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500k post - And the winner is...


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walkingCat post id 525182




select pid from ibf_posts order by post_date asc limit 500000;


select pid from ibf_posts order by pid asc limit 500000;


CONGRATS! Both yield:

| pid    | append_edit | edit_time | author_id | author_name | use_sig | use_emo | ip_address    | post_date  | icon_id | post																																																						  | queued | topic_id | post_title | new_topic | edit_name | post_key						 | post_htmlstate | post_edit_reason | post_bwoptions | pdelete_time | post_field_int | post_field_t1 | post_field_t2 |
| 525182 |		   0 |	  NULL |	  | walkingCat  |	   1 |	   1 |  | |    NULL | [quote name='Biggs' timestamp='1375924606' post='525176'] Maybe all the 3s will come out at once... [/quote]<br />
<br />
[img=http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/283/252/c8e.png] |	  0 |    | NULL	   |		 0 | NULL	  | |			  0 |				  |			  0 |		    0 |			  0 | NULL		  | NULL		  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

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