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GG gfs mom, and my PS2!


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Well... ever since christmas... I have had a brand new PS2 controller... I havn't played my ps2 in about... 2 years. The reason for this is that my controller was broken, a cat chewed the cord in half... Well, i got the new controller for christmas, and brought it over to my girlfriends house, ps2 and controller. Well, ever since its been here... my girlfriends mom has decided that she would take over the living room TV instead of being in her bedroom as normal. I've asked her what caused the sudden change... yet, her responce is only dirty looks and "I don't know what you're talking about..." I don't mind it... but it was finally clear to me that she was doing this on purpose when she was playing Nintendo 64, and left it on for 6 hours, and told me I couldn't play my ps2 because she wasn't done playing N64. It really doesn't bother me that much, im just really surprised that a 39 year old woman.... could be so childish... so GG gfs mom.

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I used to be a gaming fanatic til i realized I started wasting money on them because I would beat them and never play them again aside from Final Fantasy's :( .


I used to be super good at DDR til i stopped playing 198612598 years ago but I can still do everything on maniac level :o .


I only want X-BOX for Ninja Gaiden same as I only want Gamecube for MGS:Twin snakes. The systems aren't worth my money tho so i'll just mooch off my friends and play at their house. Final fantasy is the best series ever created so I usually just followed where FF went which is why i'm a proud owner of PS2. Besides, X-2 is a fun game.


And don't tell me about that weirdo FF game thats going on gamecube cause it looks terrible :/ .


*edit* Check out my awsome new avatar :o .

Edited by TeK
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Hey, Manhunt is an AWESOME game for ps2. Viewtiful Joe and Zelda: Wind Waker are great for Gamecube. Best game for Xbox thus far is either Halo or Jedi Academy, close race. Those, in my opinion, are the best games for the three main systems going right now.

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DDR rocks but it is not the only good ps2 game.  There are more good PS2 games than XBox that is for sure  :( I have every console since the original NES with the exclusion of Jaguar, Saturn and 3D0  :P

Does that include the Sega Master System?

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Guest k3n
Guest k3n
Guest k3n

I just got a PS2 for xmas too. I play sports games online. name is um... go figure.. kenger. I really suck at em tho. Its fun tho.

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