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Sorry I missed the fun.  I was re-installing the game and left to do other things while it finished.   I've only played 30 minutes of TF2 according to my Steam account so I know nothing about the game.  :(




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Adding more and more maps won't help this server get popularity.  I think what we need are a few good "deadlock" maps that take a long time (and coordinated effort) to win.  Toyfort was one of them, as well as Lazytown.  I still don't see those in the run.  People also like playing on servers that have a means of tracking overall stats against other players, for example HLStatsX.  Servers with HLStatsX seem to attract regulars. 


There was a map (dont remember the name) that was added to the server that just completely put me off.  It was a melee only map, where a team guards a castle and another team tries to take it over.  Not really a big fan of melee only maps.  Plus it doesn't go along with the theme of the other maps that are already installed.


I still believe the less maps, the better, unless all the maps are part of the same group, for example Gold Rush and Badwater Basin.  Those two maps are actually 2 groups of maps that involve a team taking a payload all the way through three different maps...essentially 1 big campaign. 


I used to play on an amazing server that had those two campaigns in it.  They only succeeded in becoming popular because not only did they have those two campaings, but they also had a voting system in place so players could vote on what map they wanted to play next.  I believe this was only initiated by an admin.

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Adding more and more maps won't help this server get popularity.  I think what we need are a few good "deadlock" maps that take a long time (and coordinated effort) to win.  Toyfort was one of them, as well as Lazytown.  I still don't see those in the run.  People also like playing on servers that have a means of tracking overall stats against other players, for example HLStatsX.  Servers with HLStatsX seem to attract regulars. 


There was a map (dont remember the name) that was added to the server that just completely put me off.  It was a melee only map, where a team guards a castle and another team tries to take it over.  Not really a big fan of melee only maps.  Plus it doesn't go along with the theme of the other maps that are already installed.


I still believe the less maps, the better, unless all the maps are part of the same group, for example Gold Rush and Badwater Basin.  Those two maps are actually 2 groups of maps that involve a team taking a payload all the way through three different maps...essentially 1 big campaign. 


I used to play on an amazing server that had those two campaigns in it.  They only succeeded in becoming popular because not only did they have those two campaings, but they also had a voting system in place so players could vote on what map they wanted to play next.  I believe this was only initiated by an admin.


Give me the map files for toyfort and lazytown. I looked and couldn't find anything for them. 


We have map voting set-up and everything. But, give me maps that you would like to see taken out of the rotation. Probably CP will be taken out because its fast and small. KOF is a better way to go. Also, instead of Pay Load I was thinking Pay Load Race.

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Toyfort and Lazytown ARE CP...but they are slow because there are many bottlenecks that make for a great back and forth game.  I'll look them up and provide the links.  I still think Gold Rush and Badwater Basin are great maps to start with.

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So the Lazytown map has gone missing from download servers, but supposedly if you've played on it and downloaded it, that file can be used, am I right?  If true, I'll just host that map on a torrent site for you to download, unless there's a better way I can get the file to you.  The map is only 18 MB.


Here's the link to Toyfort but I'm not sure if you can download it without being a member.



If not, and the other method worked for LazyTown, then I should just send you the toyfort file as well.

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I've seen cp_warpath as a pretty fun 24/7 map on a different server, but I think that community has at least 5 tf2 servers.  Love the map tho, like Fenix said, you need high coordination to win on this kind of map.

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I know this is my l4d2 side coming through. However, what can we do to differentiate our server from others? What will bring in new players, and take them away from other servers? Is there anything like a !buy system for tf2? Where you can purchase perks. Say like ammo, health, invuln. You get the idea.

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I like the idea, and maybe we should try it.  Although I think it may over-complicate things since you can change between classes and have many different weapons and abilities.  There isn't anything you could really buy other than ammo/metal and health.  Maybe a super jump or something as you get more points.  I still think we need the right maps for that though.  I may sound biased, but if you were to add a buy system, Toyfort would be perfect for that since it's such an unconventional map, and there are tons of ways to use the entire map if you add perks in a !buy system.

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I know this is my l4d2 side coming through. However, what can we do to differentiate our server from others? What will bring in new players, and take them away from other servers? Is there anything like a !buy system for tf2? Where you can purchase perks. Say like ammo, health, invuln. You get the idea.

NO please god no. TF2 doesnt need any more random stuff complicating it. that might work for an 10v10 version of an 8 player game but TF2 is muddy enough as it is.

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A buying system will never be implemented unless someone higher up does it. The in-game items are perks enough.  


As for RTD, we can go without it for a while and see if things pick up.


Map voting like in CS:GO is already in there.


I don't want to do any funky gamemodes/minigames for this server.


Next weekend, the maps will be added and ranks will work.

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