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Buy Plugin Ideas


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There are a few ideas I was thinking about implementing. I figured I should inquire with the general public of the server first before I implement it because it would change what people are really used to now.


#1: Infected Healing. If you get infected, you cannot buy a full heal, but have to be healed with a first aid kit first. This would cause more tension for infected survivors and their teammates.


#2: Respawn limits OR member only respawns.


2.1: Respawn Limits: What this would mean is that a survivor team can only respawn dead players (not defibbing them) a certain number of times per map. It would put a bigger emphasis on keeping teammates alive.


2.2: Member only respawns: GC members/admins would be the only ones that could respawn. It would give people more of an incentive to get a membership, but wouldn't be a popular change on the server.


#3: Incremental Costs for Purchases. This would apply to only a few items to buy through the menu. These would include Full Heals for survivors (dependent on the Survivor purchasing it), Tank spawns (affecting the team), or some other things that are the most frequently purchased on the server...although this could be applied to anything though.


Give me input on what any of these would mean to you guys.

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#1: Seems fine since most of those who are infected are being healed by health kits now anyways so it seems and the percentage of infection is low.


#2: A respawn limit is better than the member respawn imo. Newer players have an increased likelihood of dying and may just really out balance the teams at times when it's stacked.


#3: Tried it on another server and hated it, not sure how others enjoy the incremental increase.

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Agree with #1


Agree with #2, setting a limit, not a member only deal though. Limit should be maybe 3 per map, even 2 maybe but 3 sounds good for now.

If unable to set a limit, prevent sending out points to dead players, so if they want a respawn they need the points already.

Possibly also make it so dead players cant send points to the living. Would even things out a bit more maybe. Might only need this if implementing the preventing of sending points to dead players as well. (Both of these were ValenAlverns ideas)


#3 could work out, but would require quite a bit of testing to balance out i think.

Edited by samurai nightling
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#1: I like the idea, causes more teamwork and makes the survivors sweat it more.


#2: Setting the limit is a great idea, the member thing would cause too much drama


#3: Gotta pass on it, I've seen it in effect in the past on a different server and wasn't a fan


Thanks for always trying to make it more interesting and keeping it fresh Jackie

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Well currently the respawn has been limited to 3 per round now. I'm all for trying to balance out respawns by making them more expensive, in the end its always Jackies decision on what balances the server the most.


As far as a defib penalty, what would be the point of ever buying a respawn if you get the same penalty as for defibbing, when a defib only costs like 10(?) points. Everyone would rather spend 1/3 the points for a defib then have a respawn because there's no incentive to it.


Theses conversations are good though, its helping decide the best way to balance the buy system. Perhaps some more needs done to the respawning/defibbing than whats current Jackie. I do tire of people getting off scott free for a mere 30 points sometimes.

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1 seems a bit overkill. It's already whack that boomers infect. I've seen 2 infected on the same boomer just yesterday for that matter. And there are plenty of times where people get hit at like 30hp with the infected status. It's funny to see someone get hit with it then die right after because of the low health. But with no chance to heal other than a kit? That's too much.


#2 on the other hand.... limit it for sure. I actually raged last night after getting really annoyed by it. 1 player re-spawned 3 times within a few minutes. Everyone sent him points, then no one had any to heal. Of course the team was bad with cover fire too, but that's besides the point. Re-spawns can be overkill. 3 per round sounds good, since that seems to already be implemented as of this post.


#3 I don't personally like this incremental idea. However it has a flip-side. The games lately aren't anything like months back when i bought my membership. Which I bought because of the awesome regulars that were constantly playing and the heated games. I really miss the finales that were literally within 0-100 points difference. I even have an image on my profile from one where my team lost by 1 point. However, lately it's been a one-sided slaughterhouse. It's probably too much coding, but an increase/decrease function would be good if it was based on a score check at the beginning of the map for the first survivors. I say this for the following scenario:


3rd map, team 1 has 2k points, team 2 has 200. What's the point of playing? It's a complete beat-down. Sometimes this happens cause of bad teams and then there is a scramble, but the point difference is too much even with a scramble. And a lot of the time the scramble is just flat out rejected. I've said yes and no while being on both sides. Just depends on the situation. While it sounds bad to punish one team for winning, there are times where the score is 4k at the end and the other team hasn't even hit 600. And that happens cause of just the influx of really bad teams/players lately. And of course the constant stacking. When there is like a 2k point gap. 20 point tanks would be lols, and would possibly help balance the score. Not saying to do it that low, but still. If there is at least that chance, it would keep the good regulars from leaving that round or for the night. So essentially, I'm just saying, entertain the thought of perhaps having a system kick in when the scores are completely off. And when they balance, say within a 0-500 point gap, everything resets to normal.


On a random note. Is it possible to disable the scramble function on the finale/map before the finale(for 5 map rounds), etc. It's really ridiculous sometimes with people hitting that trigger then it goes through and you're right at the end of the game. I've also seen quite a few scrambles on maps with even teams/scores. Just cause of a few failures. Next thing you know the game is completely one sided cause of the scramble. Anywho, just my two cents.

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