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Next time we do a custom maybe..?


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If there is interest in maybe doing this... If someone would so kindly link me to the post/thread that has instruction that tell how to briefly test the map out. As to not waste Jackie's time on a campaign that may cause too many issues/ crashes to be played in the first place. Like that one campaign.. I can't remember the name just remember mountains/ woods and infected crashed continuously. 

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Lol. Oh the sweet joy of everyone screaming and moaning about he relentless tide of hunters. Oh how I miss it. On a more serious note I think it'd give the advantage more so to infected hunters especially. I think hunters would be played primarily on Streets. Other than that I think it would make for a nice change up. I like dark maps. Hopefully most of you do too!

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I just like variety.  Any decent new maps would be good.  We need to do more of the existing customs we have.  Last couple times we did it, the server was filled.


Here are the instructions for checking out a custom:




To test if a Custom Campaign works locally (not connected to a server), do the following if you want to suggest campaigns:

1. Close your game and navigate to your /left4dead2/cfg/ folder (Default path in most situations: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\left 4 dead 2\left4dead2\cfg\)

2. Open your "addonconfig.cfg" file.

3. Down where it says "RestrictAddions", you'll see a few entries there.  Under "default", change the "0" to "1".  You may need to add another entry named "coop" and make it "1".

4. Launch the game and have the custom campaign downloaded that you want to test and make sure it's selected in the main menu.

5. Click on Play Campaign -> Play With Friends -> Change server to "Local Server" -> Start Lobby -> Start Game.  This will launch the custom campaign though a local server with the addons restricted.  Not sure if just going to Single Player works or not, but this is the definite way to ensure it works.

6. Play through the campaign.  If you're able to go from first level to the finale escape cinematic, the campaign passes test.  At that point, suggest it and I'll play it for myself to see if it passes my standards test...which isn't that high.  I just make sure the entire campaign is playable and has good quality maps.

Pay attention to the following:
-The campaign has a ton, if any, textures that are purple/black checkered
-Any "ERROR" models
-Fails to load the next level after you complete one
-Client-side crashes (multiple, or happens in the same spot in the same map (ie: When exiting the saferoom))

Odds are, if any of these happen, then the map isn't suitable for play with addons disabled.  Addons being disabled is not going to change just for the sake of custom campaigns.

To revert the restrict addons change, just reverse the numbers again in step #3.

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From what i could tell there wasn't anything wrong with the campaign. I played through it all without any major exploration... Cause who am I kidding here there isn't muching shopping on GC. My game crashed once on the first map, but i'm pretty sure it had something to do with a popup on my desktop. I restarted the campaign and played through it entirely with sox and there wasn't any issues. The escape cinematic scene worked fine.

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