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Everything posted by aMnesiac

  1. Yeah it's def not Godzilla. Supposedly it's going to be filmed at street level while the "thing" is rampaging through the city. What I mean is it's going to have a Blair Witch kind of feel since it's being shot as if the characters were holding DVRs. They may even be using DVRs, I don't remember what site I read this off of, but the concept sounds cool. I'm intrigued!
  2. Btw the movie is called Cloverfield I didn't see the HD trailer yet... nice! I saw this on the opening day of Transformers and went crazy trying to find info on it. There's not much at the moment. Edit: I guess at the time I looked, the movie was called Cloverfield but now one of the links you posted said that Cloverfield isn't the final name of the movie.
  3. yeah it was release a couple of days ago. it's still a tad buggy, i like a lot of things about the game, but they really need to have objectives easier to find. maybe that's just the commander's duty but from a design perspective, it's great to make things realistic but if a main gameplay element isn't being used, you have to tweak things so that the user will know what to do. there have been so many time i have no idea what i'm supposed to be doing in a map even after reading the information at the beginning of the map. the mod has a lot of potential.
  4. so what's an acceptable amount now?
  5. we should have stats even if you don't like them. the majority of people like them and our server already has rules to follow, we should let them enjoy something simple like this... i'm with sj - hlstatsx
  6. best part of the story - the reason he gave for kickin booty: "I wouldn't want my wife to give me hell for lettin' that guy get my money," he said with a smile.
  7. I want to try this tonight...
  8. I'm a nub, what does NFO stand for?
  9. I read the topic and thought they were making new episodes... you ruined my day.
  10. we'll have to wait for renn to come in and check out the post...
  11. siena and nightfever are terrible maps, even if they are custom...Id rather play 24/7 office than play siena or nightfever siena is something i can live with, but nightfever is horrid.
  12. haha they had a robot chicken marathon of that on sunday. there were like 2 or 3 episodes looped for a while. the cantina scene is the best haha.
  13. oman i hope so... that would be awesome!
  14. I always auto as well. If a team really needs help I'll switch. I've swapped players to other teams before because no one was switching. Most of the admins don't do this and don't ask, at least not while I've been playing. All we need to do is ask and like someone said, swap forcefully if need be. The players and regulars also have their part in it too. If you're a regular and a good player, why does someone need to ask you to switch? Just do it, that's what I do. I understand sometimes it sucks to see your kd ratio go to crap because your team is getting owned. On the other hand, when there's balance and the skill level is similar on both sides, it makes for a much more enjoyable experience.
  15. Lol...mod BURN! I don't beleive this for a second. If it were treu yuo'd not only recieve an emial from Steam but your credit card compnay wuold also contact you and infrom you that you number wuold be changing. If VISA knew you were compromised they'll halt your card immediately (like when I bought 400 Euros in Rome on my VISA without telling them I was there...20 mins later my card was on hold) oman, that's awesome. gj fatty.
  16. I've been home sick the last few day and tried to play on west. I usually get one other person to get on. At the most, it has been 3 on 3. It's been frustrating to say the least.
  17. I logged on two nights ago (had soccer practice last night and a friend over) and the server was at 20 people. I could see the day traffic being lower, but overall, is night traffic still as low?
  18. aMnesiac


    I'd be down to do some custom map searching LATE tonight after the gym (and work). I'm pretty familiar with FPS Banana. I can help out at certain times but I doubt I'll have time to plan events.
  19. I have to admit I miss stock, I can play a good couple maps with GG then I lose interest. I used to play 6-10 in a row. EDIT: I just went on immut and there was no traffic
  20. aMnesiac


    I also think part of the problem was/is that the admins weren't there all the time to support west. I know I fell off due to playing wow again for a bit, going back to the gym, etc. As much as I'd like to say it was stock that did it, I know people like myself had a part in it. I'd like to say that I wish there had been some sort of announcement about this change but I don't really know how much that would have affected the outcome of this decision. I think most people just want to be communicated to that decisions are going to be made and have input on them before they are finalized. I support poke and the decisions that have been made by everyone, but that may not mean that I agree with them. The thing is people may not agree with west not being stock because we really like playing in that environment. As you can see from people still coming up with solutions after the decision has been made, people won't give up or lose the feeling of wanting to have west like it used to be. I think this is totally acceptable as long as we all support things moving forward. I just wanted to make that point, I know that gc has been around way before I joined and it will continue to do so and I know that you all have dealt with this before. I'm just trying to explain why some of us feel the way we do. Looking ahead... here's to having fun in a new environment.
  21. aMnesiac


    That's fine by me, you guys put in all the hard work and I know leading can be trying at times. I am curious if traffic does increase and stabilize, would the LAs be open to a change back to a stock environment?
  22. aMnesiac


    One of the reasons why I paid for membership and eventually became an admin was because of the atmosphere in a stock cs:s environment. I understand that traffic has been low lately but I think a lot of people joined for the same reason. I haven't been involved lately but I agree with shaft 100%, gun game IS fun but I really enjoy stock cs:s a lot more. EDIT: This is not a threat from me and I don't want this to be taken the wrong way but I think things like west going to gun game would greatly influence the vote of renewals. You may want to do another vote for renewals with west being gun game and not stock. EDIT 2: It was fun getting shot a lot by you last night poke... heh, good times.
  23. aMnesiac


    So poke said west will be a gun game server permanently? Is this true? If so, was that up for discussion and did I miss something? I've been inactive lately due to some personal matters and I surprised to see what happened. Did this have something to do with the low traffic on west lately?
  24. applied, disturbed, ambiance in that order... applied is really nice, let's go for something new
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