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Cardio and Weight Training and Good Diet combined.

So today, thats what i started to do. I walked on the treadmill for about 15 min. then lifted weights. today i also started to calorie count. :o wow, is all i have to say... how many calories should one comsume in a day? thanks guys! :wub:

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when you work out your muscles this is (someone correct me if Im wrong) basically breaking the muscle tissue down and when it repairs itself it makes itself stronger. this is a process and takes time for the muscles to repair. if you did weight training to the same muscle everyday, it would not have time to fix itslef, therefore causing more damage than good.

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Guest k3n
Guest k3n
Guest k3n

weight training adds muscle.. muscle weighs more then fat. Why if ur tryin to lose weight are you doin weight liftin? I think swimmin and playin around you'll lose more weight. Just do normal stuff like play basketball, or racketball, or tennis. Something you move around a lot in.


Your right... weight training breaks muscle, then it reheals, but it rebuilds more.. adding more weight.. If you just want to lose weight just do stuff, instead of sitting playin cs and eatin a donut go play basketball and drink gatorade.


If you want that six pack and tone to ur muscles u got.. use light weights. And do 5 or 6 sets of 10 or more if u can. Do pushups, and situps. Your body should not hurt the next day... if it does you are using too much weight and you are building muscle, which is also good.


My freind has been going to the gym everyday for the last year. He spends 2 hours in there all the time if not more. He went from weighing 160 pounds to weighing 215. But he doesn't have a 6 pack, or any tone to his muscles, cause he just wants to get big. So he does heavy weights.

Edited by k3n
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Yep, I agree with most of that.


I didn't touch a weight for 9 weeks. If your goal is to lose weight, I would go cardio and diet. Forget the iron. Maybe some light stuff, who knows, but you could be putting your energy toward sweating and burning calories. If you have extra energy, run more, or eliptical more, or whatever you're doing.


Uncover the muscles. Then, once you can actually see them, decide from there.

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well, what i have been doing every day is, running/walking for about 15-25 min- around 2 miles. then i do squats (about 20 lbs + bar), then i do inner and outer thigh machines(40 lbs), then i do leg presses(40 lbs) all of my sets are the same too. about 3 sets - 10-15 reps. ideally what i am trying to do is lose weight while gaining some toneness to my arms, abs and upper/lower leg muscles.

i really have no idea what to do cuz i have always had personal trainers...but now i don't. but what you are saying is really helping. thanks :wub:

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sounds like you are on the right track...and i would disagree with the statement muscle weights more than fat...16oz of muscle = 16oz of fat. muscle just takes up more space :D and in the end you will feel and look better which is more important than what # is looking back at you on the scale.


and by adding muscle you increase your resting metabolic rate which in turns burns more fat while you do nothing...what could be better than that!


some toning excerises you could do:



lunges (legs/butt)

leg extensions (front of leg)

inner/outer thigh thingy (well...)

calve raises (calves)

squats (butt)



barbell arm curls (bicep)

tricep kickbacks (triceps)

barbell flys or cable cross-overs (chest)

side arm raises (shoulder)

front arm raises (shoulder)

rowing machine (back/lower back)

crunches (abs)


This is a quick summary off the top of my head...stay like you are doing for toneness use less weight with more reps. 3 sets of 12-15 reps.


If your concentration is on weight loss, do all cardio first, then finish with toning exercises. If muscle mass is goal, do all lifting first, then finish with cardio.

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This is the site I use to learn workouts. Since I don't have a job and can't go to a gym I just use the exercises it says on that site and other sites like it. Muscle does add more weight on but if you're looking to be "skinny" having a little muscle won't make you look too bulky. But if you overdo it too much then you'll look huge. Personally I'm going for the huge look so I eat alot more and hide from cardio. Which is stupid but I only like the feeling of lifting weights. I wish I could quit smoking but that's not possible, I've tried the gum, cold turkey, patches and everything, even pills. I take too many pills the way it is. So what I'd say to do is to try and have some weight training to build up the muscles which in turn will take away the fat. Also keep doing the cardio and have a good diet. Even if you don't like the "hungry" feeling you could eat fruit and stuff.
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and i would disagree with the statement muscle weights more than fat...16oz of muscle = 16oz of fat.  muscle just takes up more space 

This is just NOT true. Say you have a 5 lb blob of muscle sitting on the table and a 5lb blob of fat sitting next to it. The 5lb blob of fat will be 3 to 5 times the volume as the 5lbs of muscle. You can loose size without loosing weight. I found this website:




I can't claim that the website has any scientific backing. I'm currently going through my wife's nursing books to see if I can find the actual correlation. The 3 to 5 times range depends on who you talk to and I guess what kind of fat and muscle you are talking about.

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You're right, and that post wasn't an attempt to be cynical or mean. I guess he's right in the sense that weight is weight. But when it comes to health, I guess it makes more sense to me to think about it as fat loss instead of weight loss. Mini sorry if you found my reply offensive, it was not intended to be so.

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which is a sad reality kenger must live with, since most are... :(


Cardio will help a ton. having a high metabolism doesnt hurt either. :rolleyes:



All i do in the off season is eat and sit on my but in front of this very screen. I have put on 10 lbs, by the 2nd week of soccer i will be lean and mean...Although i want to keep on the weight, so i am going to be lifting like a madman.


For you trouble, cardio + crunches = mmmm, small weights will then easily tone your arms, 10-15lbs. or more if you are buff stuff.


keep us updated!

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