERY NECESSARY OPTION FOR ALL CSers)

hud_centerid "1" (I don't know why people don't liek to put the names of their enemies in the cneter of the screen, if you are creeping around the color or flashed, you would like to see the enemy's name in the middle of your screen, not on the left or right)




Now, the MOST important....

Connection Tweaks:

rate "9999.000000" (Rate, is the amount of Data you send to the server at once, for T1 it's set to 9999, and lower for each lower connection, it goes from 1000 to 25000)

cl_updaterate "20" (How fast your computer recieves data from the server itself, this is a clientside option, 20 is dfeault, it goes all the way up to 100)

cl_lw "1" (Lag Comensation, turn it on if it's not on)

cl_lc "1" (lag Comepsnation, turn it on if it's not on)

cl_cmdbackup "2" (This is the buffer your computer has for data coming from our computer, turn it to 2, so you have a good buffer size)

cl_download_ingame "0" (This is good for me, I HATE HATE HATE personal Sprays, especially those morons who put pron on CS, I really get annoyed by that, if you dislike this too, turn this to 0 to turn off all personal sprays)

cl_allowdownload "1"(0,1 this is for if you want to d/l personal or custom maps from server)

cl_cmdrate "30" (Cmdrate is the amount your computer refresh the data you get from the server, 30 is default, the RECOMMENDED settings for CMDRATE is your AVERAGE Fps IN game, for most people with good cards, turn this up)

bind "F6" "cl_cmdrate 30; cl_updaterate 30; rate 9999" (I will explain this in the lag part of the forums)

bind "F7" "cl_cmdrate 99; cl_updaterate 99; rate 25000"

bind "F8" "cl_cmdrate 30; cl_updaterate 20; rate 9999"

bind "F9" "cl_cmdrate 60; cl_updaterate 40; rate 25000"

bind "F10" "cl_cmdrate 60; cl_cmdrate 60; rate 15000"


See, all these settings, are for the server itself, These cmdrates, updatreates are something I've come along, each go with eachother, but it all depend son the bandwidth of the server, MMmm has a great connection, so try and tweak all the settings up higher, but it's your decision on what is good for you)

To determine if your settings are GOOD or Bad, turn on net_graph "3" in your console while you are playing, and see what your CHOKE is, if you have HIGH Choke, lower the settings, if you have 0-10 choke in the game, you're fine.


See, this is an anolgy my friend told a while ago, Cmdrate, updaterate and rate is like straws and milk. If you have to small of a straw (low settings) you don't get enough milk, or enough data. If your straw is too big (high settings) you spill your milk out of the straw (choke), you must find the perfect straw for you)

cl_cmdrate (0,99)

cl_updaterate (0,99)

rate (1000,25000)

pushlatency (-100, 100) Lag comensation, for ALL DSL and cable user, put it to -100 in config.cfg.


Please, try out all these settings in game frist, before putting it to config.cfg , then try and see what settings are good for you.


I'll put more tweaks up, when the time comes, or any of you want more, put for right now this is it, give me a night or two, and if I get enough requests, I'll post more tweaks, for all settings in XP and 2k. (I don't get why anyone uses 98Se)


And to justify these claims, I am not some hack moron who doesn't know what he's doing, I have am certified in Networking , CISCO, A++. I do know what I'm doing, so please, do not accuse me of anything, I am doing this for YOUR benifit, NOT mine.


Thank you, have a wonderful day.

My AIM sn: tekn0junki (If you want to ask me questions, or chat)

My email: tek_junk@pacbell.net

My website: orbitalboy.deviantart.com (If you want some Digital art)


You better be happy, Bart-o , this took me 2 hours. : ) o0o

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I'd like to thank Orbital for posting this guide quickly after I requested he do so! In compliance with our deal and for the benefit of everyone I'm going to pin this topic for a while. It's a GOOD read! Check it out!



I'd like to reiterate Orbital's first rule... DO THESE THINGS AT YOUR OWN RISK! He has requested that he not be blamed or nagged for any problems you encounter while doing these sometimes risky alterations. He also told me that if you would like he is willing to expand on this topic further. So post up your opinions! Thanks again Orb!

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Guest Orbital
Guest Orbital
Guest Orbital

If you don't post a reply, I can't or won't make other tweakin guides, so please if you find this stuff interesting, post about it! Please POST!

