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Diablo 3 Beta


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Demon Hunter and Wizard done.


I've found one thing I'm really not a fan of. Every skill and magic is based off of your weapon damage. Each class has basic magic attacks that can pretty much replace your primary attack. For example, the demon hunter has a bola shot that shoots an explosive, you can use that as your basic attack at no mana cost, it actually generates "Hatred", which is basically the demon hunters version of mana, you then spend hatred on other abilities. These basics skills use your weapon damage to determine how much damage you'll do but you don't necessarily use your equipped weapon.


So on my wizard the first basic attack you get it is "Magic Missile", it has no mana cost and does 110% of your weapon damage. Even though the class specific weapon for the wizard is a wand, which acts the same way as magic missile (ranged attack), using the wand as a wand is pointless. Instead what I did was found a two handed axe that did tons of damage, which made my magic missile do a bunch more damage. So I was doing more damage with my abilities with this two handed axe on my wizard than I was with a magic wand, which feels dumb.


The beta only goes up to level 13 so maybe at later levels it won't work as well, but as it works now I think it's silly. I feel it throws out the point of weapons all together and is basically equip the highest damage weapon you can find, regardless if it's good for your class or not, as long as it does a lot of damage it will make everything you cast have a lot of damage.


I prefer damage to go by stats or levels in a skill tree.

Edited by VooDooPC
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I finished the beta as the Monk last night, definitely the biggest offender of not even using their weapons. I had a bo equipped but every attack still used my fists, the bo just sat on my back. After I finished my barrage of fist attacks I would pull out the bo again as if I was going to actually use it.

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Have you tried multiplayer VooDoo?


I just played maybe 4ish hours with Ebil, the multiplayer is good. Though the easy difficulty is just as apparent in the multiplayer it's still not bad. I think it will be much better with a higher difficulty. At one point I got disconnected, since she's on my friends list and has it set to open friends game, it lets me just click her name and hop right back into her game, pretty seamless.

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Have you tried multiplayer VooDoo?


I just played maybe 4ish hours with Ebil, the multiplayer is good. Though the easy difficulty is just as apparent in the multiplayer it's still not bad. I think it will be much better with a higher difficulty. At one point I got disconnected, since she's on my friends list and has it set to open friends game, it lets me just click her name and hop right back into her game, pretty seamless.


Wait, I thought they scaled the difficulty depending on how many players join? (something like more monsters, etc)

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It does scale them. In single player I've finished it 5 times, once with each character, I haven't had to use a single health potion. When Ebil and I played together it's clear the enemies have more HP and more damage but we are two people, which means we're dishing out twice as much damage. One time in the four hours between us did we have to use a health potion, Ebil thought it would be a good idea use her barbarian and jump down over the edge onto a group of the toughest enemies in the beta. :D


If you had two people and one sat in the town AFK the whole time while the other person fought the tougher enemies, that's where I want the difficulty. The few times Ebil and I were split up I could tell the enemies were much tougher to solo than they were in single player.

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Everything I've heard is that the beta is super easy, and meant to be that way. It's to give you more of a feel for how the game will work, and not how hard it will be. The harder difficulties will be much, MUCH harder. They even added Inferno difficulty. I hated playing Hell difficulty, now they added one past that!?! Trust me you'll get difficulty if thats what you're looking for when the game's released.

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  • 1 month later...

Not once did I ever get one.


A few months ago before the torrent of PC games began I was (still am theoretically) working on getting every unique and rune in the game. Without hitting Hell I'd estimate I had 80%+ of the Normal unique drops and maybe 40%+ of Nightmare. And that's with a lot of time spent in Nightmare.


No chance on runes until I hit Hell (whenever that will be...) A very long term project parked clearly in the "kill some time" area and perhaps abandoned if D3 gets its hooks into me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

just got an email invite yesterday

Let us know what you think.


They've upped the difficulty in the beta since I made my post about it being too easy. If it's at this difficulty this early in the game I think the difficulty scales as you get further it will be okay.

Edited by VooDooPC
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