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Everything posted by Ringadon

  1. Ringadon

    44lb cat

    Well you see in China..... oh wait no, that's dogs.... Actually I think that it's cats too. Not sure but that's my impression. Cap.: Ailurophiles (like myself) understand that a cat's purpose in life is to be fed and petted regularly.
  2. [utube]XC73PHdQX04[/utube] Welcome Back = WB (either that or Warner Bros. but I don't think that's what he meant)
  3. Yes nice list. While I don't believe that we're going to care that much about weather people have their graphic variables exactly right it is nice to know what official CAL rules are. In moments where problems arise it is good to have some sort of idea off of which to base your own decision. I'm not advocating for adoption of CAL rules here, I'm just saying that it's a nice sort of springboard for our own regulations on the matter. Also as far as I know the all that crap you mentioned are the out of the box specs, that's not a list of stuff you have to change your card to it's a list of stuff that you shouldn't change your card away from. For all I know I'm wrong but that's my perspective on it. Ring
  4. So I'm in game right and having a bit of a conversation with some other players and we get into a bit of a disagreement over what constitutes and exploit. So I'm bringing it right back to the community. What makes something exploitative. What are some exploits we can agree are meritorious of punishment etc.? The floor for discussion is now open. Ring
  5. "That's an iHouse" lol Ring
  6. well woot be selling a dyson today and only today (that is to say for about another 24 hours for $250 respiffed if you care.
  7. I'd reccomend that the JimJeff ban be a temp one
  8. yeah... about that there's been something I've been kind of curious about recently. I sent an admin app in om march the 5th and still haven't heard anything about it other than confirmation of receipt. I was wondering what the usual time line is on application processing is. Ring
  9. I got an e-mail saying but when I click the link I get Now I'm not sure exactly what the probelm is in there be it the topic I was sent or permissions on the forums but I'm pretty sure that there's something wrong here. Ring
  10. weeness as in being wee (small)
  11. ok... who are you again... Nah I'm just kidding. WELCOME TO THE FORUMS!!!!!!!!! Ring
  12. I'm currently trying my hand at writing a short detective satire. I've gotten 2 installments of it up on my Deviantart page and I'm looking for some feedback. Now I realize that it's probably sub par work but that's why I'm trying to get input because I know that I can't manage to become a better writer until I know what I'm doing right and wrong. So any sort of constructive comment is appreciated. Ring
  13. He also played the Guitar for the 700 Hobo Name Project. Not bad there Peck. Ring
  14. If it had been me I'd have given them some erroneous info and had a little fun. Just to see how long they'd keep up the charade. Good times none the less. Ring
  15. I can't see what problem you are referring to here Zero. I just went over the threads in question. Each time reasonable questions are asked and each time your response doesn't quite completely answer the question. Then you get frustrated with the admins for re-asking the question, say that you already answered it and get impatient when nothing happens. I've learned that when a person asks you (and I'm using the general you here not you, zero, you) to answer a question again they didn't understand the answer provided. I that case a new answer needs to be made so that general understanding can be reached. The reason, at least as far as I can gauge seeing as I am not m2 nor am I related to him or have a special incite into his psychology, that m2 put that lolbear in the post is because there have now been several instances of the above stated cycle. (that'd be why I'd have done it if I were him (have I stressed enough that this is just an opinion?)) Really all that can be offered in terms of advise on how to resolve the issue has already been offered: Talk it out with m2, and if that doesn't work talk to someone on the board, but you need to avoid any accusations at m2, even if he has crossed the line there is no reasonable excuse for you to as well. Don't lower yourself to the level you think other people are acting at, it makes you look better and them look worse. Ring
  16. Ringadon


    I'm a bigger fan of this one myself.
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