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New Vegas - Flitterkill Diary and Blitherings


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Speaking of which, anyone else take the wild wasteland trait? What was the craziest/funniest thing you've come across thus far?


I'm playing my second game and I 'm using the wild wasteland trait.


I was around level 10 and never seen anything crazy or funny. But I went into Vegas and ended up in the Ultralux, I got the tainted meat quest and while I went to investigate the investigator the the whole freaking Ultralux clan came after me. Needless to say I killed everyone wearing a mask. Was this normal to the quest???

No, that probably shouldn't have happened. I finished that quest without killing anyone I believe. I had a decently high speech skill though (60+?) and talked my way out of a potential fight.


For the wild wasteland, I've run into a trio of aliens camping out, the aforementioned Holy Hand Grenades, as well as a cameo "appearance" of Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru.

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At the very start of the game, after you do the tutorial quest with that lady, there is a guy just to the south that asks you to find his girlfriend who is surrounded by geckos up the hill. If you go up the hill there's geckos, of course. If you are playing with Wild Wasteland there will be a guy sitting in a chair with a party hat on and a red rubber ball, without the Wild Wasteland that guy isn't there. That's the only one I've seen.


Also, quests that are broken before the new patch aren't fixed by the patch I don't think. My Brootherhood of Steel quest is still broken post patch, I will have to restart this guy I guess.

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I should mention that I've moved onto mega-explorer stuff, determined to discover every location on the map prior to finishing the main quest. That might be why I've come across so much with the wild wasteland thing. I'm exploring every nook possible! :luxhello:


I've found quite a few cool things that I completely missed my first time through.

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  • 2 weeks later...
GC Board Member

Well, that's a wrap then.


Another game is calling and with no DLC yet for PC I'll wait for my next playthrough (Wild Wasteland and Mr. House all the way probably)


Final blitherings on this run:


1) Bugs: Bits of gathering the remnants and the first bits of tooling around the dam (assassination) were the only truly "buggy" bits I had for the entire game. Oh sure, I've had the occasional drop to desktops - maybe once every 2-3 playthroughs but that's about it. The assassination at the dam was just weird. I stopped everything etc., but the guy who was gonna do the knifing? Yeah, I stood next to him, he grunted at me and ........ ......... Yeah.... I think he's still standing there; at least he was still standing there when the Legion attack was on - :)


2) Stuff I never actually closed out: ED-I's story. I swear he's upgraded but the quest still was open at the end. Whatever Vault those Powder Ganger remnants were in. I didn't have the explosives stats to do *any* of the options so I just skipped it. I was long past helping Raul with anything and I really didn't want to hear Lily blithering all the time so I skipped them as companions. As far as I can tell I got everything else covered. I forgot to talk to the Followers to have them help the NCR so they booted them out during the endgame montage. Speaking of which, according to my endgame, Rose is a complete badazz. I did kill the mom Deathclaw and stuff in the quarry (sniping from distance) but I never went back to that evil evil cave. I mentioned it before. It was filled with Deathclaws btw...


3) Ammunition was *never* a problem - ever. Same with cash. Never needed to gamble; maybe did it twice? Never played a hand of Caravan or collected any cards. Crafting? Yeah, none at all aside from the tutorial bit at Goodsrpings to start. I doubt I want to ever play this game on hardcore - eating, water... blah.


4) There were far too few robots in this game. A terminator quest with a vault filled with doom would have been fun.


5) Final battle: Boone and Rex. Somewhere in the dam Rex just flat out disappears. Later on the Remnants arrive and by the time I enter the gate to the Legates camp, Cannibal Johnson in a power suit with a mini gun is now my 2nd companion. Huh? Is this part of the game? I was confused... Anyhoo, death, mayhem, etc. There is a chunk of rock just to the left of where the interior entrance (path leading up to) the Legates tent is. What I did was challenge him to one on one, went to that spot (which he can't get to) and watched the hilarity ensue. Naturally Boone and CJ both fought him as well and it's at this point that CJ disappears. He was fighting the Legate but then.... ??? Since the Legate couldn't get to me, he enjoyed various pathfinding trips around the camp, including the fatal time he walked by underneath me. Headshots from behind always a good time.


6) Enjoyed: The name of the sex bot. The dialogue of the sex bot. Fiend hunting. Robot hunting. Exploration.


8) Very glad I did just about everything away from the main story line and major factions until the end. If I feel like it, I have a deep game save I can use to spawn off into each of the three groups endings.


7) The Helios weapon (with the toy gun). Ya know? I never ended up using the damn thing. Could have been useful at the Death claw quarry I suppose.


8) So many mods already. When I do get around to the next playthrough gonna make sure to load this sucker up with all the content I can get.


At times, I wish computer tech and bandwidth was just a bit further along. Imagine this game with power cores, mantas, etc...


Next up: Mass Effect 2

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  • 2 months later...

Hit lvl 30 recently on my second game and headed to Dead Wind cave to see what all the ruckus was all about. Seems the Gauss rifle was made for clearing out those pesky little beasts, for me anyway. Didn't know there were eggs in there, and I just happen to be on the last quest of the Thorn, what luck!


I only have just a few more placed to uncover before I have seen every place on the map. Oh yeah, and I just got my Sunset Sarsaparilla Prize.

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