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Sgt. Spuds

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Everything posted by Sgt. Spuds

  1. Well, tonight got bad at 7:40 when I got a call from a girl I was gonna go out with tonight yelling at me b/c I forgot to pick her up ( it happens, right? ) but anyways. So, at home, what to do? Well at 9:00 my dad and I sit down and pop in the next Band-of-Brothers DVD, we get about 30 mins into it, and the phone rings... No one calls the house phone this late. So, I jump up, grab the phone, no one there. My first thought was my mom was drunk again calling me... So I check the caller ID, nope, its my grandfathers cell. wow, thats weird. Every friday they go to dinner with my aunt sally and uncle joe. Well, I call back and hand the phone to my dad. My grandpa picks up and yadda yadda yadda so on and so forth and he hangs up. They were involved in a collision out on route 60 on this side of i80. Well, we get our coats and head over to Illini hospital and wait for them to get there, meanwhile we call my aunts and uncles. They get there, my Grand parents that is, and they are wheeled in, looking pretty good * my grandmother just turned 80 years old * but I sinced my grandma was in pain. Turns out what happend was some young gal was trying to commit suicide * the cops think, only way someone would have done this * so she had her car ( black ) parked sideways on the 2 lane road, lights off, right over the creast of a hill. My grandparents are on their way back home, and WAM, broad side this car, I heard it opend the car up like a can of sardiens. Luckly my grandparents drive a nice mercury ( they get a new one each year just about ) and were wearing their safty belts. My grandmother has 2 broken ribs from the seat belt, and my grandfathers ankle and wrists are sprained... I just got back from the hospital, so Id make a post about it... -Spud
  2. I have been playing stricktly surf maps lately, anyone else? Surf_*mapname* So ad 'surf' to your filter, play around with it, your gonna be a noob at first most likely, but its fun!
  3. *mumbled shouting and strugling from his costume* HEY GET ME OUT OF HERE!!
  4. Only pistol i buy is the glock. I love the glock...
  5. Well, I like the SGT, so I addedit. I used to be Teh-Banned-One, but I changed it to my cats name... dont ask me why, just did, sounded cool with the sgt...
  6. Clue, are you a contractor? Ive done my share of home remodeling with my father in the summers, its amazing how much you can learn by just trying stuff, good luck lunk! PS, dont shoot a nail through your finger when nailing outside corners... ouch.
  7. LOL ive went through 6 or 7 foot of solder when i first got my weller. Melted it in a ash tray lol, its fun!
  8. thank god, and if youve got a sub, i also would have to ask ya to turn it down if your at a stop light, theres nothing that I hate more than having to sit at a stop light next to some 17 year old, baby faced kid with bleached blond hair, sitting in a 1986 caviler with the stero cranked so high that ever peice of loose rust is flaping around... GRRR Not saying anything about you, but i was forced to sit through that today... grrr Looks good othewise, is that a actually computer in your car? Or is it just a lap top sitting in there? I take it you have wireless in your house?
  9. they view women for breeding only, if thet want to have 'fun', they get a man.
  10. Im a fan of turbo's. Superchargers are nice, but the rob power slightly from running them off the crank, turbo's, well large ones, have spool time, but in a auto, just get a higher stall, and in a stick, just keep it spooled up, smaller turbos spool very fast so its not a big deal. I would however, never run a under the hood turbo... STS makes a great remote mounted turbo, mounts were the muffler mounts of f-bodies, only bad thing about it is if you want to intercool it ( witch isnt necc on the remote mounts, since they run very cool anyways ) you have a lot of pipeing to deal with.
  11. If you like the dead, and your a fan of talent, I suggest you check out Jerry's first band, "Old and in the way" Hes amazing, its mostly banjo picking and hte like, but I hate country, and love this, its just wierd like that.
  12. SHE looks wolfy lol. I hate her, well, actually I dont like many dogs. Jimmi's warming up to the dog lol.
  13. Heres the uber-m34n, aka Jade * name change *
  14. Whats the matter with kiss? I wasnt really a huge fan till I seen em live when they opend for Aerosmith! Gotta love 50 year old men in makeup! Now that they are used to the house, they are warming up to eachother, the dogs still another story...
  15. This is a manufactored home, so if you live in one also, could be the same brand * ours is a 99 * Mines 8 months, and hers is 5 months. I gotta wait for them to sleep so I can get some good pics, they wont look at the camera! lol
  16. Noice, I just re-started steam, 100% improvement, much easier to use. I love thie tabs at the bottom of the expanded screen! I used to use the gray screen, but now I can adjust. LOL Check friends list! - The Friends network is undergoing repairs right now. We will send out news when the system is ready to use again. Sorry for the inconvenience! - No problem with the inconvenience, weve waited 5 years for friends list, we can wait a few more...
  17. Eh, im going to community college then.. Screw no dod:s
  18. Seen em live ;-) !!!!, they put on a good show... lol, jimmi was up in my bed last night ( hate it, but it can be cute i guess lol ) and he was trying to get my toes under my sheets... weird little guy.. Woke up and heard during the night he had went into my step sisters room and scared her cat out of their, and now we cant find hers ( shes hidding lol )
  19. Eh, sorry Jackie, meybe next time. Mines Jimmi and my sisters is Precious
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