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1) Bunch of new plugins. Might be some bugs. See the sticky.


2) The dynmap bugs in the perspective view are patched in the next stable release. So whenever that comes out...


3) Dynmap web-2-minecraft is almost certainly not going to work until the developer rewrites the aspx file. Enjoy it as is.


4) No mas for plugins unless there are any specific requests.


Why for? Were a month or two out from final and I imagine the requisite bukkit as well. New world gen stuff; new ton of stuff actually. With that spout and permissions (economy?) can go on then.

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GC Board Member

Server has been patched for Windows security.


Full perspective render of the surface took 9 hours :)


Nether is only rendered as you enter (no full rez done) - the bugs in DynMap have not been patched so expect the checkerboarding when entering a new tile area for the first time.


Updated to latest Craft Bukkit. Pls report bugs in forums.


GoHome is BROKE in this build. When the author patches it I'll put it up.

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Rolled back to build 1000.


Go Home all you want now.

Thanks Flitter, but we now have a cool rail system built between the places so we don't need to Go Home anymore.


Shut yer trap! It's not finished yet and i need mah teleportz!

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Not that hard, just uses lots of iron. Main line runs from DF/Boiler's castle to my place, probably 90% laid out now(ridable one-way) using probably around 1000 iron. And yea I'd like everyone to have a stop but automatic ones with cart dispensers are large. Probably shaz and san on stop #1, peklz's trap on stop #2, shift's place on #3, a branch to brr's place on #4, then my place for now. Takes about 3-4 minutes to ride the length of it, bit scary at night now too.

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Thanks for all the hard work Flitter.


Great work on the rail guys.



Side note: I'll be building a fenced off minefield game. Basically it has an entrance and exit, and if you make it from one end to the other you get a prize. Limit one per person.

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