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Flitterkill's old MAME machine


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Yeah, I got the bug many years ago and threw one together. Towards the end I could not for the life of me come up with a theme so I just threw some graphics against a wall and grabbed some old paint (too Pepsi blue unfortunately) to finish it off otherwise it would have just sat unfinished for more months.


Rocked the box for a couple of years then disassembled it.


The control panel lives in my closet now, to return with Sprite 2.0 or be rebuilt as a fold down table to roll next to the couch and use with the media pc and the HD projector.






Based off a combination of the Gauntlet Legends cabinet and Toobin. Four players. Massive. No coin box (like I said, I got a little burnt out on the design near the end)





I made some rough sketches/rough outs years ago for the revamp. Still may revist this one day...





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Once the parts arrived maybe a month or two on or off work. Nothing hardcore; a few hours here and there. And yeah, thanks, but I really did just vomit out the art work and such at the last minute as the unfinished box had been sitting around for an additional month or three and it had to get finished. :)


I never got too far on the redesign beyond the rough structure and some doodling for the marquee:



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This was years ago...


Hmm, what did I roll with?


I'll probably incorporate some old/real arcade joysticks (various manufacturers) I picked up at an auction (real life, not eBay) a number of years back in any new version I build, or as an addon. Got some Ikari Warriors sticks out of that but moved them on eBay (paid for everything else I won at that auction)


What did I use...? Hmmmm...


The pushbuttons were Happ which was pretty much the standard during the time I built this. Trackball through Happ as well, translucent blue highball. Probably Happ Ultimates for the joysticks. Got all the parts from an old guy down South who was semi-retired but repaired and supplied parts online. Online MAME supply stores were only just forming back then. The keyboard interface controller was an Ultimarc something or other. Very nice.

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Underneath the tv; plenty of space.


Aside from the Ultimarc controls-to-keyboard input dongle, and of course the joysticks and buttons (and a god-awful amount of wiring to do by hand...) it was just a regular PC. Back then, a refurbed Dell P4 ($220 bucks or something in 2002/2003 money) which was plenty of horsepower for games through about 2000; after that either emulation wasn't there or not enough horsepower. I'd still think a regular old junker pc can do most of the work. Unless you are trying to emulate 2000's-era games in which case a little bit more under the hood (i3) would still be fine.


S-Video out on the videocard from a cheap SVGA tv card and you were set.


Now, I'd probably go LCD with HDMI of course. Not quite the same, and I'll probably miss the whole CRT experience a bit but it will cut down the weight and allow for perhaps a more interesting design.

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Ah cool, didnt know there was a site that allowed you to buy parts so you could make your own Arcade Box/Machine. How are you able to pick what game you want to play? I'd assume thats what the keyboard is for, but I dont really see a mouse. Is M.A.M.E running at all times?

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Google for a myriad of sites that have the parts for sale (really, many now exist)


Used the Win build of MAME, the trackball doubled as the Windows mouse so really no different than using MAME on your desktop.


There are overlays that completely remove the need for a keyboard letting you use the joystick and arcade buttons to select and enter stuff.


I never went the whole hog for a purely MAME-only build as I wanted to run some PC games as well. Get Medieval and Beavis & Butt-Head: Bunghole in One being but two...





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You guys have to remember, this bad boy is long gone; disassembled back in...hmmm...2006 perhaps? Maybe 2007. The cabinet was trashed. TV sold. Computer, well, actually, I think that may still be here, but otherwise all that I have left is the console top with all the joysticks, buttons, and trackball, just as it was, about five feet away from me in my closet.


No bezel at the time as I had decided to just finish it and save any more effort/mods for a rebuild which hasn't happened yet.

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  • 2 months later...

It...was beautiful Flitter...how you could just trash it...I'm sure you had your reasons. I will one day build one myself, but it's long off.


Being one of the far left or far right players on Gauntlet is a childhood nightmare...well, inconvenience that I used to fight over!

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  • 7 months later...

So I'm considering doing this. Since the X-Gaming 2-player setup has dropped in price by half, I'm just going to use a design that integrates that setup into the cabinet. I already have a monitor and PC core ready for it, it just comes down to building the cabinet. I'm moderately skilled in wood work and when my Dad died a few years back I inherited all his carpentry and power tools, so I'm set there. Like Flitt, I'm omitting the coin box because, why bother with that for a home box?


It will be a Mame / home systems box. I'll be using an old AMD X2 64bit PC and a 19" Samsung LCD that has been removed from its plastic housing already since it was previously used as a portion of a 4x3 video wall in our office lobby (replaced with a much cheaper 70" TV).


Any building tips would be appreciated.

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  • 2 months later...
GC Board Member

Could I bring a revamped version to FragFest? It's possible but would need some help from locals to "finish" it - couldn't bring it all with me...


Looked at some old and new threads on BYOAC tonight. A guy finally finished his epic 7+ year build. Many people still making these things; kinda neat to see. A lot more and better tech and parts out now.


And pinball. I knew pinmame and such was starting up but as far as cabinet builds I had no idea. None. I've been out of the scene for years.


Tonight I saw this:


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Let's finish this thread out with some CP shots. Dragged it out of the closet to see how it's holding up.




No loose cables, just a coating of dust. Not bad.




That handles joystick and button input. There is a smaller one above that handles the trackball.




Those graphics - bah... I'll need a new underbox. Graphics can be easily changed (and will) - all of that is just a wide-format color printing on regular spooled paper - such as one would find in a university library... Put it on top of the plywood top, sandwich down with lexan - all good. Finishing on the lexan, and the edges of the cp frankly, was horrible. Don't think I bothered sanding anything at all. The tricky bit is going to be if I can actually re-use the cp top if I change the graphics. Not sure I can match the current holes for the buttons and such with new graphics. Well, more specifically, a new print would inevitably have some measurement variances and so on. Would it print exactly as plotted in the file? When I did this I also made a low-res printout to use as a sacrificial template. Tacked it onto the plywood and drilled and routed as needed. Wasn't worried about too much variance as the final version was printed right afterwards on the same printer. Even so, I think there was a some differences between the two. I'd have to trim down the monitor end as well; those notches not really needed anymore minus the old cabinet... Never did get the spinner.


it's a really big cp. Five foot wide? Probably.


The big empty space between the trackball and the monitor end? Lay a wireless keyboard there.


Oh yeah, bottom of the trackball had a sticker from the guy I ordered all my stuff from. Still in business!



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