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If there was no god...

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Now I'm saying if you knew for a fact that there wasn't a god. Albeit that there is no way of proving this, just think for a second that there really isn't a god. Would you still be kind to your fellow persons, follow the same rules or would you turn around and act totally different?

Edited by CowboyFromHell
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I personally don't know the communitys feelings on this, and won't go too far into this, but...


I'm an atheist, yet I still "kind to your fellow persons, follow the same rules"

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if there was no God....I'd probably be a real idiotic jerk.

seriously....if there was no God then I'd not have gone to an all Christian High School, I'd not have been raised in church, I'd not have made REAL guy friends who care about each other and each others feelings and are there for each other every step of the way...


if there was no God I'd probably be a 22 year old with 4 kids, a beer gut and no job...



and I'm serious.....I'd be just like every other person in my town if there was no God.


so I'm glad there is


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Hven't posted in this forum for awhile... but here we go...


are we talking


1) "What if God never existed... and we knew this from the get go?"




2) "I wake up tomorrow with complete conciousness and all-knowing, and I leanr that God(as I know him) does not exist."






1) Yes I know for a fact that I would be a differnet person, having spent my entire life raised Catholic and brought up on morals based on the teachings of Jesus, who is the Son of God.... this could lead to a secondary question 1a) God doesn't exist but Jesus still performs the miracles he did... I'm not prepared to answer that one just yet... but yes, if God never existed... then the morals and the lifestyle that I have led for teh past 25 years (I'm 25) also would never have existed.


2) No I wouldn't change, at least not right away.... all I can say is perhaps I might in time. Am I the only one that knows? What if we/I were the only one's that knew this for fact... what would you do.... would you denounce all religions... would you "Go Public" so to speak? I would probably shut myself up in a room somewhere for a very long time and reevaluate my life... the time that I had left the the time that I had spent... then I would continue on the path that I've all ready chosen. And I'd keep my mouth shut until someone asked me if I knew or what I thought.




I feel that living by the one rule "Do unto others as you would have done unto you." is the only way to treat people... its a wonderful philosophy of life that I hope I can embrace for the rest of mine.

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I'd have to say that not much would change.. Good people are good people with or without God. People that know no God or know many Gods still may have some "moral sense". ANd on the contrary, some people that still acknowlege God and a faith, ie; christianity live and act very immoraly sometimes... God does not = morality.

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Well its kinda hard saying that your always nice to people, because everyone sins and always hates someone. The majority of the time I am usually nice to people, and respect them as a person. I always appriciate my life and whoever gave it to me, as my parents did.. Then I would just live it and be the way I am now. Sometimes being nice feels good, and I like giving and watching people smile. You have much more friends being nice. I am a Cathlic and I don't go to church but I take Religious classes every wedsday and if I didn't beleive in god I wouldn't even go. If there wasn't god then I would have my wedsdays off lol. There would be alot of demolishin, cause I almost guarenteed god made me the way I am, and treat others. If there was no god there would be deaths, more suicides, hate, and negative world this would be.

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interesting hypothetical question cowboy. Since I'm a christian, my atuo-response is, that nothing would exist if ther was no God. But since the question is posed as one with existance without God, I'll reply this way.


To refute what Watchtower said(no surprise there eh Watch?), I think there is no such thing as a good person without God. Good things come only form God and since there is(in the question) no God, there would be no good. Similarly there would be no bad. Choice would not exist and life as we know it could nto exist.


Would I be kind? Huh, well I think society would be much more like it is with the animals currently. Live to survive and preserve your own species. If someone got butted in line at McDonalds, id club him/her with my 9 iron i carry around with me, becasue they gto in my way of food.


Same rules? What rules? Survival of the fitest would be the only rule I can think of that would apply to any life without God. Can there really be any thought of moral rules without a standard to first place them by? Who would think about anyone else besides themselves if we had no inner knowledge of that which we should do? Why would it matter if my mom was killed in a drunken brawl with my dad? I was born, thats all I can say about my mom.


Maybe this seems extreme, but I'm going off of my own experiance with humanity and life. Which isnt much yet. I'm only 19, so maybe I have more to see. But my faith in God shows me that life without Him is hopeless and frail and feverish. What Hope would there be without God? What Love would there be without God? What kindness? Peace? Joy? Self-control?


my two cents


jane | gfe

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I could never accuratley describe what i'd be like if there wasn't God. This is because I constantly feel his presence within me. If there was no God then I would be the equivalent to Satan himself. But because of the Holy Spirit, I have a much better control over my emotions and actions. I am a better person because of the Holy Spirit, and i believe whole heartedly that I am going to heaven...


It really is very hard for me to imagine a world without God.

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