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Advice and Tips for NEW PLAYERS


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Since the GC server has a bit of a learning curve I thought I'd throw together some helpful hints/tips/advice for those who are new. A lot of this stuff you would normally learn the hard way but for the sake of everyone please try and follow these guidelines when playing:


As Survivors

  • SPAWN BLOCK!!! If there's anything you take from this post is to properly SPAWN BLOCK. If you're in a room with another person you're not doing it right. If you're standing next to someone getting picked up you're not doing it right. Far to often do I have a group of teammates grouped-up while the infected repeatedly hits them.
    • A GOOD RULE OF THUMB: When you're a surivor think of spawn blocking as if you were on infected team. "If I was infected and wanted to charge this huddled grouped of survivors where would I spawn? Hmm this empty closet would be a good place." Then proceed to block that spot.

    [*]If you're new and still learning the ropes STAY IN THE MIDDLE OR FRONT OF THE GROUP. The back of the pack is the hardest part of the group and should only be filled by competent players/regulars.

    [*]IF YOU'RE DEAD be ready to send points to those who need it and/or just send them to one of the few people left alive (perferably a main).

    [*]IF YOU'RE INCAPPED you need to immediately and repeatedly ask for points using the !np command. I can't stress this enough.

    [*]IF YOU DON'T LISTEN to your team you will most likely be left behind.

    [*]BE AWARE OF WHATS HAPPENING AROUND YOU! If you're looking in one direction for more than five seconds you're doing it wrong. I can't count how many times other players have been oblivoius to infected attacking a teammater right behind/next to them.

    [*]IF YOU HAVE A MEDKIT CONSTANTLY CHECK TEAMMATES HEALTH! Healing often is the best way to avoid group incaps and teammates shouldn't have to be asking for heals.

    [*]DON'T HEAL SOMEONE IN THE OPEN! If you're going to heal someone be very aware of the location. Try and do it underneath something or out of harms way.

    [*]If you notice the back is having a dfficult time GO BACK AND HELP THEM.

As Infected

  • DON'T HOG A CLASS! Use it or lose it.
  • SPIT AND DIE! This isn't a rule but one of the most crucial things you can do as infected. By the time you “recharge” your spit three other people could have spit and at certain choke points that can make or break an entire round.
  • CHARGE BEFORE SPIT! At any choke point the charger/spitter combo is deadly but at times not everyone can spawn. So if you have a choice to be a charger or spitter be the charger because it can buy a short amount of time so others can spawn. Spitters can't stop them, chargers can.
  • IF YOU'RE A TANK AND DON'T WANT TO BE type !afk and then type !jointeam and it will pass it to someone else.
  • IF YOU'RE A TANK don't ever chase or focus on one survivor. Chances are when you're screwing around with the one person the rest of the team is picking up its incaps.

General Tips

  • Left 4 Dead is a series where every single player is a crucial compenent to the team. If one messes up/doesn't listen is greatly affects everyone else.
  • REMEMBER it's not how many good players you have it's how many bad ones you have.
  • If you don't make an effort to learn you probably won't last long on the server.
  • LISTEN to other regulars/players.
  • The GC server is very compettive, don't take what others say personally.
  • Don't be afraid to ask as many questions as you need to other regulars/players.
  • COMMUNICATE! You don't need a microphone (although you really should) to talk with your team.

These are a just a few off the top of my head so if any other regulars want to add just post them. I will update this as more useful things come to mind.

Edited by Sess1on
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I'm playing since February and i always forget to bind my keys.

But i already bind h for !heal but i also forget that.


You're not disciplined!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can we have the bare essentials of this as like a welcome menu for people joining the server and on the motd? We're having a large influx of new people who have extreme difficulty understanding basic english commands.


It's getting to the point where a lot of the regulars just stop trying because people are unwilling to listen. If anything they would be aware of the commands upon entrance and can't claim ignorance and if they want to know we can just say "look at the motd, or read the intro menu" instead of having to stop in the middle of a round to have to painstakingly explain (read: spoon feed) how to use the command to send their 50-60 points to the rest of the team who's desperately in need of it.

Edited by direkt
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Please realize that all the regulars were new to the server at some point. I started playing on our server having less than 5 hrs experience playing l4d2, and it was brutal. I wouldn't reccommend it, but at least I was equipped with a microphone, and was checking the forums for information as well. If we just keep in mind that we've all been there, and try to help the new players when possible, it will help everyone out; your team, the server, the community.


I will think on how we might be able to implement an in-game guide for noobs, which is easy to use/understand, and won't slow down play. Considering that people get vote-kicked if they join and stand still for ~15 seconds... I don't think this would be an easy task. Anyways, I'll spend some time meditating on it. :-)

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Please realize that all the regulars were new to the server at some point. I started playing on our server having less than 5 hrs experience playing l4d2, and it was brutal. I wouldn't reccommend it, but at least I was equipped with a microphone, and was checking the forums for information as well. If we just keep in mind that we've all been there, and try to help the new players when possible, it will help everyone out; your team, the server, the community.


I will think on how we might be able to implement an in-game guide for noobs, which is easy to use/understand, and won't slow down play. Considering that people get vote-kicked if they join and stand still for ~15 seconds... I don't think this would be an easy task. Anyways, I'll spend some time meditating on it. :-)


Biggs, You have a brain. Others, I question.

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Session, thanks of this. Nice Write Up. Def should be pinned.


Also, I had to leave last night the game early, I heard something in the house and it freaked me out.


Must be a witch.

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The majority influx of newbies that come to this server think they're the Green Power Ranger and know it all on how to survive in our server. While we might have offset some potential players, I say we have weed out A LOT of the bad ones pretty well so far.

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