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Anyone still playing?


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Hey, does anyone still play? I try to play every now and then, the servers are usually empty.

I took a long break, finished school, got a job, got my own place and I actually started a family, my daughter is already 1, lol man time flies.

Anyways if anyone still plays man add me up, like I don't play too often, maybe a few times a month but yeah I'm down, and yes I have a mic.

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Welcome back General. Congrats on the family and baby. Time does fly, mine turned 4 this May.

Lots of people still play but very sporadically. We try do play every Saturday night for sure, but aside from that it's been spotty lately with people growing up, getting lives and playing other games. Lots of new releases coming out.... 

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There's no one in the games because it's hard to get into the game.  No server listing, no direct connect via website.  I had to ask MERC how to use OPENSERVERBROWSER...  What average player knows how to use that. FIX THE ISSUE! 

Am I the only one? Why isn't anyone talking about it?  Ever since the website change, L4D2 Servers are dead. 



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I bet most of the casual members don't know how to use Open Server Browser, so they think GC Servers disappeared.  Please fix it soon.  L4D2 is nothing without GC Servers. Don't force me to play OVERWATCH. I'm too old to learn new games. My 6 yr old kicks my butt in Overwatch.

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Don't play Overwatch. Only L4D2. L4D2 is life. Just open the console and join, or have someone invite you for now. Weekends/nights and some afternoons are the best time. I'm trying to poke some folks to fix stuff, but it's hard with life and work unfortunately. I wish I could fix it myself, but I don't know what I'm doing, nor do I have the access. :(

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I'm with Hanster on this. The website changes broke enough that it's killing the community. The fact that there's no one both capable and willing to address this is not good. I think this is the death for GC L4D2 unless something changes. :(

It's especially frustrating because it's not even totally clear what benefit was to be had from changing the website in the first place.


EDIT: Oh, it doesn't help that Steam changed it's UI a few weeks/months prior, and now it's harder than ever to just join in on a friend's game, because over half the time it doesn't show them as online, much less playing the game even when they're in the GC server.

Edited by DAlighieri
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  • 2 months later...
GC Coalition Member

Hi all !

Congrats General. It was fun growing up with you all. Hope you all do well. Sadly I believe it is the death of GC community. Let's not be sad that is over, let's be happy that it happened. 

Hope you all the best in life !

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  • 3 weeks later...


On 10/14/2018 at 11:16 AM, DAlighieri said:

I'm with Hanster on this. The website changes broke enough that it's killing the community. The fact that there's no one both capable and willing to address this is not good. I think this is the death for GC L4D2 unless something changes. :(

It's especially frustrating because it's not even totally clear what benefit was to be had from changing the website in the first place.


EDIT: Oh, it doesn't help that Steam changed it's UI a few weeks/months prior, and now it's harder than ever to just join in on a friend's game, because over half the time it doesn't show them as online, much less playing the game even when they're in the GC server.

Personally I've never really used the website. I think the frustrating part is that there is plenty of people that are both capable and willing to address the issues they just don't have access to do so.

I definitely don't think the community is dead but has certainly seen a decrease in activity. Which I suspect is mainly due to the reason listed in this thread.

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