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Everything posted by SwOOp

  1. That's awesome Vance! Hopefully everything works out, it'll be good to see you again, and meet the Mrs. Keep us posted.
  2. nailgun? they gonna be building houses in quake 4?
  3. lol, as soon as I read where the admin said "cry me a river" I knew Lunk was the admin in question.
  4. There's an awful lot of lagginess on chateau.
  5. Hmmm. now that I think about it ZD, you may be on to something here, cuz if Gman is pimping Gordon out to the highest bidder, and there are 2 sides to this war, since we know Gman was talking to Col. Sheperd in the game and due to the ending, we can safely say the resistance paid the most for services rendered. But....... what with the freezeframe at the end and the time travel factor thrown into the game, perhaps the other side has up'd their ante and know Gman is going to send Gordon to the other side, so HL3 would be similar to how opposing force was to halflife.
  6. I think Gordon is in some kind of virtual reality thing, being ran through tasks before being sent on "real" assignments.
  7. Don't worry, my daughter is not going to see hide nor hair of this game, thanks for the concern.
  8. I like throwing the paintcans in the faces of the guys with the grav gun, it's hilarious, try it if you haven't yet. And I also noticed in the airboat when you get to the dock where you have to blow open the end of the trailer to go around the underside of the dock to make the jump into the tunnel...... you can jump the timbers instead to get under the dock, but it won't allow you to make the jump until you go around and blow the trailer door out. I tried making it numerous times and it kept acting like I was hitting something metal, so drove around the dock to the trailer and blew the door out then I was able to make the jump. That makes me think that although there is quite a bit a free environment travel it won't let you move on unless the steps they think should be done are done. I hope this post didn't confuse anyone, cause after reading over it, I could see how it could.
  9. Those darned wallclimbers scare the bejeezus outta me, playing at midnight with all the lights out is bad on the nerves.
  10. We may have stayed up all through the night, but everybody was laughing their keester's off. There's just something strangely hilarious when 4-5 guys almost laugh so hard they lose consciousness from air deprivation.
  11. I'm in there like swimwear.
  12. Ace no one but you can decide when the right time is to pop the question. But if you are certain that she is the one for you, you can ask whenever you want and set the date for the wedding down the road a bit. I got married at 21 and have been with my wife 7 years now and still don't have any end in sight. Sometimes waiting to get married until you are financially set can pay off, but at the same time so can going through times that are rough together. So all in all the decision is yours.
  13. Heck yeah Vance, where the astronaught pants and they will be so over come by the thoughts of strippers and blow that it'll be easy pickens. Really though, be safe man, and look out for yourself and your group as I'm sure you will. Drop me a line when you get back.
  14. I in the very rare occasion you do get you pick with dubya, you have to, HAVE TO, flash the shocker. That woudl just be the sweetest pic ever.
  15. My greatest rivalry is work. somehow it manages to keep me from getting any kills at all.
  16. I used to play one that was a blast to play with 2 players, called "scorched earth" there wasn't a whole lot to it. Just set the degree of angle on your shot and calculate for wind speed, but man was it fun, and the little captions the dudes said were hilarious. Police Quest was another one I played, but I always had a problem when it came time to the driving of the police car. Another that comes to mind would be leisure suit larry, a real man's game!! It's all about trying to score.
  17. Got a few old school wav's here for some of ya: The scariest sound that freaked me out while playing AD&D. Clicky Doug these 2 will give ya some flashbacks One , Two Classic tron sound here from the deadly discs. The site I got these from also have the "B-17 bomber" wav. But they had a lot of the games wav's zipped together. So if you were a b-17 bomber fan, the download is well worth it. Long live Pooyan!
  18. SwOOp

    Soooo BORED

    "Search your feelings"
  19. Ya I remember, when we played sinistar, it used to make me about pee my pants when he would scream and come after you, I remember jumping up and down and yelling everytime.
  20. I got em all right, man that brings back memories, had everyone of those games, me and Dweez had a ton of fun playing combat for the atari. There were a couple I struggled with, but they also had hints in the captioning that helped pick the right answer.
  21. SwOOp

    Florida bound

    Well, I am back home now, thanks for support and concern shown. The areas we worked were Ft. Lauderdale, Broward county (alway on cops, yet all the thugs and quote unquote shady characters were elated to see us and everyone showed us gratitude and kindness, although I think if they had seen any of the workers from FP&L they would have shot them.), Plantation, Pompano Beach, and all around the West Palm area. We got Donald Trumps big castlelike estate back on and got a tour of it, Cris Carter's, and whoever the owner of the miami dolphins is, to name a few. Everyone we encountered was very grateful and it felt good to be appreciated like that, although none of them had anything nice to say about FP&L, Our company (Cinergy) got more people back in lights than any of the other outside companies (we are still waiting to hear the exact restoration numbers). Our company sent a total of less than 100 lineman, and there were over 15,000 lineman there total, so picking up the most customers having that few of guys was some feat. However it looks like I may be heading down to Alabama before too long to restore the damage done by Ivan. Our company is sending crews down this Tuesday to start and then we will probably be sending more in the weeks to come. But is good to be home and sorry I wasn't able to keep in touch while I was down there, the hotel we were staying at (the Wyndam) had a public computer that you had to use a credit card on which I wasn't going to use, but they had hook ups in all the rooms but I had no laptop.
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