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Everything posted by Peckles

  1. Hah, that's great. I wondered what the heck you guys were talking about.
  2. I got attacked by a jellyfish. Had to get a sting operation.

    1. Biggs


      Someone waited around for you in a van then jumped and real quick-like and peed on your jellyfish wound?

    2. Fairweather


      there's jellyfish in alberta? I call shenanigans!

    3. Cinkadeus


      There are, Fairweather, they're just polite about it.


  3. Tried some new pants. Left me breathless.

    1. lousiest
    2. Biggs


      You need to find larger pants--maybe with elastic?

    3. Biggs


      Or just stop wearing pants around your neck.

  4. Don't think my warranty covers water damage.
  5. I hear that Italian cruise ship captain got sentenced to anchor management.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Biggs


      Are you a comedian? Honestly, now.

    3. Peckles


      Why yes, I am. Of sorts, anyway. Have you seen my site? http://www.oatpoets.com/

    4. MPG1770


      My friend won a Mediterranean Cruise on the lettery, it was a roll-over.

  6. Seems a little surreal when 2 of the most prominent politicians are a glove and an amphibian.

  7. Sometimes I wear a shirt that's slightly too small for me so it feels like I'm getting a cuddle.

  8. I'm ok with having to re-dig my holes. Also gives me an opportunity to annex another village.
  9. Keep it Greasy - Frank Zappa Where will I be in ten years?
  10. Just have to track people's whereabouts by coordinates, like the olden days.
  11. You find a 'Lion in a Coma' - Animal Collective. Why shouldn't I put my finger in your ear?
  12. Oat Poets are a year old! Yay! http://www.oatpoets.com/

    1. onyxdragoon


      Give me a new music video!

    2. Peckles


      I could make a poor quality one on my own if you'd like...

  13. A day late, but we're a year old! Hurray! This track is about the Mighty Ducks movies from the 90s, and it's called 'The Only Way is Conway'. I do drop an F-bomb in the song. You can find it our our page: The Oat Poets On SoundCloud! And on ReverbNation!
  14. Went for a walk. It was delicious.

    1. Fairweather


      pics or it didn't happen

  15. You have to watch out for dyslexics holding gnus.

    1. lousiest


      cause they might accidentally shoot themselves?

    2. samurai nightling

      samurai nightling

      No, they might say "Sky for the reach!"

  16. I used to be a birdwatcher like you, then I took a sparrow to the knee.

    1. onyxdragoon
    2. JackieChan


      I used to laugh at arrow in the knee jokes, then I took an over-saturated joke to the sense of humor.

  17. Oh look, a new year is on the horizon! You know the song 'Auld Lang Syne'? Well, this is a parody of it about trigonometry! Makes perfect sense! Anyway, here it is, it's called 'Tan Cos Sin'. Listen to it here: Oat Poets Or here, on our SoundCloud page: Oat Poets SoundCloud
  18. I poisoned my dog so he can't keep chasing that baby giraffe.

  19. I don't even really remember what I was doing in this map. So starting over is probably fine with me.
  20. So to celebrate the holidays, my partner in crime has created a version of Earth Wind & Fire's 'September', called 'December'. It's got 8-bit instruments and vocoded vocals. Lyrics are open to interpretation, if anyone cares to guess. Since they're not overly understandable. I can post them if people really want. Anyway, listen to it on our website, share, and enjoy! Oat Poets
  21. Yay! New song! It's about getting an arrow to the knee! http://www.oatpoets.com/monthlydouble.html

    1. boiler


      I used to be a songwriter like you, but then I... well.... you know...

  22. Have you heard of Skyrim? Apparently it's pretty cool. It also has a great many NPCs that have taken arrows to their knees. Weird. Anyway, here's a song about what those NPCs must feel. It is creatively called Arrow to the Knee. Oat Poets Share and Enjoy!
  23. A man died after choking on a raisin. You might say...*sunglasses* he was a victim of grape.

    1. Cinkadeus



    2. boiler


      I'm David Caruso, and I approv....*BOOMHEADSHOT*

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