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Everything posted by Kilzugud

  1. or not.... why doesnt some hot chick come along and abduct me?? what is wrong with our country??
  2. lol, do it up, another good one gorne, thx for the bonus one too!!
  3. LOL, you guys find the funniest things around here!!
  4. sweet, well keep me updated and thxs for gettin back to me so speedy!!
  5. lol decoy, like you ever have to explain yourself to me...its deffinately all good buddy, i am gettin used to everyones personalities arnd here, lets have some fun!!
  6. wow, how crazy is that......
  7. we were screamin at the top of our lungs dont shoot dont shoot and that fool just lobbed it up there, lol, its all good, i'll just sick the three shotgun stuges on him.....anonymo, dashboard jebus, and crash and it will be all ova!!
  8. it is so sick, i cant believe how long i sit on here every day playn and playn, by the end of the day i havent done jack and i just go to bed knowin that i am gonna wake up and jump right back on. lol. i think this is right up there with heroin and cocain.
  9. ooo real wrestling of course.... ok... french fries or tator tots?
  10. nice!!! i remember the old school timez! when you gonna get on source?
  11. well then to many more from here on out then i guess
  12. Kilzugud

    Moving on

    good luck mag, take it easy!!
  13. lol decoy, we weren't hinting at anything....but your deffensiveness is somewhat shocking......what did you put in that cake?? lol, just kidding buddy, frag ya lata.
  14. lol, well there are alot of new ppls on, myself included, hope you can still keep up, hehehe.
  15. lol....hey... wait a sec.... .....that wasnt very nice. lol. good luck gorne, sounded like a challenge to me to keep it up for a month.
  16. Duke i dont think i have met you in there yet. some of the other guys have seen me around here and there, but i just spent like an hour at least reading all of this. i gotta admit, its hard to hear about everything, like you said..."what a rollercoaster" but hang in there and keep your faith in what you believe and know that everyone is here reading, responding, praying, all doing there own thing to support you and let you know that we are here. i dont know you but we are all brothers in christ. i will deffinately pray for her and your family. if its ok i would like to share this with the ppl in my small group at church so that they can pray for all of you too. good luck with everything and know that God is there when ever you need him!!
  17. LOL, thats good stuff LCD!!
  18. lol, took the words out of my mouth, and as for the frankenstien scene.....could have done without!!
  19. was great, deffinately worth the money and time that was spent!!
  20. Awesome!! i have seen it twice now. when i saw it, went right back the next day and saw it again. i agree with LCD..... "Christian Bale = one great batman!"
  21. mmm good chicken of the sea Sports, play em, or watch em
  22. where do you guys usually play?? i see alotta faces in here i never see in scopeless.
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