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Guest SuicidalSpirit
Guest SuicidalSpirit
Guest SuicidalSpirit

very nice, expect my gefore 2 wont update detanotrs correctly so i have no opengl tab. it sucks but i can live with 75 fpd instead of 100

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Guest The Hurricane
Guest The Hurricane
Guest The Hurricane

The "pushlatency" command doesn't work anymore.

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Guest Orbital
Guest Orbital
Guest Orbital

Hurricane, you're right, well it doens't appear in the console, but honestly, I put it in my config.cfg file, and somehow it makes mey ping more stable, I promise you it works.


It's very funny how much attention this getting, you have my [RUN] clan looking and reading this and you have the entire [c0g] community (THat's around 300 people watching and reading this guide. Pssh, I'm so happy to help!

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Guest The Hurricane
Guest The Hurricane
Guest The Hurricane

their is also a cl_latency command.... isn't that the one you set to like -1/3 of ur ping and it's supposed to do something? sigh, it never worked for me lol.

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Guest Orbital
Guest Orbital
Guest Orbital

Don't mess with cl_latency, it's a world of trouble to get it right. If you have an extra 3 hours or so, you can tweak with it, I never cared about it at all.

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Guest m0unTn33r
Guest m0unTn33r
Guest m0unTn33r

I did this to my old retail version and it looked like I was playing pong. :D


nice guide Orb

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Guest Orbital
Guest Orbital
Guest Orbital

My pleasure, I love helping, but I need more posts for this...

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Guest giMp
Guest giMp
Guest giMp

w0w ur a genious, i donno about all that stuff tho adam has read it and tweaked us out i just shoot teh guns :lol: thanks Rashad ...rawr

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Guest [DOH]TaPe
Guest [DOH]TaPe
Guest [DOH]TaPe

Great stuff you posted up man, very helpful. If you want more posts... just say "test... you can delete this if you want" and all heck will break loose :P:D

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Get that XP Pro tweak up. I don't have all day!!!


Hehe - just kidding but I'd definitely be interested in your tweaks for XP when you get the chance.


Thanks!! :D

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Guest The Hurricane
Guest The Hurricane
Guest The Hurricane
Hehe - just kidding but I'd definitely be interested in your tweaks for XP when you get the chance.



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Guest Orbital
Guest Orbital
Guest Orbital

Dude, You think the CS tweaks were long? I have around... ugh... 14-16 pages of XP tweaks.. sheesh, that'll take me days... but I can ONLY do it if I get more traffic/posts for this thread. I have some offeres to, I can make this into a webpage, Tell me, who would be interested in a tweaking page, run by me? Oops, 14-16, no.. more like 20.. if I make the tweaking page, I'll do bits by bits... maybe I can add it to someone's forums, or many clan's forums.. for more traffic.. that would be cool... but oRb needs TRAFFIC! Advertise! Please!


I'll post some new tweaks or so every week, I'm not that good at html, I'll need some help, but when I'm through.. you'll be tweaking g0ds, not nubs, but I'll need help, I can't do this by myself. Tell me what you think.

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Guest Mossad
Guest Mossad
Guest Mossad

You also forgot about those wacky ex commands.


Also your video tweaking guide is wrong for people with good monitors and good video cards. If vsync is off it will cause image tearing. If your stuck with 60 fps and using XP make sure you download the nvidia refresh rate fix.


Good stuff tho orb.



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Guest Orbital
Guest Orbital
Guest Orbital

Uh.. I have a geforce 2 Ti and a 23" nokia .22 dot pitch monitor... Yes it DOES help people with good monitors and good video cards, it causes image tearing if your refresh rate is f 'ed up.. the newest detenator drivers for Nvida fixes the problem, lol I'm a geek , trust me on this.. :P:blink:


See, the nvida refresh rate tool was used on the old detenator drivers, now the refresh tool is obsolete, go to Nvidia.com it fixes the problem in it's update section. Also, vsync limits fps for higher quality models, but for a little blurry imagine youg et higher fps, I know that human eye can not tell the difference between 60 fps and 100 fps, but do the lagging in servers, when you have 100 fps or higher fps, you get a good stream of data, which enables you not to "miss" someone who actually you didn't miss. Vsync is just for higher quality, it's unneccesarry to those who want a good game play in cs, most people don't like the higher quality models, for their computer can't handle it. My computer can handle just about anything, but I play at 800x600 just because I rather have it at it's most optimal perfromance, since CS is using the old Valve/Quake 3d engine, it's pointless to have higher models, you can't have that great of images on CS, it's very basic quality imaginge and graphics.

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