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Starting rounds


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This is kind of random, but is there any way to fix the bug when people touch certain saferoom doors the game starts? Even when its not even open or unlocked. A couple maps that come to mind are Dark Carnival maps 2+3 and the finale on The Passing. It's actually really annoying when people who don't know about this run into the door and nobody is ready to go out. The infected always get a head start with rocket spawns and such. 

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Well is this the proper place to ask the following question: Is there any way only members and regulars can start rounds? Random people start the rounds all the time. Just when member or regulars are present it would be nice if they random people didn't join and run out starting the round..

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Stop SI from doing damage to survivor while they're in the saferoom at least while the countdown is up, often times server spawns survivor too close to the door and infected can spit the heck out of survivor's while they are unable to move.

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At first I thought he was referring to the glitched doors that JC mentioned, but I think you're right Peanut. I've never seen a survivor spawn close enough to "leave" the saferoom allowing SI to spawn before the countdown is over.

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I've seen that happen, when a survivor spawns in the bugged spot I was talking about and the round starts for infected. I've seen it happen on dark carn map2 a lot. But even on other maps that I mentioned you can bump into the door even before the lock is off and start the round

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That's really strange. Then again most of you guys have much more play time than me, probably why I've yet to see it.


Regardless, it's unfortunate that we can't do anything to fix it, and it'd be very hard to enforce it as a rule if it can accidentally happen. Hell, I know I've accidentally started the round through the door.

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The only thing I'd be able to do as an attempt to fix something like this is lock the saferoom door, and give players godmode during freeze time, then 10 seconds after freeze time is over, unlock the door and disable godmode.  It's not going to stop people from triggering the round start before the door is open on some maps, but it's something.

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It can happen in Sacrifice too, but a little differently, sometimes while the countdown is going on, people open the door and as soon as the countdown ends, the blob of survivors moves, pushing one out and starting the campaign before anyone is ready.

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I have seen that on occasion, when everyone unfreezes, someone will trigger the start.  In all the hours I have played though, I do not recall ever seeing the infected spawning and attacking prior to the countdown ending.

As far as I know, it's not possible unless someone leaves the saferoom "nav area" even without opening the saferoom door (which can be done in c2m3, the rollercoaster level) and every Survivor client is programmed to spawn INSIDE saferoom nav areas.


This is what is causing premature round starts in levels like the rollercoaster level:


Every saferoom has a nav area which is labeled as "PLAYER_START" or "CHECKPOINT" and are color coded as such.  Every nav area labeled as a blueish/cyan color denotes a "CHECKPOINT" nav area which means that it's a saferoom and the round hasn't started yet until someone leaves that spot to an adjoining non-"CHECKPOINT" nav area.



However, in this screenshot, you'll notice the nav area I have my crosshair on is NOT blue:



This means once someone steps into this nav area, they will start the round.  These nav meshes cannot be fixed (actually they can, but I believe will require ALL connecting clients to redownload the nav file, overwriting the official one which could and most likely will cause connection issues).  The only kind of workaround is what I mentioned earlier, but ultimately won't prevent rounds from starting if someone steps in those nav areas.

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