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Survivors vs Infected!


Play the maps before you play the server though, like just a regular non-versus game:


1) Gives you an ideal on where you are going

2) Just a helpful way to learn the game i.e. what all the infected do


On the server:


There's great threads, and most people are pretty helpful on using the buy menu and stuff.




You play anywhere from 2-5 maps (campaign dependent)

2 teams

You each go as survivors/infected then switch roles.

Team with the most points wins


Send me an invite if you want Cat & you can do a few maps w/ me and tirtul. It's good to know choke points and also just basic stuff.


P.S. NO rushing :)


There is more but I'm tired and don't want to type anymore lol.


Hope this helped

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I recommend playing the single player first just to understand the basics of the game before you go onto the gc server... it has a high learning curve. if you want some pointers lemme know I will be more than happy to walk through a game and explain things for you.

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I recommend jumping straight into the gc server... it's not like anyone will ban you :prplwacko:


When you do hop in the GC server, you'll want to use the !enemyvoice command so you're not hearing both teams (super confusing initially).

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Play a little single player first


Stay towards the front fo the group and always keep line of sight


Spit on people that are pinned or incapped, then die on them immediately


Never charge people forwards


Type !buy in the chat menu to use your points


You will be fine.

Edited by Lookback
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Wow thank you all! Very informative. Alright, single player goes first, then I'll jump Onto server and kill everything that moves. Sounds easy....

In reality: "well single player was easy, let's try multiPlayer..." 10 mIn. Later: WTH!!! Help!!! Where did everyone go?!! Is that a friend? Hey I'm here help! :Roar: dead_____

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GC Coalition Member

Wow thank you all! Very informative. Alright, single player goes first, then I'll jump Onto server and kill everything that moves. Sounds easy....

In reality: "well single player was easy, let's try multiPlayer..." 10 mIn. Later: WTH!!! Help!!! Where did everyone go?!! Is that a friend? Hey I'm here help! :Roar: dead_____



just come in my team and you will survive forever!

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Just hop in and listen to what everyone says. I wouldn't try "admining" at first until you get a handle on the game *cough Tsunami *cough... JK! There's always a lot going on. When you are survivor you need to be alert 100% of the time, infected, not so much, just need to know what special infected to be, or what not to be, at what time. If someone says "get off the charger", click your middle mouse button (or zoom) until you're off of the charger ha.


People will use nicknames for things like "incap" even. Do you know what an "incap" is? It means a survivor is on the ground and they need to get picked up or bought up since they are incapacitated. This is a reeeeally simple example but if there are things people say and you don't understand, just ask.


The good news is people are SUPPOSED to help you on the server. Since it looks like you speak English, just joining in shouldn't be a big deal.



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One thing I quickly learned was that if someone tells you not to be/stand somewhere, it means you're between 5 and 10 seconds away from being instantly killed. There are a few very nasty deathcharge spots and chokepoints that can destroy your entire team if you get caught in them.

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