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Everything posted by anonymo

  1. I'm appalled this is even a question.
  2. Not sure if you've gone a head yet or not but if I can offer any advice... Don't bother with the 2500k, unless you plan on doing lots of OC'ing. The 2500 can OC to 3.8GHz no problem. Go 2x4Gb sticks with the ram - should be able to find decent stuff for about $60 for both sticks CoolerMaster 690 II Advanced
  3. It's sad to see such a great man pass. I admired Steve for so many things, namely his ruthlessness as a CEO. Any man that can take a shaky company like Apple in the 90's to what it is today definitely should be admired. It took a lot of balls to cancel all of Apple's charitable campaigns so he could bolster his bottom lines. Then, admittedly stealing every piece of innovative technology up to the day he died was a true sign of strength in this cuthroat industry. Survival of the fittest. Just look at his zealots, so blindly praising the neutered existence Steve told them was amazing. And just one more thing, what are we going to do now? Who is going to tell us what we don't need, and why we should pay twice as much for it? I don't know...I just don't know. You'll be missed Steve...one more feature we can do without I guess. Good night sweet prince...if only you had a replaceable battery...
  4. FTFY Geez, you're invisible for over a year, then all of the sudden you come back with a vengeance... I ran out of money to support my going out to meet women habit, so it's back to video games. Should have never left. Women hate it when I try and use iron sights.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGfm0Xaofns&feature=player_embedded
  6. Thanks guys! Sam, I put this out as soon as I make it...though I don't leave them up on soundcloud forever as most of them are works in progress. With any luck (like if my 360 craps out again before Skyrim releases) I might have an EP finished for christmas...DO NOT ROOT FOR MY 360 CRAP OUT, that is mean!
  7. I hope you got your malaria shot! my best friend balked at this and when he called me from a hospital in Sydney to tell me contracted malaria I laughed at him for a good minute. A good "HAW HAW HAW" mocking laugh. Have fun buddy, don't drink the native "tea" if you go to PNG, take a tennis racket for the bugs and don't bother buying games off Steam while you're there, they get gouged. OH OH...and don't forget your gravity boots. I'd hate to see you fall off the planet. Bring me back one of those endangered flightless parrots that are super intelligent. I know, I have boiler but some other bird got him.
  8. Quoting this in the CD liner (what's a CD?)
  9. http://soundcloud.com/the_lindak/hamhswbwyiam-teaser
  10. It's like...like...from the past or something... Just in case HDMI cables are an issue for anyone...still... Monoprice!
  11. I mean...I'd be cool with it if you had spent your money on Warhammer 40k: Space Marine...but Gears? WHAT ARE YOU A SONY FANBOY? GONNA BUY A MAC SOON? Yeah I went there.
  12. Gears of what? SERIOUSLY? Gears of bore Dead Island is the most fun I've had in a video game since...I don't know, Fallout 3? Oh maybe Red Dead Redemption...
  13. I know some folks have it for PC, but anyone get it for 360? I'm looking for a reason to get XBL again, let me know! GT = II4nonymoII (those are capitol "i"s)
  14. Dead Island will ween me off DE:HR but for how long?
  15. Some of my fondest memories from university were 8 people system link matches in blood gulch all night long. Running from one room to the other to punch your drunk friend in the head because he stuck you with a grenade...priceless
  16. Apparently Valve has been demoing the current build to some pro teams and are making changes (over night in some cases) to reflect their feedback - so don't expect the final product to be exactly as it appears in the short trailers we're seeing so far. I'd link to the article but I can't find it anywhere. Also, since I highly doubt Valve is going to attempt to sell this as stand alone (for consoles at least - considering past attempts) I expect it to be bundled with another game in the same vein as the Orange Box. That's purely speculation , but it wouldn't surprise me one bit if when they announce the actual release date of CS:GO that it will come as a bundle with EP3. Valve knows they don't need to so much as advertise EP3, don't need to plaster the internet with videos or screen shots, they could just release it and everyone would buy it no questions asked.
  17. The video says that there will be a matchmaking (5v5) service for PC, MAC, 360 and PS3 but there will also be private servers for PC and MAC We nerfed your grenades in the server config...I MEANT TO TELL YOU SOONER
  18. Do not watch this at work, unless you have a clean pair of underwear handy...
  19. We sure love our innuendo!
  20. Jackie's asian and we put up with him so I figure you're good
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